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Dialogue for Martha Rastello, second head of the Water Merchants


{100}{}{You see a Master Merchant}
{101}{}{Arrest this thief!}
{102}{}{...I don't care what they say. We need new parts... Oh, yes. Sorry. What can I do for you?}
{103}{}{I want a job.}
{104}{}{Do you have a water chip?}
{105}{}{Nothing, bye.}
{107}{}{Sure, great. You're hired. Wait. What position? Oh, caravan guard right? Yeah, sure. You can work for us. You look okay. Anything else?}
{109}{}{Yes, do you have a water chip?}
{111}{}{Sorry, no time for nonsense!}
{112}{}{Water chip... hmm. Oh, those old Vault purifying control chips. Well, I'm sure I speak for the entire town when I say you won't find one here. Without the proper equipment they're worthless. Only a Vault, or maybe Necropolis would have any use for one. Why do you ask?}
{113}{}{Necropolis? Why would they need one?}
{114}{}{My vault's chip broke and I'm looking for a replacement.}
{115}{}{Just curious.}
{116}{}{I can't say.}
{117}{}{Really? Well as you probably have heard, we supply a great deal of water throughout the area. I am sure we could arrange to send a caravan up to your Vault for a fee.}
{118}{}{How much are we talking about?}
{119}{}{I don't know if I can trust you.}
{120}{}{No thanks.}
{121}{}{Yeah, if you say so.}
{122}{}{Then I'm sorry, I don't think I can help.}
{123}{}{Can't trust me?!? I'm routinely trusted to deliver water to people far more paranoid than yourself! What do you think we are? Terrorists?}
{124}{}{Okay fine. How much money do you want to start the Caravans.}
{125}{}{I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply anything, but I can't take the risk.}
{126}{}{Well, if you change your mind let me know. I'm very curious now.}
{127}{}{Hello again.}
{128}{}{I need a water chip.}
{129}{}{I'm still looking for a water chip.}
{130}{}{I want a job.}
{132}{}{Sure, great. You're hired. Wait. What position? Oh, caravan guard right? Yeah, sure. You can work for us. You look okay.}
{133}{}{We already went through this. Are you willing to pay the price to have the water caravans start?}
{134}{}{Earlier you mentioned that Necropolis might have a water chip. Why would they need one?}
{135}{}{How much are we talking about?}
{136}{}{No, not yet.}
{137}{}{Well, it's just a guess really. We tried to start a caravan route to Necropolis once, but they refused to trade with us. Nobody in their right mind refuses water these days unless they have a reliable supply. I figure they must have their own purifier or they would have died out a long time ago. So are you looking to have us go up to your Vault?}
{138}{}{Yes, how much is it going to cost me?}
{139}{}{No thanks.}
{140}{}{Well, it is quite a distance away. 2000 caps should cover the initial caravan, and I'm sure your Vault will have stuff to trade to keep us going for a while. However with our current reserves, I'm guessing that we will only be able to keep your Vault going for an extra 100 days or so.}
{141}{}{Alright, here is the money.}
{142}{}{The Vault should be able to take care of most of your initial payment. Why don't I give you 1000 instead to start.}
{143}{}{It is quite a ways, but the Vault has plenty of goods to reimburse you for your upfront money. So, how about 500 instead?}
{144}{}{I don't have the cash, I'll come back when I do.}
{145}{}{It looks like you don't have enough money, come back when you do. Remember you need }
{146}{}{ caps.}
{147}{}{Ok, I can start sending the caravans up to your Vault today. Now you ought to know, the caravans are pretty visible going across the desert. So, sending the caravans out that way is going to paint a pretty good picture for anyone that might be looking for your Vault. Are you still sure you want them sent out that way?}
{148}{}{I guess not.}
{149}{}{Yes, the Vault needs water.}
{150}{}{That sounds fair enough. The technology from the Vaults can fetch a pretty good price down here in the Hub.}
{151}{}{Sorry but I can only accept full payment.}
{152}{}{That sounds fair enough. The technology from the Vaults can fetch a pretty good price down here in the Hub.}
{153}{}{Sorry but I can only accept full payment.}
{154}{}{Are you going to pay the amount I asked for to get the water caravans rolling?}
{155}{}{Ok, they'll start off in a few hours.}
{156}{}{I'm sorry, but the Water Merchants will not associate with you any longer.}
{157}{}{Do you have the }
{158}{}{ caps for us to start the water caravan to your vault?}
