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Fallout Wiki

Chairman Mao Zedong was the founder and First Chairman of the People's Republic of China and would also develop a variety of Marxism–Leninism called Maoism[1] for realizing the socialist revolution in China.


Mao converted to Marxism-Leninism around 1919, where he became a founding member to the Communist Party of China and led the Autumn Harvest Uprising in 1927 and would develop his own communist theory: Maoism.

During the following Chinese Civil War (1927–1936 and 1946–1950), Mao helped to found the Red Army, which was successful in defeating the Chinese nationalists and ended the Chinese Civil War. The wars were marked by numerous atrocities perpetrated by both sides.

On October 1, 1949, Mao declared the foundation of the People's Republic of China, a single party state controlled with an iron fist by the Communist Party of China.


Mao Zedong is not directly mentioned in the Fallout series, but his existence is implied through a pre-War movie mentioned in Fallout 3 and Fallout 76, the anti-Communist propaganda film I Married a Maoist.

