Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Message box for John Bishop's safe.


{100}{}{You see a safe set securely into the wall. It is closed.}
{150}{}{You see a safe set securely into the wall. It is open.}
{200}{}{(There is a little door in the wall. A very, very small perhsun must live inside! There is a doorknob with numbers on it in the middle of the door.)}
{000}{}{(You examine the wall safe. It looks securely fastened into the wall and has a combination dial on the outside.)}
{000}{}{Knock on door}
{000}{}{Turn the knob}
{000}{}{Wander off}
{000}{}{Spin the dial, listen for clicking noises.}
{000}{}{Spin the dial, listen for clicking noises.}
{000}{}{Spin the dial, listen for clicking noises.}
{000}{}{Spin the dial randomly.}
{000}{}{Examine the safe for the trap Mrs. Bishop mentioned.}
{000}{}{Examine the safe for traps.}
{000}{}{Leave the safe alone.}
# 3. SAFE IS OPEN (WTG, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8)
{220}{}{(There is a KER-KLANK, and the safe opens.)}
{000}{}{(The safe is open.)}
{000}{}{(The door swings open. Th' inside of the tiny house is reeeally dark. And small.)}
{000}{}{(The door is open! Th' inside is reeeally dark. And small.)}
{000}{}{Search the house for people}
{000}{}{Wander off}
{000}{}{Loot the safe.}
{000}{}{Leave the safe alone.}
# 4. TRAPS, SUCCESS . . . ? (2, 6)
{230}{}{(Close inspection reveals a small cube of plastic explosive set into the wall just beneath the safe, primed to go off if the user enters the wrong combination. It was covered with a thin layer of plaster to disguise it.)}
{000}{}{Try and disarm the trap.}
{000}{}{Reset the trap to work with a different combination.}
{000}{}{Leave the safe alone.}
# 5. CLICKING (2, 5, 6, 8)
{240}{}{(You turn the dial slowly for several minutes, but you can't make out anything.)}
{000}{}{Spin the dial, listen for clicking noises.}
{000}{}{Spin the dial, listen for clicking noises.}
{000}{}{Spin the dial, listen for clicking noises.}
{000}{}{Spin the dial randomly.}
{000}{}{Leave the safe alone.}
# 6. TRAPS . . . ? (2, 6)
{250}{}{(You don't find any traps on the safe.)}
{000}{}{Spin the dial, listen for clicking noises.}
{000}{}{Spin the dial, listen for clicking noises.}
{000}{}{Spin the dial, listen for clicking noises.}
{000}{}{Spin the dial randomly.}
{000}{}{Examine the safe for traps again.}
{000}{}{Leave the safe alone.}
# 7. SPIN RANDOM, SUCCEED (2, 5, 6, 8, 9)
{260}{}{(You are turning the knob...when suddenly there is a KER-KLANK, and the door opens!)}
{000}{}{(You are spinning the dial randomly, when suddenly the dial catches on a number...there is a KER-KLANK, and the safe pops open!)}
{000}{}{Hullo? Hulllooo? Anbody hoome?}
{000}{}{Yeah, *I* got the touch...}
# 8. SPIN RANDOM, FAIL (2, 5, 6, 8, 9)
{270}{}{(You turn the knob, but the tiny door won't open!)}
{000}{}{(You spin the dial for several minutes, and nothing happens.)}
{000}{}{Knock on door}
{000}{}{Keep turning the knob}
{000}{}{Wander off}
{000}{}{Spin the dial, listen for clicking noises.}
{000}{}{Spin the dial, listen for clicking noises.}
{000}{}{Spin the dial, listen for clicking noises.}
{000}{}{Keep spinning the dial randomly.}
{000}{}{Leave the safe alone.}
# 9. HELLO? (2, 8, 9)
{290}{}{(You don't hear anybody, and you can't see a doorbell. Maybe nobody's home.)}
{000}{}{(Nobody comes to the door.)}
{000}{}{(Your hand is starting to hurt.)}
{000}{}{(If anybody's home, they aren't answering the door.)}
{000}{}{Knock on door again}
{000}{}{Turn the knob}
{000}{}{Wander off}
# 10. TRAP DISARMED . . . ? (4)
{300}{}{(With surgical precision, you disarm the fuse and pull the plastic explosive from the wall. The trap is now disarmed.)}
{000}{}{Now to crack this safe...}
{000}{}{Leave the safe alone.}
# 11. TRAP DISARMED . . . ? (4)
{310}{}{(With surgical precision, you open the primer and adjust the tumbler combination trigger. The owner of this safe will be
in for a surprise when he tries to open it again.)}
{000}{}{Now to crack this safe...}
{000}{}{Leave the safe alone.}
