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Dialogue for Matt, a captive of the intelligent deathclaws in Vault 13.


{100}{}{You see a tall, slender man.}
{101}{}{You see Matt.}
{102}{}{You see a tall, slender man with short hair and a wild look in his eye. You can feel him staring
back at you.}
{103}{}{Is there something that I can help you with, stranger?}
{104}{}{Me ask questions?}
{105}{}{No, wavy.}
{106}{}{Yes, I'd like to ask you some questions.}
{107}{}{No, I'll be leaving.}
{108}{}{What do you want?}
{109}{}{Who you?}
{110}{}{You prisoner?}
{111}{}{Me go now.}
{112}{}{Who are you?}
{113}{}{Are you a prisoner here.}
{114}{}{I'll be leaving now.}
{115}{}{My name is Matt. Does it matter?}
{116}{}{Guess not.}
{117}{}{Humph. Me go.}
{118}{}{Okay, I'll just leave.}
{119}{}{Not really.}
{120}{}{Yes, as a matter of fact I am. I stumbled upon this place and got myself captured by the deathclaws. They give me freedom of movement within the lower levels of the vault, but I can never go to level 1 where the exit is.}
{123}{}{Me outta here.}
{125}{}{I see.}
{126}{}{I'll be going now.}
{127}{}{Because, unlike the rest of the sheep who live here, I recognize them as a threat to humanity. They know that if I get out of here I will see to it that they are wiped off the face of the earth! Look: They can think for themselves, they can learn, they can read and even write if they dip a claw in ink. They are fast, tough, perceptive, and deadly. If their numbers grow large enough, they will be the greatest threat that the human race could ever face. Think about it. They need to be eliminated!}
{128}{}{Hmm. You make sense.}
{129}{}{Me think you wrong.}
{130}{}{I realize that they are a potential threat, but I trust them.}
{131}{}{You do have a point. What should we do?}
{132}{}{Alone I don't stand a chance, but together we can fight our way out of here. How about it?}
{135}{}{Arrgh! You're a fool to trust them. If you change your mind come back and get me.}
{137}{}{Have you changed your mind? Will you help me get out of here?}
{140}{}{You seem to have bought yourself a shit storm!}
{141}{}{Me not here about escape. Me here because someone break computer. You do?}
{142}{}{I'm not here to talk about escape plans. Someone sabotaged the mainframe computer interface. Know anything about that?}
{143}{}{You seem to have bought yourself a shit storm!}
{144}{}{Yeah. I destroyed the voice module and then I disabled all keyboard input.}
{146}{}{With the mainframe offline the vault will eventually shut down. Without food or water the deathclaws will be forced to begin raiding human lands for their needs. Eventually they will be discovered and their threat to humanity can be dealt with.}
{147}{}{Others here. They need food, water. You no care about them?}
{148}{}{What about the others who live here. Aren't you concerned with their fate?}
{149}{}{Not in the least. They are simply casualties of war.}
{150}{}{Me go now.}
{151}{}{Me think me shoot you now.}
{152}{}{Good job.}
{153}{}{I see. I'll be going now.}
{154}{}{I think I'll shoot you now. You are obviously dangerous.}
{155}{}{Good job!}
