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The Pan-Immunity Virion was a general immunity agent intended as a preventative measure against Chinese use of biological weapons.[1]


In 2073, West Tek was contracted to develop a general immunization agent against biochemical weapons used by China. Their viral research efforts against the New Plague from 2055 onwards played a major role in the selection process.[Non-game 1] This generalized immunity virion was designated the Pan-Immunity Virion Project and formed on September 15.[1]

Early experiments with the virion resulted in effective immunity to genetic damage or disruption of protein synthesis, thanks to the new quad-helix structure created by the PVP in affected cells. However, the side effects (increase in muscle mass and induction of replication even in normally non-replicating or slow replicating cells) attracted the attention of West Tek's military liaison, Major Barnett, who immediately ordered further experiments in that direction in March 2075. Subsequent successful experimentation on flatworms and small mammals confirmed the viability of the PVP as an evolutionary mutagen, now designated the Forced Evolutionary Virus.[2]

Once the PVP's mutagenic properties became known, West Tek started the Greenhouse Initiative, a project designed to facilitate and control the production of genetically-modified foods to combat global hunger. The town of Huntersville in Appalachia was selected as the test site, resulting in an economic boom.[3] Although the company would purchase test rights from local farmers as late as December 2075, the project was at an end,[4] and the initiative was shuttered in favor of experiments with FEV.[5][6]


The PV was a virus fragment consisting of ribonucleic acid (RNA) encased in a protein-lipid sheath. This virion contained a specially arranged sequence of radiated amino acids (RAA) that were capable of attaching to non-specific binding sites on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and forcing non-replicating mitosis to occur. The resulting host cell was left with a quadruple-helix DNA structure.[7]

In early testing, the virion easily penetrated the cell membrane and attached directly to the host DNA in the nucleus. Mitosis of the structure began almost immediately. Cytokinesis was prevented by controlling the disposition of the kinetochore fibers during anaphase. The entire mitotic cycle lasted approximately two hours, although the phenotypical expression of the new structure was not immediate.[7]

In addition to an effective immunity to bacterial and viral agents, the quad-helix structure was almost entirely immune to errors introduced in base pairing during replication due to the multiplicity of the base sequence. Radiation-exposed tissue showed no mutation in the base sequence and protein synthesis mechanisms in the ribosomes were unimpaired.[7]

Over 80% of the sample's tissue contained quad-helix DNA. Most affected were muscle and bone tissue, as well as secretory cells, as these cells seem most receptive to virion. Sensory cells are the least affected. Both normally non-replicating nerve cells and non-somatic cells were induced to begin mitosis.[7]


The Pan-Immunity Virion is mentioned in Fallout and Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

The PVP's effect of introducing a quadruple-helix DNA structure is similar to how the Master in the very first timeline was a "mutant leader [who] appears like a true human, but due to his mutated quad-helix DNA, he is far less subject to the effects of radiation and aging."



  1. Fallout Bible 0:
    "2055: The West Tek Research Facility starts working on a new virus to kill the New Plague. Their viral research and close ties to the federal government eventually lead to them being chosen for the Pan-Immunity Virion Project twenty years later as well as Power Infantry Armor and laser research."