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Sacred datura root is a consumable item in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.


The plant in which the sacred datura root is derived from is a small, green flowering bush with white, blossoming flowers. The plant can be consumed by the player character, resulting in a unique poison effect called sacred datura poison for 30 seconds and a reduction in one's Perception for 90 seconds. The sacred datura poison does not reduce HP, but results in a woozy visual and sporadic audial effect, similar to other poisons. It can be cured by datura antivenom, but regular antivenom has no effect.


Related quests[]

  • Rite of Passage: The Courier learns that sacred datura root can be used to create a bitter-tasting tea with hallucinogenic effects. The only known person to be able to create this tea is White Bird of the Sorrows tribe.


The Pip-Boy icon is identical to that of the xander root.

Behind the scenes[]

The sacred datura root is based on the real world Datura wrightii, colloquially known as "sacred datura root." It is found in the Southwestern United States and Mexico.

