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Fallout Wiki

This page lists Fallout Wiki's featured articles shown on the main page in March.

1 March[]

FB3 Psyker
A psychic is a person or creature that possesses supernatural or paranormal powers. Either through the ever-present background radiation of the world, the release of and further experiments with FEV, and in some instances of technological experimentation or ancient alien artifacts, individuals have gained powers of the mind. The Master also attempted to create similar psychic creatures, but most of the experiments were failures resulting in insanity. Four individuals in the Cathedral successfully gained the abilities, referred to as psykers.

2 March[]

Dean Domino is a famous pre-War lounge singer, now ghoulified and trapped in the Sierra Madre Villa in 2281. He is one of the major characters in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money. He was invited to perform at the Sierra Madre, but there he quickly found himself in the shadow of the casino's founder, Frederick Sinclair. While Domino was quite irritated by this, it was the fact that Sinclair, despite suffering several quite severe financial losses throughout the 2070s, still maintained an unwavering optimistic and easy-going attitude that especially triggered his ire. Soon, Domino found himself consumed with jealousy and he became single-mindedly determined to put Sinclair "in his place" by taking everything from him that he held dear.

3 March[]

Mama Dolce's logo
Mama Dolce's was a company before the Great War that created and packaged food in the United States. However, beneath the surface, it was a front for operations of the People's Republic of China on American soil. Mama Dolce's was a front for the People's Liberation Army to conduct espionage on American soil. For example, the processing plant in Arlington housed a contingent of special operatives. The processing plant in Morgantown sat atop the Fujiniya Intelligence Base where R&D for Stealth technology and Liberator robots was its primary goal and acquiring nuclear launch codes to American silos its second.

4 March[]

Fiend Symbol Recreated
The Fiends are a raider gang made up entirely of chem fiends, hence their name, in the outer New Vegas area in 2281. The origins of the Fiends is unknown, though they have been led by a man by the name of Motor-Runner for many years. They control the southwestern ruins of Vegas, placing Vault 3 well within their sights when the vault opened. The Fiends slaughtered its residents and took up residence in the Vault. The Fiends are a supporting faction in Fallout: New Vegas, and are openly hostile towards almost all groups in the Mojave Wasteland except the Great Khans, from whom they acquire their chems.

5 March[]

Fo2 Vegeir
The Slags, led by Vegeir, are mutated people from the Ghost Farm at the outskirts of Modoc in Fallout 2. They are the descendants of a militia group that, when the Great War came, sealed themselves and their families underground for protection. This event came to be known as the Sealing. Since the Sealing, the Slags have mutated. They cannot stand the bright light of the sun, as living underground for so long has made their eyes sensitive to light. The Slag population steadily increased after the Sealing. It soon became apparent that they could no longer survive underground without further supplies. As a result, the Seal was broken, and they once again looked to the surface for survival, creating a small farm some years prior to 2241.

6 March[]

Fo4 Paladin Danse
Paladin Danse is the commanding officer of Recon Squad Gladius, a Brotherhood of Steel unit deployed to the Commonwealth in 2287. Should the Sole Survivor join the Brotherhood and advance to the rank of knight, he will offer his services as a companion. He is a major character in the Brotherhood of Steel storyline in Fallout 4. As the main story progresses the Sole Survivor will have an opportunity to hack into the Institute's mainframe. Should they provide the Brotherhood with a copy of this data it is confirmed through DNA analysis that Paladin Danse himself is a missing synth, designated M7-97. Danse goes AWOL and flees to Listening Post Bravo. Outraged by the apparent infiltration of his inner circle, Elder Maxson orders the Survivor to track Danse down and execute him.

7 March[]

Deadmoneyscreen 09B
The Sierra Madre is a pre-War casino resort close to the Grand Canyon, a dead city surrounded by a poisonous cloud. Many travelers and prospectors alike in the Mojave Wasteland have sought out the legendary city after claiming to have heard a woman's voice on a pre-War radio broadcast, never to be heard from again. Only one man truly "found" it and lived. The Courier is lured to the Sierra Madre by that same broadcast advertising the gala grand opening. It is part of the main setting of the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.

8 March[]

Enhanced targeting card
A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electrical signals and power. The transistor is one of the basic building blocks of modern electronics, as the foundation of integrated circuits and then chipsets. In the Fallout series, one of the aspects of the divergence is the fact that transistors did not became as popular, with vacuum tubes continuing to be the dominant building block of electronics into the 21st century, and the term "chip" typically (but not always) refers to processing units using vacuum tubes, such as the water chip.

9 March[]

Adam adamowicz
Adam Adamowicz (March 9, 1968 – February 9, 2012) was a concept artist at Bethesda Game Studios and the only concept artist to work on Fallout 3. He also did preproduction work on Fallout 4 prior to his passing in 2012. His work appears in The Art of Fallout 3 and The Art of Fallout 4. Adamowicz's industrial design was meant to capture Fallout society's enthusiasm for atomics and future technologies, while preserving the retrofuturistic aesthetic with superfluous fins, chrome, and vents. He was conscious of the limitations dictated by Leonard Boyarsky's concept of the vacuum tube being the dominant form of electronics, and combined it with other retro materials, such as bakelite. Apart from defining the look of the Fallout series under Bethesda in the 21st century in a broad sense, his concept art would continue to be used directly.

10 March[]

Fawkes is a super mutant with the distinction of having retained his civility and intellectual capacity through the rigors of mutation. He is a potential companion in Fallout 3. His first encounter with the Lone Wanderer comes when asking to be released from a cell in Vault 87, which he has resided in for as long as memory permits, imprisoned by his own kind. He claims that he was able to attain literacy and a civilized personality (things most super mutants sorely lack) by gleaning as much information as possible from the Vault's immense database which he could access through a terminal in his cell.

11 March[]

FO4 Sole Surv side by side
The Sole Survivor is the player character and main protagonist in Fallout 4. Depending on the player character's gender, the Sole Survivor is either the husband or wife (name determinant) in a pre-War family and has a son, Shaun. The Sole Survivor is either a male retired U.S. Army veteran or a female lawyer. They were both raised around the Boston area, and according to pre-War records of the Lookout at the USS Constitution, Nate served in the 2nd Battalion, 108th Infantry Regiment, while Nora was a lawyer (specifically a graduate of the Suffolk County School of Law). If one of these characters is the protagonist, the player chooses the name, but the spouse names are either Nate or Nora, respectively.

12 March[]

FO76 Free States
The Free States was an anarchist, secessionist militia movement primarily consisting of Appalachian survivalists. Following the Great War, they attempted to create a new society, but by 2102, they had been wiped out by the Scorched Plague. The Free States are the third faction introduced if following the main story of Fallout 76, right after the raiders, and are predominantly found in The Mire. Fearing imminent nuclear carnage and distrusting the government's ties to Vault-Tec, members constructed bunkers to survive a potential nuclear holocaust.

13 March[]

Fo2 Broken Hills Ending
Broken Hills is a location in New California in Fallout 2. Before the Great War, it was a mining town, but has since become a safehaven, inhabited by humans, super mutants and ghouls, living together in relative harmony. In 2241, that peace is threatened and the player character can become involved. Canonically, the Chosen One puts an end to a conspiracy to destroy the mutants, and Broken Hills began to thrive for a time, until the uranium ran out. Without the income from the mine, the town slowly dispersed, leaving the place an empty ghost town.

14 March[]

18 The Nuka-Cola Challenge
The Nuka-Cola Challenge is a side quest Fallout 3, centering on collecting bottles of Nuka-Cola Quantum. It is also an Xbox 360, PS3 and PC achievement. To start this quest, find Sierra Petrovita at Girdershade, which is located west of Jocko's Pop & Gas stop and southwest of Smith Casey's garage. After taking her "Nuka-Cola tour," Sierra will ask the Lone Wanderer to collect Nuka-Cola Quantums and says she will pay 40 caps for each bottle. Waiting outside her house, Ronald Laren will ask the Lone Wanderer to instead give him the Nuka-Cola Quantums, and a successful Speech check will cause him to double the payment.

15 March[]

The Cathedral is a major location in Fallout. To the outside world, the cathedral is nothing more than an innocent set up for the Children of the Cathedral organization, which tries to bring love and peace to the wastes. Below it, however, lies a secret underground Vault (more specifically, the Los Angeles Vault), which serves as a home and base for the Master. The Los Angeles vault was a demonstration Vault built by Vault-Tec to advertise its series of fallout shelters. As such, it was not part of the Vault Experiment and was never assigned a number. When the Great War started, many people took shelter in this Vault, and eventually emerged in 2092, founding the Boneyard.

16 March[]

FO02 NPC Richardson N
President Dick Richardson is the leader of the Enclave sheltered on the Enclave Oil Rig in 2242. He serves as the main antagonist of Fallout 2. President Richardson is a thin, nervous man in a frayed suit, who has a habit of staring off into space, who does not look at all like the head of the "free world," the president of the United States (or rather, the Enclave). His father also served as president of the Enclave, and advanced through the Enclave via nepotism. Dick Richardson continued the Enclave's plans for achieving dominance in the wasteland and re-establishing their version of the United States. Some mandates were merely a continuation of his father's research mandates, such as the development of a functioning advanced power armor based on pre-War designs.

17 March[]

Anchorage was a city in the state of Alaska prior to the Great War. In the winter of 2066, Chinese forces invaded Anchorage, occupying the surrounding area and serving as a front line for the next decade. On January 10, 2077, the United States won the Battle of Anchorage, pushing the Chinese forces back. There is a memorial located in Washington, D.C. commemorating the battle and the Museum of Freedom featured historical exhibits on the event. The city itself is also visible during the Fallout 3 add-on Operation: Anchorage, which takes place in a military simulation of the liberation of Anchorage.

18 March[]

Tales from the West Virginia Mothman
Cryptids are a subset of animals and other creatures that are mentioned in local folklore and other accounts, but whose actual existence is questionable. This does not apply to anything that is widely acknowledged as existing. Cryptids were a part of local superstitions with cryptozoologists, like Shelby O'Rourke doubted by her community. But many cryptids actually existed before the Great War, and both the United States Armed Forces and United States Intelligence kept records on any cryptid encounters up until the Great War. While considered to be hoaxes and superstition, cryptids still played a large part of the culture before the war as well. After the Great War, cryptids began to appear far more often than they ever had before. This was noted by Shelby O'Rourke from her shack in The Mire where she theorized that the near extinction of the human race made room for cryptids to come out of hiding.

19 March[]

FO4 Conc ext 3
Concord is a location in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4. Historically, the town played a significant role in the Revolutionary War. The town's centerpiece, the Concord Parks and Recreation Department's Museum of Freedom, showcased these historical events and welcomed tourists, while the rest of the city displayed remnants of flags and signs reading, "Celebrate History!" On the day of the Great War in 2077, a vertibird carrying a squad of US soldiers including Staff Sergeant Michael Daly was struck by a massive EMP that knocked the vehicle out of the sky, causing it to crash into the roof of the Museum of Freedom. By 2287, the city was largely abandoned, occasionally picked over by scavengers and raiders.

20 March[]

The Gun Runners are a weapons manufacturer and merchant company operating out of the Fortress in the Boneyard in 2161. By 2281, the company has further expanded to offer branches throughout New California, as well as one near the Strip in the Mojave Wasteland. Over 150 years of accumulated experience in machining and manufacturing weapons and ammunition have made the Gun Runners one of the most capable organizations in the wasteland. As one of the two largest merchant houses of the New California Republic, the Gun Runners are its natural allies and the single biggest supplier of weapons and ammunition. They are featured in both Fallout and Fallout: New Vegas.

21 March[]

Fo76 Aries Art
Aries, formerly known as Calvin "Cal" van Lowe, is an employee of the Blue Ridge Caravan Company at Big Bend Tunnel. Before adopting a new identity as Aries and finding Blue Ridge, Calvin was a cryptid hunter, inventor, and engineer working for the Bysshe Company prior to the Great War. He currently resides in a decorated train car in front of Big Bend Tunnel East and is a major supporting character in Fallout 76. Aries is a possible guard for the caravan leading brahmin through Big Bend Tunnel during Event: Riding Shotgun. His companion will be merchant Rudy Fernandez. He also plays a major role in the quests Out of the Blue and Protocol Adonais.

22 March[]

F76 Fire Breathers
The Fire Breathers was a specialized division of the Responders dedicated to fighting the Scorched before 2102. Featured in Fallout 76, the Fire Breathers were initially founded by the Responders as an elite, high-risk fire fighting team to reach out to towns trapped beyond the toxic Ash Heap: Bramwell, Beckley, Welch, and others. The Fire Breathers distinguished themselves and were supercharged with the arrival of Hank Madigan. They were reformed into a fighting force capable of confronting the Scorched in the Ash Heap and prevent them from taking over. However, after Madigan was captured and killed by Raiders, the Fire Breathers soon fell apart without the development of a Scorched vaccine.

23 March[]

Carry Weight is a derived statistic in the SPECIAL system. It represents the maximum amount of equipment your character can carry, in pounds. In Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout: Tactics, your character will become slower as more weight is put on. When your character reaches the maximum weight, he or she becomes completely weighed down and cannot move until the weight is back under control. In Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, movement speed is unaffected by your character's Carry Weight until the weight of items carried exceeds your total Carry Weight, at which point your character will become overencumbered and unable to run, jump, or fast travel, with the exception of the Long Haul perk in New Vegas.

24 March[]

The Pitt is the second Fallout 3 add-on, and was released on March 24, 2009 for Xbox Live and Games for Windows Live. In this add-on, the player journeys to the industrial raider town called The Pitt, located in the remains of Pittsburgh. In contrast to Operation: Anchorage, The Pitt features a more traditional questline with several morally-ambiguous choices. The main quest involves the player taking on the role of a slave in order to investigate rumors that the raider boss of The Pitt has discovered a cure for mutations.

25 March[]

Mayor McDonough
McDonough is the current mayor of Diamond City, a settlement in post-War Boston in 2287, and a prominent character in Fallout 4. In reality, he is a synth infiltrator unit, M7-62, spying for the Institute. The human McDonough was the brother of John Hancock, the leader of Goodneighbor, and the son of Patrick and Martha McDonough. McDonough ran for mayor of Diamond City on an anti-ghoul platform, issuing the anti-ghoul decree of 2282. He has feuded with Piper Wright and her publication of Publick Occurrences. Piper rightfully suspects him of being a synth working for the Institute; though McDonough is unaware that his Institute handlers consider him expendable.

26 March[]

Fallout4 Fat man
The M42 Fat Man Launcher is a shoulder-fired, catapult weapon system developed by the United States Armed Forces that puts the power of tactical nuclear ordnance in the hands of a the single soldier. The Fatman would see it development at Fort Strong in Boston starting in February 2076 and would be completed and sent overseas for use in China in September 2077. Because of its miniature nuclear payload, it is by far the strongest weapon in any game its featured; perfect for taking out multiple enemies or heavily armored units - and in normal use, encountering both is an often. The Fat Man has an estimated range of 150+ yards, and the mini-nuke will fall back down if it is shot straight up. The explosion from a fired mini-nuke will leave the area of effect temporarily irradiated.

27 March[]

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game is the first game in the Fallout series, developed and published by Interplay Entertainment in 1997. The game was initially intended to use Steve Jackson Games's GURPS system, but that deal fell through, supposedly when Steve Jackson realized how violent the game was. Fallout is seen as the "spiritual successor" to Interplay's classic 1987 CRPG Wasteland.

28 March[]

FO76 creature gutpuker render
The Interloper and the Firstborn of the Wood are titles which may refer to a large creature worshipped in Appalachia. The being writhes listlessly within the deepest chamber of the Lucky Hole Mine, an abandoned mining operation on a cliff overlooking Watoga, where it is cared for by the Followers of the Winged One. The Interloper is a large dormant plant-like creature, with skin resembling stripped bark. Most of its biomass is in its tangle of "branches," and the furled pair of misshapen legs at the opposite end of its being. It stirs, catatonic, on the floor of a foggy lair only accessible through a series of hidden passages. This obscure chamber is littered with jars, skeletons, and corpses.

29 March[]

The Divide is a common term for a stretch of devastated land northwest of the Mojave Wasteland in 2281. It is located near the Nevada/California border, with Big MT situated to the south. It is the setting of the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. The town of Hopeville and its bigger brother, Ashton, were established in the late 21st century in the remote badlands to act both as typical American cities, as well as extensive networks of nuclear missile silos built under the auspices of the CDA Ballistic Defense Division. In a seismically unstable region, the Divide was affected by the Great War, but was further devastated in the 23rd century when a Courier delivered a device to the post-War survivors there that activated more missile strikes, turning the Divide into the wasteland it is today.

30 March[]

CoA Banner 1
The Church of the Children of Atom is a religious movement which worships Atom, a deity personifying nuclear weapons, their detonation, and the resulting radiation. Where most people see weapons of mass destruction, the Children see holy tools of creation. Generally, they believe the world was created when an atom was split, and that each nuclear detonation represents the birth of countless new universes. The faith has spread across the north-east of the post-War United States. Atomites have developed their own mythology, with legends, historical figures, and ethics unique to their culture. They also believe in a variety of supernatural phenomena surrounding radiation.

31 March[]

16 The Wasteland Survival Guide
Wasteland Survival Guide is a multi-part side quest in Fallout 3. An iconic mission in the game, it is also an achievement/trophy. During the events of the quest, Moira Brown from Megaton enlists the Lone Wanderer in conducting field research and experiments to create the Wasteland Survival Guide, a publication on how to survive in the post-War wasteland. There are a number of ways the quest can complete, including the creation of a truly comprehensive and useful guide, a poorly-written one, or to dash Moira's dreams and not publish it at all. Designer Fred Zeleny worked on the quest's development.