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Gametitle-FNV DM
Gametitle-FNV DM

The cosmic knife super-heated is a weapon in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.


The cosmic knife super-heated was accidentally discovered by a chef, when one was left on a hot (450 degrees) stove under a pot for five minutes. The alloy retained so much heat that the blade glowed red-hot. The handle was safe to hold, but when the chef put it down on a table, it melted the table.


The cosmic knife super-heated appears as an ordinary cosmic knife with a slight orange glow. It will set enemies on fire for a brief period when a critical hit is made. It also has a significantly higher critical multiplier than the other variants. Its special V.A.T.S. attack is the Flambé Cut, which does 90% damage at a cost of 20 action points.


This weapon must be crafted by the player. It cannot be found on enemies or in containers.

Creation requirements

Name Requirements Components
Cosmic knife super-heated

¹ Craftable without a workbench via a dialogue option with Veronica, or with ED-E once the add-on Lonesome Road is installed.



Name Dmg/Swing DPS ATT/sec Crit % Mult Crit Dmg Swings in V.A.T.S. WG AP Cost DMG/AP Durability Value ATT REQ
Cosmic knife Dead Money 12 36 3 x1 12 1 1 20 0.6 745 35 Melee Weapons: 0 Strength: 1
Cosmic knife super-heated Dead Money 14 42 3 x5 14 1 1 20 0.7 745 50 Melee Weapons: 0 Strength: 1
Cosmic knife clean Dead Money 15 45 3 x1.2 15 1 1 20 0.75 995 50 Melee Weapons: 0 Strength: 1


  • This weapon has a large critical multiplier, potentially allowing a critical hit with every blow.
  • The cosmic knife super-heated can successfully strike about 745 times from full condition before breaking.


  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 The cosmic knife super-heated is not affected by the Cowboy or Super Slam perks.
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Although capable of setting non-player characters on fire, this weapon is not affected by the Pyromaniac perk.
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 The glow layer texture for this weapon is referenced by the weapon's model, but was not included in the resources for Dead Money. This indicates the weapon was intended to produce a glow from only certain parts of the weapon, but instead provides a glow over the entire weapon due to the missing texture.