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Colonel Autumn's laser pistol is a specially modified laser pistol found on Colonel Autumn.


Like many other unique weapon variants, it is visually identical to its common counterpart, in this case, the AEP7 laser pistol. If Broken Steel is installed, it is replaced by a different variant. Otherwise, it is fully automatic, uses energy cells, uses very few action points, and has a 30-round capacity, but can only be repaired manually.[Non-game 1]


Colonel Autumn's laser pistol can fire a total of about 1250 shots, the equivalent of 42 reloads, from full condition before breaking.



Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- Weapon name (melee or unarmed)Attacks in V.A.T.S.- Attacks in V.A.T.S.
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- Weapon name (gun, energy or explosive)Action point cost- Action point cost
Damage per attack (damage per projectile)- Damage per attack (damage per projectile)Damage per action point- Damage per action point
Damage per second- Damage per secondWeapon spread- Weapon spread
Area of effect damage- Area of effect damageMagazine capacity (shots per reload)- Magazine capacity (shots per reload)
Effect damage & duration- Effect damage & durationDurability (number of attacks before breaking)- Durability (number of attacks before breaking)
Bonus effects- Bonus effectsWeight- Weight
Attacks per second- Attacks per secondValue in caps- Value in caps
Critical chance % multiplier- Critical chance % multiplierValue to weight ratio- Value to weight ratio
Critical damage- Critical damageSkill required- Skill required
Critical effect damage & duration- Critical effect damage & durationStrength required- Strength required
With all mods attached- With all mods attached
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)Damage per attack (damage per projectile)Damage per secondAttacks per secondCritical Chance % multiplierCritical damageAttacks in V.A.T.S.Action Point costDamage per action pointWeapon spreadMagazine capacity (shots per reload)Durability (number of attacks before breaking)WeightValue in capsValue to weight ratio
Laser pistol 12
Colonel Autumn's laser pistol 10
Colonel Autumn's laser pistol Broken Steel18
Protectron's Gaze 24
Smuggler's End 18


It is found on Colonel Autumn in the Jefferson Memorial rotunda, during the main quest Take it Back![Non-game 1]

Related quests[]


Previous to Broken Steel, Colonel Autumn's laser pistol was marked as a quest item, making it possible to bring in to Tranquility Lane, the Operation Anchorage simulation, and The Pitt. Although there are no energy cells to be found in Operation Anchorage or Tranquility Lane, making it useless, energy cells can be looted from Protectrons making it usable in The Pitt. Although the Pip-Boy cannot be accessed while in the Tranquility Lane simulation, the pistol can still be equipped if it is already bound to a hotkey. It can be removed from one's inventory by using it to repair another laser pistol.


SingleShotVB ReloadVB



  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.108: "Laser Pistol: Colonel Autumn:
    This fully automatic Laser Pistol fires at a much higher rate than a regular Laser Pistol. Colonel Autumn, found inside the Jefferson Memorial Rotunda [Zone 9.14] during Main Quest: Take It Back!, carries this unique weapon."