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This is a transcript for dialogue with Constantine Chase.


DLC02OA3ChaseApologize01 Yes sir, understood perfectly sir! Disgust 90 At ease, soldier. We're all a bit strung out from the last Commie bombing run on our Field H.Q. 1
Disgust 90 We lost some good men including my Strike Team Commander, Colonel Patterson. 2
DLC02OA3ChaseApologize02 Very clear. Sorry, sir. Disgust 90 We're all a bit strung out from the last Commie bombing run on our Field H.Q. 3
Disgust 90 We lost some good men including my Strike Team Commander, Colonel Patterson. 4
DLC02OA3ChaseApologize03 Pfft... this isn't even real. Anger 90 Soldier, you're fixing to have a size 10 combat boot shoved up your candy ass. 5
Anger 90 Your attitude's just earned you a demerit. I don't want to hear that kind of talk out of you again. Is that crystal clear enough now? 6
DLC02OA3ChaseStart01 <Allow the General to continue.> Disgust 90 Unfortunately while you were up there climbing mountains, we were down here getting our butts kicked. 7
Disgust 90 The Chinese decided to use our Field H.Q. for target practice and damn near blew us all to pieces. 8
Sad 90 We lost some good men including my Strike Team Commander, Colonel Patterson. 9
DLC02OA3ChaseStart02 Thank you, sir. Disgust 50 No need to thank me. I know a genuine true-blooded soldier when I see one... and that's why I sent you. 10
Neutral 50 Unfortunately while you were up there climbing mountains, we were down here getting our butts kicked. 11
Neutral 50 The Chinese decided to use our Field H.Q. for target practice and damn near blew us all to pieces. 12
Neutral 50 We lost some good men including my Strike Team Commander, Colonel Patterson. 13
DLC02OA3ChaseStart03 We sure sent those Red Chinese packing! Disgust 90 Now hold on there, soldier. You see these fancy little gold stars on my uniform? 14
Disgust 90 I spent a lot of time getting them, and I'll be damned if some punk like you isn't going to address me properly. 15
Disgust 90 While I appreciate your enthusiasm in this operation, there's still protocol to be maintained. Are we clear? 16
DLC02OA3ChaseStart04 Yeah, yeah... make with the next objective so I can finish the simulation. Anger 100 This is no simulation, soldier! That's real blood you see out there on the snow! 17
Anger 100 I got enough to worry about without some hotshot like you breaking protocol. Now get it together... you have a job to do. Am I clear, soldier? 18
DLC02OA3ChaseStart05 Anything I can do to assist, sir? Neutral 50 I didn't call you down here for a pep talk and cigars. You've earned yourself a field promotion, soldier. 19
Neutral 50 As of this moment you're taking over Patterson's Strike Team. 20
Disgust 90 And before you thank me, you better wait and see what your mission entails. 21
DLC02OA3ChaseStart06 That's a shame, sir. Anger 80 Damn Red bastards... can't wait to push them all the way back to Beijing. 22
Neutral 50 But I didn't call you down here for a pep talk and cigars. You've earned yourself a field promotion, soldier. 23
Neutral 50 From this moment on, you're in charge of Patterson's Strike Team. 24
DLC02OA3ChaseStart07 They knew the drill when they signed up, sir. Disgust 70 Commie sons-of-bitches. It'll be a cold day in hell before I let them cross Canada into the mainland. 25
Neutral 50 But enough of that. I called you down here for a reason. 26
Neutral 50 You've earned yourself a field promotion, soldier. From this moment on, you're in charge of Patterson's Strike Team. 27
DLC02OA3ChaseStart08 What are my orders, sir? Disgust 90 There are three hardened targets that stand between us and the Chinese Headquarters. That's where your Strike Team comes in. 28
Neutral 50 Follow me over to the situation map and I'll bring you up to speed. 29
DLC02OA3ChaseStart09 I'm not sure I'm ready, sir. Disgust 90 Well you'd better be, soldier. We're running short on time and that was NOT an offer, that was an order. 30
Disgust 50 We have three hardened targets we need your team to handle otherwise Operation Anchorage will be dead in the water. 31
Neutral 50 Follow me over to the situation map and I'll bring you up to speed. 32
DLC02OA4ChaseGreet1 Sir, Yes Sir! Neutral 50 With the General's death, our boys can secure this refinery and be on their way to Anchorage proper. 33
Neutral 50 You've helped pave the way for taking the city back from the Reds, soldier. Good work. 34
Neutral 50 You've also gone above and beyond the call of duty by recovering important enemy intel and exposing their plans to us. Again, well done soldier. 35
Neutral 50 That'll complete this portion of your training. Report to your superior for debriefing and your next assignment. 36
Neutral 50 Dismissed! 37
Sir, Yes Sir! Neutral 50 With the General's death, our boys can secure this refinery and be on their way to Anchorage proper. 38
Neutral 50 You've helped pave the way for taking the city back from the Reds, soldier. Good work. 39
Neutral 50 That'll complete this portion of your training. Report to your superior for debriefing and your next assignment. 40
Neutral 50 Dismissed! 41
DLC02OA4ChaseGreet2 What, that's it? I was just starting to have fun! Neutral 50 This concludes the simulation, and this portion of your training. But if you're thirsty for more, soldier, your commanding officer can oblige. 42
Neutral 50 You've shown that you've got what it takes. There's a possible promotion in your future, if you keep your head on straight. 43
Neutral 50 You've also gone above and beyond the call of duty by recovering important enemy intel and exposing their plans to us. Again, well done soldier. 44
Neutral 50 Good work, soldier. When you exit the simulation, report to your superiors for debriefing. Dismissed! 45
What, that's it? I was just starting to have fun! Neutral 50 This concludes the simulation, and this portion of your training. But if you're thirsty for more, soldier, your commanding officer can oblige. 46
Neutral 50 You've shown that you've got what it takes. There's a possible promotion in your future, if you keep your head on straight. 47
Neutral 50 Good work, soldier. When you exit the simulation, report to your superiors for debriefing. Dismissed! 48
DLC02OA4ChaseGreet3 Am I done? Is the simulation over? Neutral 50 You've got an attitude problem, soldier, and this simulation is going to recommend a swift kick in the ass to correct it. 49
Neutral 50 However, you've more than made up for it by recovering important enemy intel and exposing their plans to us so I'll overlook your attitude. 50
Neutral 50 Since you've completed the training, it's time to report to your commanding officer for your debriefing. Dismissed! 51
Am I done? Is the simulation over? Neutral 50 You've got an attitude problem, soldier, and this simulation is going to recommend a swift kick in the ass to correct it. 52
Neutral 50 Since you've completed the training, it's time to report to your commanding officer for your debriefing. Dismissed! 53
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 That'll do, soldier. Stand down! 54
GREETING Neutral 50 The simulation has concluded, soldier. 55
GREETING Neutral 50 The objective's in sight, soldier! Your place is out there on the field! 56
GREETING Disgust 100 Stop gawking at me and get going, soldier. 57
GREETING Disgust 100 Lieutenant Morgan will give you all the details. Carry on. 58
GREETING Disgust 100 You've got a job to do, soldier. Now hop to it! 59
GREETING Neutral 50 Damn fine work you did taking out those guns. Damn fine! 60


DLC02OA3Brief01 DLC02OA3Brief01 Disgust 90 Okay... pay attention, soldier. I'm only going to go through this once. 61
DLC02OA3Brief02 DLC02OA3Brief02 Anger 70 We've set up our new Field H.Q. down here. The area is pretty secure now that the Artillery Guns are gone. 62
DLC02OA3Brief03 DLC02OA3Brief03 Neutral 50 The first of the three targets we need to handle is their Chimera Depot over here. 63
DLC02OA3Brief03a DLC02OA3Brief03a Neutral 50 Be careful on your approach, you're going to have to get through the Enemy Camp on the way. 64
DLC02OA3Brief04 DLC02OA3Brief04 Neutral 50 Once you breach the perimeter of the Depot, you need to take out both of the main fuel tanks. 65
DLC02OA3Brief05 DLC02OA3Brief05 Neutral 50 Your second target is all the way over here. The Chinese have set up a listening post set into the side of Calliway Ridge. 66
DLC02OA3Brief05a DLC02OA3Brief05a Disgust 100 There are some abandoned mines along the route, so keep your eyes and ears open. It's a great place for an ambush. 67
DLC02OA3Brief06 DLC02OA3Brief06 Neutral 50 You need to clear the place of personnel so we can get our intelligence boys in there to start decoding. 68
DLC02OA3Brief07 DLC02OA3Brief07 Neutral 50 Once the first two targets are down, the last obstacle standing in the way is their damn Pulse Field. 69
DLC02OA3Brief08 DLC02OA3Brief08 Neutral 50 You need to cross it then cause it to overload so we can mop up the place with the T-51b's. 70
DLC02OA3Brief09 DLC02OA3Brief09 Disgust 90 Let me warn you now. Unless you have some sort of a death wish, I wouldn't even go near the field until the first two targets are down. 71
DLC02OA3Brief10 DLC02OA3Brief10 Neutral 50 Lieutenant Morgan will be your eyes and ears for Operation Anchorage, so get everything else you need from him. 72
DLC02OA3Brief11 DLC02OA3Brief1 Neutral 50 Uncle Sam's invested a lot of money turning you into a killing machine... time to pay him back. Dismissed. 73
DLC02VoicesTalkChaseResponse01 DLC02VoicesTalkChaseResponse01 Disgust 90 Good, good. Keep monitoring the battlefield and let me know when we've punched through the Pulse Field. 74
DLC02VoicesTalkChaseResponse02 DLC02VoicesTalkChaseResponse02 Disgust 90 Well, tell those men they need to be ready. As soon as the Pulse Field is down, we need them cocked, locked and ready to rock. 75
DLC02VoicesTalkChaseResponse03 DLC02VoicesTalkChaseResponse03 Anger 100 Well you tell them that if they want their viable liberation contingency ready in case Operation: Anchorage fails, they need to get off their asses! 76
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 The U.S. Army needs more soldiers like you. Carry on. 77
HELLO Disgust 70 Let's wrap this thing up, soldier. We're cold, we're tired and we want our goddamn oil back! 78
HELLO Disgust 70 Damn Chinese Communists are stomping all over us. Time for us to pay them back. 79
HELLO Disgust 70 I think it's time to show those Red bastards what the U.S. Army is all about. 80
HELLO Disgust 70 Those targets can't secure themselves. You've got a job to do, soldier... now snap to it. 81
HELLO Neutral 50 You're doing a man's job, soldier. Keep it up! 82
HELLO Neutral 50 Carry on, soldier. 83
HELLO Neutral 50 Any word from Washington on my latest request? 84
HELLO Neutral 50 How's our boys in the suits doing? 85
HELLO Neutral 50 What are we looking at for losses if we pull this off? 86