Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I heard the doctors say I was dead and then they threw my body onto a pile of other bodies.

Private First Class Dobbs of the US Army lies cryogenically preserved at Sierra Army Depot in 2241.


Dobbs is a soldier of the United States Army. Sometime before October 23, 2077, he was killed in battle and pronounced dead, and he claims to have learned this via an out-of-body experience. While he was out of the body he observed his body being taken to a laboratory and immersed in bio med gel. When defrosted he looks healthy, but seems quite disoriented.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.

Other interactions[]

The Chosen One can find him at the Sierra Army Depot, and defrost him. The bio med gel submersion and cryogenic preservation procedure appear to be successful, but if the Chosen One defrosts Dobbs, he wakes up a little disoriented but in good health, aside from a headache. However, a few seconds after setting off to rejoin his unit, he experiences post-cryogenic syndrome and disintegrates into a puddle of slime.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Combat armor Red Ryder LE BB gun


Dobbs appears only in Fallout 2 and is mentioned in the Fallout Bible.


  1. WCDOBBS.MSG , line 101