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Forums: Index > Fallout: New Vegas gameplay help > All-American Rifle

Im in the Vault armory and i cannot find it .. =|

Any help?

It's sitting on the floor on the middle of an overturned table. Schwal 07:52, October 31, 2010 (UTC)

you must unlock everything in order to unlock the armory door, go into the underwater parts of the vault and find the bodies with the computer keys on them and use the locked computers to progress further into the vault, you will know when you get into the true armory, its full of weapons: sniper, rocket launcher, All-american, pistols, machine guns, marksman carbines. 17:12, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

--Mooseman780 06:57, November 1, 2010 (UTC) That or you're ally picked it up. check their inventory.

--NewHussar I'm having the same problem - I can't find it and none of my allies have it. Any chance it's it's in the very hard locked chest on the floor?

It's not in the chest, I found it somewhere in that room out in the open. I don't know where as I just grabbed everything in sight and only looked at my inventory afterwards when loading stuff into ED-E.

NewHussar 12:24, November 2, 2010 (UTC) Went back and found it. A YouTube was helpful - it's on top of an overturned table more towards the middle of the floor. My mistake was only sticking to the perimeter of the room.

WastelanderCoppock 13:51, November 4, 2010 (GMT) check everwhere in the room and i mean everywhere eg under tables in dark corners i found mine propped up against the wall in the back right corner behind a table next to some 40mm grenades, i think its location must vary with each person
