Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Bought fallout 2 becauze i really liked f3 but didn't have enough money, anyvvay i'm kinda baffled: my character'z recieved enough xp to have gained +80 hp and therefore zhould count az atleazt 5 levelz, but i haven't gotten a zcreen to allovv me to pick perkz and traitz and zuch, am i mizzing out on zomething?

becauze i've played for a good 10 hourz and haven't zkilled up or anything other than from bookz

(excuze the z, my keyboard'z fuked... i don't actually zpeak like thiz)

alzo iz there a vvay to gain intellegence point throughout the game, from the dialogue optionz i'm guezzing my character'z one dunmb zon of a bitch!

much obliged,


One more thing, it ztatez that my character'z arm iz crippled and thuz can't uze the zhotgun etc... but vvhen i go to the doctorz i get no option to uncripple myzelf, any thoughtz?

Did you try entering your character screen (e.g. by pressing the 'C' key)? That's where you can spend your skill points/get perks. Ausir(talk) 16:53, January 22, 2010 (UTC)

LOL! sort of proof that games these days lead you by the hand for everything. Not that I'm saying thats really bad but it casues new gamers to not learn how to problem solve or read a manuals (lolsifreedmanulnub!). Azzaman 05:47, March 31, 2010 (UTC)
