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Fallout Wiki

Grecks is a lazy-eyed ghoul living in Freeside in 2281.


Grecks can be found in the north east of Freeside, and is easily recognized by his lazy eye. He has a history of gambling and drinking, and does not like to pay his debts. According to him, he got his lazy eye from an incident with a "scum-humping water baron."

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
2d20 Terrifying Presence
This character has Terrifying Presence interactions.


Effects of player's actions[]

  • If the player character chooses to make fun of his lazy eye, Grecks will get angry. If they make further derogatory comments, Grecks will turn hostile. Killing him will result in negative Karma and Freeside infamy. He can, however, be subdued by non-lethal means and upon regaining consciousness, he will once again be friendly.
  • If the player character's Speech skill is high enough (60), they can convince him to literally give them the clothes off his back in order to humiliate him. This results in a loss of Karma.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Dirty pre-War casualwear Tire iron Bag of bottle caps


  • After the Debt Collector quest, Grecks will loiter around Freeside (if he is alive) and will attack any random Freeside thug that may spawn as the player character moves around Freeside. Grecks will eventually die, since he does not heal after each fight.
  • While ghouls rarely have facial hair, Grecks has a beard.
  • He is one of only a handful of characters that have deformed faces.


Grecks appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.
