Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	AcceptYield	FormID 000819CD	0	GenericRobot_AcceptYield_000819CD_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AcceptYield_000819CD_1.mp3	File Not Found		AcceptYield	--	Cheerio. Water under the bridge.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	AlertIdle	FormID 000824B6	0	GenericRobot_AlertIdle_000824B6_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AlertIdle_000824B6_1.mp3	File Not Found		AlertIdle	--	It's just little old me. Nothing to be afraid of.	Happy 50	loudly and fake cheerfully	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	AlertIdle	FormID 000824B7	0	GenericRobot_AlertIdle_000824B7_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AlertIdle_000824B7_1.mp3	File Not Found		AlertIdle	--	Someone dirty and disreputable, I shouldn't wonder.	Disgust 50	under his breath	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	AlertIdle	FormID 000824B8	0	GenericRobot_AlertIdle_000824B8_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AlertIdle_000824B8_1.mp3	File Not Found		AlertIdle	--	Here kitty-kitty-kitty!	Happy 50	pretending to call a cat	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	AlertIdle	FormID 000824B9	0	GenericRobot_AlertIdle_000824B9_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AlertIdle_000824B9_1.mp3	File Not Found		AlertIdle	--	As if I'd know what to do if I found something.	Disgust 50	under his breath	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	AlertIdle	FormID 000824BA	0	GenericRobot_AlertIdle_000824BA_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AlertIdle_000824BA_1.mp3	File Not Found		AlertIdle	--	Why not let the robot deal with it?	Disgust 50	under his breath	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	AlertIdle	FormID 000824BB	0	GenericRobot_AlertIdle_000824BB_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AlertIdle_000824BB_1.mp3	File Not Found		AlertIdle	--	I'm going to look over here now.	Disgust 50	loudly, hoping that whoever is there will go away	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	AlertToCombat	FormID 000824B2	0	GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_000824B2_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_000824B2_1.mp3	File Not Found		AlertToCombat	--	Didn't you hear me coming? Now I have to fight you. Bloody fantastic.	Disgust 50	sarcastically	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	AlertToCombat	FormID 000824B3	0	GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_000824B3_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_000824B3_1.mp3	File Not Found		AlertToCombat	--	Here we go again.	Disgust 50	wearily	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	AlertToCombat	FormID 000824B4	0	GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_000824B4_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_000824B4_1.mp3	File Not Found		AlertToCombat	--	Oh good. I found you.	Disgust 50	sarcastically	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	AlertToCombat	FormID 000824B5	0	GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_000824B5_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AlertToCombat_000824B5_1.mp3	File Not Found		AlertToCombat	--	You must be bloody stupid if you can't hide from me.	Disgust 50	sarcastically	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	AlertToNormal	FormID 000824C5	0	GenericRobot_AlertToNormal_000824C5_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AlertToNormal_000824C5_1.mp3	File Not Found		AlertToNormal	--	Back to the usual daily tedium.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	AlertToNormal	FormID 000824C6	0	GenericRobot_AlertToNormal_000824C6_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AlertToNormal_000824C6_1.mp3	File Not Found		AlertToNormal	--	Thought as much. Nothing there after all.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	AlertToNormal	FormID 000824C7	0	GenericRobot_AlertToNormal_000824C7_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_AlertToNormal_000824C7_1.mp3	File Not Found		AlertToNormal	--	Beastly nuisance. Glad that's done with.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Assault	FormID 000819C8	0	GenericRobot_Assault_000819C8_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Assault_000819C8_1.mp3	File Not Found		Assault	--	Not very sporting of you.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Assault	FormID 000819C9	0	GenericRobot_Assault_000819C9_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Assault_000819C9_1.mp3	File Not Found		Assault	--	That's hardly Marquess of Queensberry rules, now is it?	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Assault	FormID 000819CA	0	GenericRobot_Assault_000819CA_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Assault_000819CA_1.mp3	File Not Found		Assault	--	You'll pay for that, you cheeky bastard!	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Attack	FormID 0009361D	0	GenericRobot_Attack_0009361D_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Attack_0009361D_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	*Sigh.* Why must you humans always resort to violence?	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Attack	FormID 0009361E	0	GenericRobot_Attack_0009361E_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Attack_0009361E_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	Do stand still!	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Attack	FormID 0009361F	0	GenericRobot_Attack_0009361F_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Attack_0009361F_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	And who gets to clean up all this blood? Me, that's who...	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Attack	FormID 00093620	0	GenericRobot_Attack_00093620_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Attack_00093620_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	Oohh. Yesss... Let's all beat up on the robot...	Neutral 50	Sarcastic and annoyed	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Attack	FormID 00093621	0	GenericRobot_Attack_00093621_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Attack_00093621_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	By God, if I had hands I would strangle the life out of you!	Neutral 50	 	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Attack	FormID 00093622	0	GenericRobot_Attack_00093622_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Attack_00093622_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	Have at thee!	Neutral 50	 	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Attack	FormID 00093623	0	GenericRobot_Attack_00093623_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Attack_00093623_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	For Queen and country!	Neutral 50	 	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Attack	FormID 00093624	0	GenericRobot_Attack_00093624_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Attack_00093624_1.mp3	File Not Found		Attack	--	You have insulted my honor, and for that, you must die!	Neutral 50	 	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	CombatToLost	FormID 000824C8	0	GenericRobot_CombatToLost_000824C8_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_CombatToLost_000824C8_1.mp3	File Not Found		CombatToLost	--	Just what I was hoping for. Trundling around looking for something that wants to blow me to flinders.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	CombatToLost	FormID 000824C9	0	GenericRobot_CombatToLost_000824C9_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_CombatToLost_000824C9_1.mp3	File Not Found		CombatToLost	--	Must we play hide and seek now?	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	CombatToLost	FormID 000824CA	0	GenericRobot_CombatToLost_000824CA_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_CombatToLost_000824CA_1.mp3	File Not Found		CombatToLost	--	Ready or not, here I come!	Disgust 50	sarcastically -- hoping not to have to find anybody	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	CombatToLost	FormID 000824CB	0	GenericRobot_CombatToLost_000824CB_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_CombatToLost_000824CB_1.mp3	File Not Found		CombatToLost	--	That's a good start. Now just keep running and we'll call it even.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	CombatToNormal	FormID 000824C2	0	GenericRob_CombatToNormal_000824C2_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRob_CombatToNormal_000824C2_1.mp3	File Not Found		CombatToNormal	--	A little peace and quiet, at last.	Disgust 50	sarcastically -- hoping not to have to find anybody	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	CombatToNormal	FormID 000824C3	0	GenericRob_CombatToNormal_000824C3_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRob_CombatToNormal_000824C3_1.mp3	File Not Found		CombatToNormal	--	Well, that's it then.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Detection	CombatToNormal	FormID 000824C4	0	GenericRob_CombatToNormal_000824C4_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRob_CombatToNormal_000824C4_1.mp3	File Not Found		CombatToNormal	--	That's enough excitement for one day.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Death	FormID 000819D1	0	GenericRobot_Death_000819D1_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Death_000819D1_1.mp3	File Not Found		Death	--	Oh, I say.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Death	FormID 000819D2	0	GenericRobot_Death_000819D2_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Death_000819D2_1.mp3	File Not Found		Death	--	It's all going dark...	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Death	FormID 000819D3	0	GenericRobot_Death_000819D3_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Death_000819D3_1.mp3	File Not Found		Death	--	So that's it then?	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Death	FormID 00080DAE	0	GenericRobot_Death_00080DAE_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Death_00080DAE_1.mp3	File Not Found		Death	--	Bzzzt.	Neutral 50	garbled robot death sound	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Death	FormID 00081998	0	GenericRobot_Death_00081998_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Death_00081998_1.mp3	File Not Found		Death	--	Bzzzt.	Neutral 50	garbled robot death sound	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Death	FormID 00081999	0	GenericRobot_Death_00081999_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Death_00081999_1.mp3	File Not Found		Death	--	Bzzzt.	Neutral 50	garbled robot death sound	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Murder	FormID 00081A08	0	GenericRobot_Murder_00081A08_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Murder_00081A08_1.mp3	File Not Found		Murder	--	Dear me, how unsporting of you.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Murder	FormID 000819CF	0	GenericRobot_Murder_000819CF_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Murder_000819CF_1.mp3	File Not Found		Murder	--	*Gasp!* Murder!	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Murder	FormID 000819D0	0	GenericRobot_Murder_000819D0_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Murder_000819D0_1.mp3	File Not Found		Murder	--	I suppose I'm going to have to do something about that.	Disgust 50	heavy sigh at the beginning of the sentence	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Miscellaneous	ObserveCombat	FormID 000824BC	0	GenericRobot_ObserveCombat_000824BC_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_ObserveCombat_000824BC_1.mp3	File Not Found		ObserveCombat	--	This should be interesting.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Miscellaneous	ObserveCombat	FormID 000824BD	0	GenericRobot_ObserveCombat_000824BD_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_ObserveCombat_000824BD_1.mp3	File Not Found		ObserveCombat	--	Barbarians.	Disgust 50	with a superior sniff	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Miscellaneous	ObserveCombat	FormID 000824BE	0	GenericRobot_ObserveCombat_000824BE_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_ObserveCombat_000824BE_1.mp3	File Not Found		ObserveCombat	--	So much violence in the world these days.	Disgust 50	with a superior sniff	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Pickpocket	FormID 000819EB	0	GenericRobot_Pickpocket_000819EB_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Pickpocket_000819EB_1.mp3	File Not Found		Pickpocket	--	The class of people I'm forced to associate with these days just keeps falling.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Steal	FormID 00081A0F	0	GenericRobot_Steal_00081A0F_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Steal_00081A0F_1.mp3	File Not Found		Steal	--	The class of people I'm forced to associate with these days just keeps falling.	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Steal	FormID 00081A10	0	GenericRobot_Steal_00081A10_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Steal_00081A10_1.mp3	File Not Found		Steal	--	Did you really need that?	Disgust 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Steal	FormID 00081A11	0	GenericRobot_Steal_00081A11_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Steal_00081A11_1.mp3	File Not Found		Steal	--	Why do I get all the hoodlums?	Disgust 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	MS16	Topic	TLMS16Andy1	FormID 00075394	0	MS16_TLMS16Andy1_00075394_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16_TLMS16Andy1_00075394_1.mp3	File Not Found		Andy, what happened? All this blood...	--	Ah, yes. A rather unfortunate incident. In all the commotion, Miss Beatrice suffered from a rather bad sprain in her left toe. The big one.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	MS16	Topic	TLMS16Andy1	FormID 00075394	1	MS16_TLMS16Andy1_00075394_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16_TLMS16Andy1_00075394_2.mp3	File Not Found		Andy, what happened? All this blood...	--	Obviously, I had no choice but to amputate. The leg. I'm sorry to say the operation was not a success.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	MS16	Topic	TLMS16Andy2	FormID 00075396	0	MS16_TLMS16Andy2_00075396_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16_TLMS16Andy2_00075396_1.mp3	File Not Found		Wait... they made you the doctor?	--	But of course! With your father's departure from the vault, and Jonas's untimely demise, the Overseer had to take swift action!	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	MS16	Topic	TLMS16Andy2	FormID 00075396	1	MS16_TLMS16Andy2_00075396_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16_TLMS16Andy2_00075396_2.mp3	File Not Found		Wait... they made you the doctor?	--	And so he named me the new vault medical practitioner! A marvelous decision, if I do say so myself! I am fully equipped, after all.	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	MS16	Topic	TLMS16Andy3	FormID 00075395	0	MS16_TLMS16Andy3_00075395_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16_TLMS16Andy3_00075395_1.mp3	File Not Found		If you're the new doctor, can you heal me?	--	Um, actually... no. I'm afraid I've been... What's the human term? Ah yes. "Fired."	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	MS16	Topic	TLMS16Andy3	FormID 00075395	1	MS16_TLMS16Andy3_00075395_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16_TLMS16Andy3_00075395_2.mp3	File Not Found		If you're the new doctor, can you heal me?	--	I've been reassigned to cleaning detail. My first duty is, somewhat ironically, cleaning the clinic! Ah, but surgery was fun while it lasted...	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	MS16	Topic	TLMS16Andy4	FormID 00075393	0	MS16_TLMS16Andy4_00075393_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16_TLMS16Andy4_00075393_1.mp3	File Not Found		So what's your take on this whole situation?	--	Ah, human problems for human hearts. I don't trouble myself with such petty affairs. My work is my life! And as you can see, I've been quite busy...	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Conversation	GOODBYE	FormID 00075932	0	GenericRobot_GOODBYE_00075932_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_GOODBYE_00075932_1.mp3	File Not Found		I have to go now.	--	Of course, of course! Don't let me keep you!	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	DLC03WQ	Topic	GREETING	FormID 0100380F	0	DLC03WQ_GREETING_0000380F_1	Data\Sound\Voice\BrokenSteel.esm\RobotMisterHandy\DLC03WQ_GREETING_0000380F_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	If it's not one thing, it's another. Well, got to run.	Disgust 50	mildly sarcastic	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	DLC03WQ	Topic	GREETING	FormID 01003810	0	DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003810_1	Data\Sound\Voice\BrokenSteel.esm\RobotMisterHandy\DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003810_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	This water delivery business is a complex affair.	Surprise 50	mildly sarcastic	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	DLC03WQ	Topic	GREETING	FormID 01003811	0	DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003811_1	Data\Sound\Voice\BrokenSteel.esm\RobotMisterHandy\DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003811_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	So much to do, so little time to do it.	Surprise 50	mildly sarcastic	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	DLC03WQ	Topic	GREETING	FormID 01003813	0	DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003813_1	Data\Sound\Voice\BrokenSteel.esm\RobotMisterHandy\DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003813_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	I'm so glad I got drafted to be part of Lyons' little Water Delivery Team. No really, I can't tell you what a wonderful opportunity this all is.	Disgust 50	sarcastic	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	DLC03WQ	Topic	GREETING	FormID 01003814	0	DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003814_1	Data\Sound\Voice\BrokenSteel.esm\RobotMisterHandy\DLC03WQ_GREETING_00003814_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	I'd stay away from the boss. He's in one of his moods again.	Surprise 50	mildly sarcastic	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	MS16fin	Topic	GREETING	FormID 000C20C3	0	MS16fin_GREETING_000C20C3_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16fin_GREETING_000C20C3_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	What have you done? The Vault is done for!	Fear 75		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	MS16fin	Topic	GREETING	FormID 000C20C4	0	MS16fin_GREETING_000C20C4_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16fin_GREETING_000C20C4_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	What are we going to do now? You've ruined everything!	Anger 75		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	MS16fin	Topic	GREETING	FormID 000C20C5	0	MS16fin_GREETING_000C20C5_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16fin_GREETING_000C20C5_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	This is all your fault! You've ruined the Vault! You'll pay!	Disgust 75		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	MS16	Topic	GREETING	FormID 00075397	0	MS16_GREETING_00075397_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16_GREETING_00075397_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	Ah, another patient! What's it to be, eh? Appendectomy? Tonsillectomy?  	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	MS16	Topic	GREETING	FormID 00075397	1	MS16_GREETING_00075397_2	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16_GREETING_00075397_2.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	Hysterectomy?	Neutral 50		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	MS16	Topic	GREETING	FormID 00075398	0	MS16_GREETING_00075398_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16_GREETING_00075398_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	Back again, hmm? Here to watch the master work?	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Topic	GREETING	FormID 000824C0	0	GenericRobot_GREETING_000824C0_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_GREETING_000824C0_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	What is it now? Sir.	Neutral 50	exasperated	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Topic	GREETING	FormID 000824C1	0	GenericRobot_GREETING_000824C1_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_GREETING_000824C1_1.mp3	File Not Found		GREETING	--	What is it now? Ma'am.	Neutral 50	exasperated	
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	MS16fin	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 000C20C0	0	MS16fin_HELLO_000C20C0_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16fin_HELLO_000C20C0_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Leave us alone!	Anger 75		
--	--	GetIsID == 1	RobotMisterHandy	MS16fin	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 000C20C1	0	MS16fin_HELLO_000C20C1_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\MS16fin_HELLO_000C20C1_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	Get out!	Anger 75		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 00081A19	0	GenericRobot_HELLO_00081A19_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_HELLO_00081A19_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	How may I serve you, master?	Neutral 50	sarcastically obsequious	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Conversation	HELLO	FormID 00081A1A	0	GenericRobot_HELLO_00081A1A_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_HELLO_00081A1A_1.mp3	File Not Found		HELLO	--	How may I serve you, mistress?	Neutral 50	sarcastically obsequious	
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Hit	FormID 00080DDE	0	GenericRobot_Hit_00080DDE_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Hit_00080DDE_1.mp3	File Not Found		Hit	--	Bzzt.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Hit	FormID 00080DDF	0	GenericRobot_Hit_00080DDF_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Hit_00080DDF_1.mp3	File Not Found		Hit	--	Bzzt.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Hit	FormID 00080DE0	0	GenericRobot_Hit_00080DE0_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Hit_00080DE0_1.mp3	File Not Found		Hit	--	Bzzt.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Hit	FormID 00080DE1	0	GenericRobot_Hit_00080DE1_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Hit_00080DE1_1.mp3	File Not Found		Hit	--	Vvvvzzz.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Hit	FormID 00080DE2	0	GenericRobot_Hit_00080DE2_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Hit_00080DE2_1.mp3	File Not Found		Hit	--	Vvvvzzz.	Neutral 50		
--	--	--	RobotMisterHandy	GenericRobot	Combat	Hit	FormID 00080DE3	0	GenericRobot_Hit_00080DE3_1	Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout3.esm\RobotMisterHandy\GenericRobot_Hit_00080DE3_1.mp3	File Not Found		Hit	--	Vvvvzzz.	Neutral 50		