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Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Mission 12 - Osceolla
//Version 1.7
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.


General Dekker[]


// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Dekker's voice does the briefing and debriefing.

Be at ease, Warrior.\n\n

We have a confirmation on the whereabouts of the Super Mutant leader. As you are probably well aware, he calls himself Gammorin. We have recently linked him to the late Paladin Latham, one of the finest warriors present on the Great Air Convoy. He was believed dead, but after all these years, he has resurfaced under a different identity and a much different purpose.\n\n

This revelation explains how the Super Mutants were able to counter our battle tactics and reconnaissance efforts, as Paladin Latham wrote many of the procedures that we use today. At first, we believed the mutants had successfully interrogated General Barnaky. But records prove that our methods were compromised before the general fell into enemy hands.\n\n

Even now, many of the Elders are having trouble coming to terms with the fact that he has betrayed us and turned against the Order - but the truth must not be denied.\n\n

You have two objectives for this mission.\n\n

Your first objective is to assassinate Gammorin. He is a dangerous man and his knowledge of our inner working could prove our undoing. Without his guidance, the Super-Mutants will lack the leadership and discipline to be a continual threat.\n\n

Your second objective is to recover General Barnaky. All facts indicate that he will be kept close to Gammorin.\n\n

Assemble your squad immediately.\n\n


// Mission Debriefing

// Situation 01: Mission was accomplished successfully. Beginning of every debrief in every situation.
// Tone/Mood: Impressed, sober, and slightly regretful.

Excellent work, warrior.\n\n

Today is a day of joy and sorrow for the Brotherhood. Gammorin was a traitor, a murderer, and a deceiver, yet he was a Paladin. His brave deeds once brought much hope to the wasteland. Yet, something happened to him when the Great Storm ripped his airship from the Convoy and crashed it to the ground. From that moment, Gammorin was born, and the Brotherhood lost its favored son.\n\n

With their leader dead, the mutants have split into factions. Some have turned to internal fighting as they wrestle for control, others have EVEN offered to join the Brotherhood. Though the mutant menace is far from ended, they are severely weakened. It will be some time before they gather their strength. Dagger Squadis out on patrol now hunting any mutant stragglers.\n\n


// Situation 02: Briefcase recovered.
// Tone/Mood: Impressed, sober, and slightly regretful.

The briefcase you retrieved from Gammorin's quarters has turned out to be an invaluable find. It is a portable nuclear arming station from the time before the Great War and, according to our Scribes, it can be retro-fitted to our nuclear warhead.\n\n


// Situation 03: Holodisk retrieved.
// Tone/Mood:

As one of the original Air Convoy crew, I would like to express my thanks for recovering Paladin Latham's holodisk journal. It contains valuable information and our Scribes are matching the events recounted within to our known history.\n\n

There are many unanswered questions that now can be put to rest.\n\n


// Situation 04: Acknowledgement that General Barnaky was not in the camp.
// Tone/Mood:

While some of General Barnaky's possessions have been recovered from the mutant base, his location continues to be a mystery. We can only pray for his well being while we continue the search for answers. Rest assure that our Interrogator's are working around the clock with the mutant prisoners. Time will tell.\n\n

We will have a service for Paladin Latham tonight, in the motor pool, at 2200.\n\n


// Mini-map Information

M12_MiniMap_01 = {
This is your insertion point and your extraction point after successful
completion of your mission.

M12_MiniMap_02 = {
There is a building here, which appears to be the meeting point for the change
of guard.

M12_MiniMap_03 = {
Intelligence reports that this area is watched constantly by roving patrols.

M12_MiniMap_04 = {
Scouts have marked this area as heavily saturated by enemy patrols.

M12_MiniMap_05 = {
There is an entrance to an underground tunnel here.

M12_MiniMap_06 = {
This is the southern entrance to the military compound. Expect it to be well

M12_MiniMap_07 = {
This is the western entrance to the military compound. Expect it to be well

M12_MiniMap_08 = {
This is the back entrance to the military compound as it faces the cliffs to
the north and northeast.

M12_MiniMap_09 = {
The wreckage of a dirigible is here. It is believed to be the remains of the
one that was under the command of Paladin Latham's group.

M12_MiniMap_10 = {
There is a junkyard between the compound and the cliffs.

M12_MiniMap_11 = {
A watchtower has been built here. We have noted sniper activity from this
tower covering the eastern perimeter.

M12_MiniMap_12 = {
There is an opening here that allows access to the underground tunnels beneath
the military compound.

M12_MiniMap_13 = {
Avoid or neutralize the minefield in this area.

// Objective Breakdowns:
M12_OBJ_01 = { Kill Gammorin. }

M12_FAILUREA = { Blood gushes from every orifice as you realize you're going to die a virgin...}

M12_SUCCESSA = {You have completed the objectives for this mission.\n\n

Proceed to the exit grid to leave this mission.}



// Name: Gammorin, aka. Paladin Latham.
// Role: Leader of the Super Mutants, former Brother of Steel.
// Background: Gammorin is a barrel-chested human. In his mind, he has become
// part human, part Super Mutant. The Super Mutant half of him is probably the
// better half.
// Gammorin is the brains behind the Super Mutant army. He was original part
// of the Brotherhood of Steel, but he has become mad and now believes that
// the Super Mutants are the ideal that the Brotherhood should have been. He
// truly believes that the Super Mutants should be the true masters of the
// Earth.

// Situation A00: When Gammorin sees the players for the first time, he will
// call to them with the following lines.
// Gammorin is confident, arrogant and above all, a gentleman with his speech.
// He hesitates before he uses the term friends because of the disdain he
// holds for the Brotherhood. He reminds me of the Master's Lieutenant in the
// first Fallout game.
M12_Gammorin_A00_W = {

Welcome brothers. Welcome. What a fine bunch of soldiers I see before me. If only the West Coast Elders could see you. They would have finally agreed with us about sharing the Brotherhood's wealth of education and technology. But I digress.\n\n

Do you believe you can stop the Menace from the West? Your eyes give you away "brother." They tell me you don't even understand who or what the Menace is. The Elders have always been blind to what is not in front of them.\n\n

But it ends here.\n\n

The General is not here for you to save, I'm afraid.\n\n

And you cannot save me... or yourself.\n\n

Now, show me what you've learned!

// Situation A01: If Gammorin is dying or hit down to less than 20% of his
// health, he will utter his dying words. Gammorin is coughing, and out of
// breath when he speaks. To include the cough and wheezing sounds in the text
// dialogue would be clumsy so it is left up to the voice actor's discretion.

M12_Gammorin_A01_W = {

I did not sacrifice my very identity to be beaten by those I strive to save! Ask yourself what you will gain by killing me?!\n\n

Judge me not by my actions but by my goals!\n\n

This undead enemy will not stop until all life has been extinguished!\n\n

Why can't you see that?\n\n


// Situation B: Before Gammorin sees the player he will say the following
// random lines to his Super Mutant bodyguards.
M12_Gammorin_B00 = { Tear this place apart until you find those intruders. }
M12_Gammorin_B01 = { Bring me the Brotherhood warriors, I want them alive. }
M12_Gammorin_B02 = { Casualties do not concern me, Commander. }
M12_Gammorin_B03 = { I want their leader, not excuses. }
M12_Gammorin_B04 = { We lost the Brotherhood General, but it matters not. }
M12_Gammorin_B05 = { If they come, they'll only send one squad. Trust me. }

// Situation C: After Gammorin sees the player he will say the following
// random lines during the fight. Gammorin is special enough that he should
// have special triggers to make this happen.
M12_Gammorin_C00 = { If the Brotherhood wasn't so busy preening its shiny steel ass, you would have discovered the new menace already! }
M12_Gammorin_C01 = { Not bad, but you have much to learn, young one. }
M12_Gammorin_C02 = { See this scar on my head? That's my mutant badge of honor! }
M12_Gammorin_C03 = { The Brotherhood cannot stop the robots! }
M12_Gammorin_C04 = { I wrote your training exorcises, you know! }
M12_Gammorin_C05 = { Your ignorance makes you a pawn for the menace! }

// Situation D: These are journals on the holodisk found in Gammorin's living
// quarters.Ed, please adjust dates as required since I changed the story to fit with the stuff I wrote in dialogue.

Journal of Sir Latham[]


M12_Gammorin_D00_W = {
Journal of Sir Latham, Entry 10.1.4.\n\n

We have crash landed north of a camp occupied by Super Mutants. We believe
these to be remnants of the Master's army as encountered by the first Vault
Dweller. Although the archives mentioned that some of these Super Mutants
might actually be friendly, we found little to like about these ones, especially the chief.\n\n

The leader of this camp went by the name of Gammorin. We were set upon by his
patrols soon after we pulled ourselves from the wreckage. Bound and gagged,
the mutant guards dragged us back to their camp. Fully half of us had been
killed by the crash, and now less than half of that survived the treatment of
our mutant captors.\n\n

We were scheduled to be killed for the amusement of Gammorin. It was not hard
to see that several of the Super-Mutants were unhappy with this. In fact, I
was amazed to discover that they were not as savage as I had been previously
lead to believe.\n\n

I challenged Gammorin to single unarmed combat. It was to the death. There
could be no other outcome in my mind. If I die, it will in combat.

M12_Gammorin_D01_W = {
Journal of Sir Latham, Entry 0.0.1.\n\n

I am awake.\n\n

To tell the truth, I remember little of the battle. The gash on my head, along with multiple fractures and breaks, paint an adequate picture. However, the mutants are now expecting me to lead them since I laid Gammorin to rest. I will record more later. I fear my brain has been set awry by the fight. I will try to rest until I can think clearly.

M12_Gammorin_D02_W = {
Journal of Sir Latham, Entry 0.5.8.\n\n

The Super Mutants are a simple but good people. While considered stupid by
many, they show a loyalty stronger than I have seen in many humans. They live life the only way they know how.\n\n

I have begun to organize these Mutant forces with the handful of fellow humans who survived the crash. I have recovered physically but I find myself prone to mysterious fits of anger and depression. But much worse are the hallucinations.\n\n

M12_Gammorin_D03_W = {
Journal of Sir Latham, Entry 1.4.5.\n\n

Today is a day filled with absolute horror.\n\n

Only one mutant returned from a scouting trip that was ten soldiers strong. He staggered back to camp and collapsed without a sound. He died in my arms while trying to hold back the blood pouring from his mouth.\n\n

Before I had a chance to close his eyes, the menace was upon us! Metallic death machines entered the camp undetected by my sentries! I have never seen creatures such as this before, but they seemed unstoppable. It was only the sheer power and, more importantly, our numbers that allowed us to defeat these three machinations of death.\n\n

Our losses were staggering.

M12_Gammorin_D04_W = {
Journal of Sir Latham, Entry 1.8.2.\n\n

We are resting now. Humans and mutants alike, hanging their heads and trying to catch their breath. Who knows how far we retreated? Twenty miles? Forty even?\n\n

Once we put enough distance between us and this... this Menace from the West, then we can regroup and plan a counter-strike.

M12_Gammorin_D06_W = {
Journal of Sir Latham, Entry 2.3.4.\n\n

I am not well. This morning I thought I was attacked by a Deathclaw. Too far from my SMG, I lashed out with my Ripper, slashing the beast's throat. My vision cleared in time to see Nathan the scribe's eyes go cloudy. His neck in ruin, his blood covering my hands. How can I go mad when humanity is in such dire peril?\n\n

I must maintain my sanity. I must.

M12_Gammorin_D07_W = {
Journal of Sir Latham, Entry 2.4.2.\n\n

My scouts engaged an enemy today. The sound of chain guns and explosions hasting my steps. What I observed in that fight changed me to the core of my being.\n\n

My mutant scouts were engaged by a Brotherhood patrol. For the first time in my life, I was frozen in battle.\n\n

I watched, curious even, tribal looking Brotherhood soldiers laughing manically as they cut down my new companions.\n\n

My mutant companions, who dedicated their life to me as their leader. I lifted my weapon then, and fired again and again.\n\n

When it was over, with Brotherhood corpses littering the ground, my head suddenly cleared. I now know my purpose and, more importantly, I finally know who I am.\n\n

I am Gammorin - sworn enemy of the Menace from the West.




// Name: Roshambo.
// Role: A crazy, naked guy.
// Background: Roshambo is a crazy old man who hides and does funny things
// with his fingers. He is the sort of man mothers warn their sons about.
// Roshambo's role is to provide clues to the player about the minefield.
// He will not talk unless the player initiates conversation although he does
// have a lot of random rubbish to say.

// Situation A00: This is what Roshambo will say if the player tries to talk
// to him. The first is a description of the Great Air Convoy.
M12_Roshambo_A00_W = {

...will walk my post in a military manner... Oh! Hello children. I'm sorry, Roshambo doesn't have any candy for you. Is that a pledge pin on your uniform? If it is, will you help me fly again?\n\n

My airship has fallen and it won't get up!


// Situation A01: This is what Roshambo will say if the player tries to talk
// to him again. The second is pure gibberish.
M12_Roshambo_A01_W = {

Brothers, brothers, brothers. I didn't expect to see you again so SPOON!\n\n

You know that I told them that storms would be the end of the air convoy! I told them, but did they listen to me? HECK NO!! Fool Elders! Exiling their own brothers over nothing. FOR NOTHING!\n\n

Now scratch my back, son, like I did for my pappy.

// Situation A02: This is what Roshambo will say if the player tries to talk
// to him again. The third is a reference to the minefield.
// Roshambo changes from his singsong voice to urgent whispers as he moves
// from the first paragraph to the second. After that, he goes back to his
// normal lunatic voice.
M12_Roshambo_A02_W = {

I said those airships weren't safe. But did they listen to Roshambo? I told them that thing would fly like a "lead zeppelin."\n\n

Then Gammorin tells me about the mimefield, so I shouldn't blow my old fool head off. So I said, "Hey, change your name all you want, you lilac, I still changed your diapers before you were an inch in your daddy's codpiece." Do you have something shiny that you want to trade? All I have is this map of the mimefield that Latham gave me.\n\n

It says there are mimes buried in the field that's north of that east building.\n\n

Hah, hah! Gammorin has his faults, but he don't take no crapola from no meddling mimes!


// Situation A03: This is what Roshambo will say if the player tries to talk
// to him again. This is his good-bye line.
//Go right to Situation B

// Situation B: This is what Roshambo will say at random. These lines are pure
// gibberish. Any reference to nouns in real life are purely coincidental.
M12_Roshambo_B00 = { This lump on my butt is where the gnomes live. You can hear them if you listen close!}
M12_Roshambo_B01 = { The new Brotherhood? Pshah! Well back in the days...}
M12_Roshambo_B02 = { ...then she said that I have really old balls...}
M12_Roshambo_B03 = { Children play, children pray. }
M12_Roshambo_B04 = { Before the Brotherhood, I almost joined the "Paladin Order Of Peace" or "POOP!" }
M12_Roshambo_B05 = { Ya know son, crapping really becomes a project at my age. }
M12_Roshambo_B06 = { (Nervously looks both ways) You ever sleep with a ghoul? Uh... me neither. }



// Name: Toccamatta.
// Role: Super Mutant High Inquisitor.
// Background: Toccamatta is one of the gifted, clever, Super Mutants. As such,
// he has been promoted to the rank of High Inquisitor. He specializes in
// torture and has had a ninety-nine percent success rate at getting prisoners
// to spill the beans.
// He is the last survivor of a robot ambush. He was carrying General Barnaky
// to Gammorin when they were attacked. He alone knows that the General was
// taken alive. At present, he is dying and with his last breath, another
// piece of the puzzle falls into place.
// He is not to be on a team with a hostile alignment to the player. He is
// also friendly to the Super Mutant teams.

// Situation A00: Toccamatta lies on the ground, he is near death and will be
// moaning softly. If the player speaks with him, he will say these last few
// lines and die.
// Note to voice-actor: Toccamatta is coughing blood as he speaks. The text
// doesn't include the coughs, so feel free to improvise.NOTE: Add a holodisk to Toccamatta's inventory. I'll add the content below (very important!!!)
M12_Toccamatta_A00_W = {

Gammorin? *pant pant* Gammorin, is that you? I failed you my lord. AARRRGGGHHH! *cough* We all failed you... Whole platoon wiped out by that one monster... They crushed us... those things... they don't feel pain... *cough* ...I used to... think the same thing once.\n\n

They took my prisoner, General Barnaky... I didn't have time... get any information from him. He's a tough nut to crack all right... *chuckle, cough, sharp inhale* don't like mutants much, either...\n\n

You should've seen it, Gammorin... It looks like an angry god... breaths fire and death... *cough* ...my death.\n\n

I'm going to die. I *sputter* don't hurt any more. Why is it so bright? I hope it's not that damn robot again... Master...


// Situation B: As Toccamatta lies on the ground, he will be moaning one of
// the following randomly chosen lines. These will be only before the player talks to him since he will die upon completion of his VO.
M12_Toccamatta_B00 = { Master, help me. }
M12_Toccamatta_B01 = { No good... I'm finished... }
M12_Toccamatta_B02 = { Not enough of us to stop it... }
M12_Toccamatta_B03 = { We were ambushed ... }
M12_Toccamatta_B04 = { The robots now have General Barnaky. }
M12_Toccamatta_B05 = { Aaarhhh ... }

//General's holodisk to wife Maria. This is found on Toccamatta.
M12_GeneralB_A00_W = {
My dearest Maria,\n\n

Although it pains me to record this, I must continue. Time is short and my future is less than certain. *deep breath* I am currently captured and held prisoner by a large group of super mutants and I don't believe that I'm going to make it back this time.\n\n

But, once again, time is short and I'll use it to tell you what's important.\n\n

I love you Maria. I've loved you since we first met and I love you even more fifty years since.\n\n

We were always much alike, you and I. And know that I would never have had the courage to fight for humanity without you faithfully by my side.\n\n

For, in the end, I realize I did it all for you. For I wanted nothing more but to restore order to this chaotic world so you can live a life free of danger, free of fear and free of ungodly mutations.\n\n

I'm afraid I'm out of time.\n\n

I will make every attempt to fix this world for you, my love. I promise.\n\n


Super mutants[]


// Super Mutants:
// These are divided into various situations in which the Super Mutants may be
// encountered. All of these are floating-text only.

// Situation A: Super Mutants on Patrol. This is random text before sighting
// the player while Gammorin is alive.
M12_SuperMutant_A00 = { Shhh! }
M12_SuperMutant_A01 = { Me smell humies. }
M12_SuperMutant_A02 = { Me heard sumthin'. }
M12_SuperMutant_A03 = { Wat wuz dat? }
M12_SuperMutant_A04 = { Who made dat noise? }
M12_SuperMutant_A05 = { Wut dat smell? }

M12_SuperMutant_A06 = { Check dat rock. }
M12_SuperMutant_A07 = { *sniff-sniff* Dey be nearby. }
M12_SuperMutant_A08 = { Me check behind rock. }
M12_SuperMutant_A09 = { Wat dat shadow? }
M12_SuperMutant_A10 = { Me know dey out dere, sumwhere. }
M12_SuperMutant_A11 = { *sniff-sniff* }

M12_SuperMutant_A12 = { Roger that. Gammorin says to be extra careful. }
M12_SuperMutant_A13 = { Gammorin wants us to look for intruders. }
M12_SuperMutant_A14 = { No sign of intruders, so far. Over. }
M12_SuperMutant_A15 = { Search and Destroy. I copy. }
M12_SuperMutant_A16 = { What was that noise? }
M12_SuperMutant_A17 = { I thought I heard something. }

// Situation B: Super Mutants on Patrol. This is random text before sighting
// the player after Gammorin is dead.
M12_SuperMutant_B00 = { Oh no... }
M12_SuperMutant_B01 = { Master dead. }
M12_SuperMutant_B02 = { Wut we do now Gammorin dead? }
M12_SuperMutant_B03 = { Gammorin dead. No! }
M12_SuperMutant_B04 = { Me kill humies, who kill Gammorin, who is a humie! }
M12_SuperMutant_B05 = { Me find humies who kill Gammorin? Me kill dem. }

M12_SuperMutant_B06 = { We doomed now. Robots find us! }
M12_SuperMutant_B07 = { No Gammorin, no army. }
M12_SuperMutant_B08 = { Bad humies kill leader. }
M12_SuperMutant_B09 = { Me find humies, me bash dem gud. }
M12_SuperMutant_B10 = { Humies kill leader. Me bash humies. }
M12_SuperMutant_B11 = { We failed Gammorin. }

M12_SuperMutant_B12 = { Damn. Gammorin is dead. }
M12_SuperMutant_B13 = { Who will guide us now that Gammorin is gone? }
M12_SuperMutant_B14 = { When I find out who killed Gammorin... }
M12_SuperMutant_B15 = { Gammorin, how will we defeat the robots now? }
M12_SuperMutant_B16 = { What was that noise? }
M12_SuperMutant_B17 = { Come out now. I know you're hiding there. }

// Situation C: Super Mutants on guard duty or sentry (basically stationary
// Super-Mutants.) This is random text before sighting the player while
// Gammorin is alive.
M12_SuperMutant_C00 = { Me bored. }
M12_SuperMutant_C01 = { *sniff-sniff* Funny, me smell humie. }
M12_SuperMutant_C02 = { Me smell humie. Me no see dem. }
M12_SuperMutant_C03 = { Funny. }
M12_SuperMutant_C04 = { Hur, hur. }
M12_SuperMutant_C05 = { Dis boring work. }

M12_SuperMutant_C06 = { Me see humie. Me bash humie. }
M12_SuperMutant_C07 = { See humie? }
M12_SuperMutant_C08 = { Here humie, humie, humie. }
M12_SuperMutant_C09 = { Dis job boring. }
M12_SuperMutant_C10 = { So quiet. Nuthin to do. }
M12_SuperMutant_C11 = { Me stand here. }

M12_SuperMutant_C12 = { Checking in. No sign of intruders. Out. }
M12_SuperMutant_C13 = { All's quiet. Over. }
M12_SuperMutant_C14 = { Did I hear something? }
M12_SuperMutant_C15 = { Remember, investigate anything that looks suspicious. }
M12_SuperMutant_C16 = { What was that noise? }
M12_SuperMutant_C17 = { Gammorin wants us to be extra careful today. }

// Situation D: Super Mutants on guard duty or sentry (basically stationary
// Super Mutants.) This is random text before sighting the player after
// Gammorin is killed.
M12_SuperMutant_D00 = { Lets run. Boss dead. }
M12_SuperMutant_D01 = { Boss no more. }
M12_SuperMutant_D02 = { Me bad. Me failed Boss-man. }
M12_SuperMutant_D03 = { Gammorin dead now. Me failed. }
M12_SuperMutant_D04 = { Me feel bad. Boss no more. }
M12_SuperMutant_D05 = { Who be new boss? }

M12_SuperMutant_D06 = { Me not happy. Boss dead. }
M12_SuperMutant_D07 = { Boss dead. }
M12_SuperMutant_D08 = { Me want bash humies who kill Boss. }
M12_SuperMutant_D09 = { No more boss. Where me go now? }
M12_SuperMutant_D10 = { Me very sad. Boss gone now. }
M12_SuperMutant_D11 = { Boss gone. }

M12_SuperMutant_D12 = { Where are those intruders? }
M12_SuperMutant_D13 = { When I find them, I'll kill them. }
M12_SuperMutant_D14 = { Check back with me in a bit. Over. }
M12_SuperMutant_D15 = { Haven't spotted them yet. Over. }
M12_SuperMutant_D16 = { What was that noise? }
M12_SuperMutant_D17 = { I think I've spotted an intruder. }

// Situation E: Super Mutants exploring the junkyard. The first six lines are
// the standard lines..
// These are the random lines before they see the player. The mutants in the
// junkyard are cut-off from base and they won't know about Gommorin's death.
M12_SuperMutant_E00 = { Be careful. }
M12_SuperMutant_E01 = { Where? }
M12_SuperMutant_E02 = { Ouch. Sumthin' cut me. }
M12_SuperMutant_E03 = { Oooh. Stepped on sumthin'. }
M12_SuperMutant_E04 = { This place smell bad. }
M12_SuperMutant_E05 = { Wut dat noise? }

M12_SuperMutant_E06 = { Look! Lenny found mouse! Lenny keep mouse always!}
M12_SuperMutant_E07 = { Hope no robots here! }
M12_SuperMutant_E08 = { No like metal monsters! }
M12_SuperMutant_E09 = { Wish no more war. Me tired of fight. }
M12_SuperMutant_E10 = { Look! Me find old garbage!}
M12_SuperMutant_E11 = { Bah, no talk! Me have turtlehead pokin' out! }

// Situation F: Super Mutants guarding the tunnel. These are different from
// the normal guards as their lines tip the player off to the possible
// radiation within the tunnels. These are the random lines before they see
// the player while Gammorin is still alive.
M12_SuperMutant_F00 = { Gammorin say there is radation in tunnel! }
M12_SuperMutant_F01 = { Funny box make "beep-beep" noise. }
M12_SuperMutant_F02 = { Black box beeping. }
M12_SuperMutant_F03 = { Me feels tired and nauseous. }
M12_SuperMutant_F04 = { Little animals die in tunnel! }
M12_SuperMutant_F05 = { Oh. 'Nother canary dead. }

// Situation G: Super Mutants guarding the tunnel. These are different from
// the normal guards as their lines tip the player off to the possible
// radiation within the tunnels. These are the random lines before they see
// the player after Gamorrin is killed.
//Use Situation F

// Situation H: Super Mutants near the bartender. They are trying out different
// drinks. These are random lines before they see the player, of course. These
// fellows are oblivious to Gamorrin's state.
M12_SuperMutant_H00 = { Fire water make you look attractive! }
M12_SuperMutant_H01 = { This gud. }
M12_SuperMutant_H02 = { You my best friend! Hug? }
M12_SuperMutant_H03 = { *BURRRP* 'Scuse me. }
M12_SuperMutant_H04 = { *BRRAARRP* }
M12_SuperMutant_H05 = { *URP* }

M12_SuperMutant_H06 = { *gulp-gulp* }
M12_SuperMutant_H07 = { Give me 'nother cola with firewater! }
M12_SuperMutant_H08 = { Hur! }
M12_SuperMutant_H09 = { Gud shtuff! }
M12_SuperMutant_H10 = { Hic. }
M12_SuperMutant_H11 = { Dish gud shtuff! }

// Situation I: Super Mutant bartender. He is busying trying out new mixtures
// and passing it around to his friends. The bartender has found the case of
// ancient drinks from a while back, he and his friends have opened the case
// and are indulging themselves.
M12_SuperMutant_I00 = { Me like dis drink. }
M12_SuperMutant_I01 = { Oooh. Whiskey with Nuka-Cola!! }
M12_SuperMutant_I02 = { Me mix vinegar and Gamma-Gulp now. }
M12_SuperMutant_I03 = { Bah! Needs ice! }
M12_SuperMutant_I04 = { You use wrong glass for brandy, Dummy! }
M12_SuperMutant_I05 = { *BURP* }
