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Fallout Wiki



Megaton Clinic is (surprise!) Megaton's local clinic. The doctor here is named Doc Church.


  • The key to the medical supplies case in Doc Church's office can be found on Doc Church's dead body.
  • There is a Holotape on top of the broken computer entitled Wanted: Trustworthy Surgeon. This holotape can activate The Replicated Man quest.

There is some Radaway and a couple of stimpacks on his desk.


There is a Metal Box on the bottom shelf in the Megaton Clinic, Located on the same wall as the entrance. When the box is searched and there are no items inside the box will never have the "[Empty]" text under the name.


When entering the clinic there is a room directly ahead containing 3 owned beds. These beds are occupied at random by "patients". Occasionally the room will be empty. While the player cannot initiate dialogue with these patients, they can be killed for negative karma.

A few times when searching through the Clinic, I heard a kind of coughing/spluttering noise. I had killed all of the patients and the Doctor, and the bodies disappeared over time, so there was nobody to make the sound. (Xbox 360 version).

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