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Raider report is a paper note in Fallout 4. It is written by Brian Fitzgerald.


In the Covenant office building, in the [Expert] wall/floor safe hidden behind a crate.



Turrets repelled another two Raider attacks.

Second attack was an organized probing attack. No massive threats (yet) but worried we'll be targeted soon.

Need: 16 batteries, 2 cases of turret ammo (at least 4 batteries or we'll be out of juice after next big attack).

Recommend: Once Compound team recovers from Stockton retrieval, take out the "Fog Hill" Raiders. Need a permanent Raider solution, though. With a greater volume of subjects passing through we become a bigger target. Investigate Bunker Hill deal?




  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One The note will still be marked as owned after dropping it, but not when putting it in a container.[verified]