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Name's Regis - I'm Papa Khan's advisor and right-hand man. I'm also the chief enforcer of the tribe's laws - so watch your behavior.

Regis is an advisor and second in command of the Great Khans living in Red Rock Canyon in 2281.


Regis acts as Papa Khan's right-hand man. This position is also literal, as Regis takes the seat to Papa's right in the Great Khan's longhouse. Regis is also the Great Khan's chief law enforcer and as such, will warn the Courier to watch their step.[1] Although loyal to Papa, believing him to be one of the best leaders the Khans have had, Regis harbors doubts about his chief's recent decisions. He worries about Papa's mental stability following the Bitter Springs Massacre[2] and believes that Karl is taking advantage of his grief to form an alliance with Caesar's Legion.[1][3]

Jack describes him as, "Cool. Scary, but cool,"[4] while Jerry describes him as a "hulking reprobate."[5] Regis has the highest strength stat of all the Great Khans and is the only named Khan to exclusively use melee weapons, possibly explaining Jerry's description of him.

Regis is the only one of Papa Khan's advisors who is suspicious of Karl and Caesar's Legion[6] but will not speak out against the alliance without proof.[7] He is also suspicious of the Legion's treatment of women, which he infers based on the soldiers who work with Karl.[8]

Interactions with the player character

Interactions overview

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.

Oh My Papa

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

We Are Legion


  • Oh My Papa: Regis will pull the Courier aside after attempting to convince Papa Khan to break his alliance with the Legion and explain how to get Papa to change his mind.
  • We Are Legion: After completing the quest for the Legion, Papa will name the Courier his heir. Speaking to Regis after Papa Khan is killed will allow a Legion player to decide the fate of the tribe. It is also possible to hand leadership over to Regis and allow him to lead the Khans north to begin a new life.

Effects of player's actions

  • Regis will not offer the quest Oh My Papa if the Courier has earned a vilified reputation with the Great Khans, stating that he "should not be talking about this with an outsider." This can be fixed by picking up Karl's journal, talking to Papa again and leaving the longhouse.
  • If Papa Khan is killed, Regis will become the leader of the Great Khans unless the Courier is Papa's heir. Without Papa Khan's guidance, Regis will agree to an alliance with the NCR,[9] ultimately at the detriment of the Khans.



Notable quotes


Regis appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Courier: "Who are you?"
    Regis: "Name's Regis - I'm Papa Khan's advisor and right-hand man. I'm also the chief enforcer of the tribe's laws - so watch your behavior."
    (Regis' dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Tell me about Papa Khan."
    Regis: "Papa is one of the best leaders the Khans have ever had. He's kept us together through all of our hardships, ever since we left California. Bitter Springs changed him, though. He started to really hate the NCR after the Massacre, and sometimes I worry that's poisoned his mind."
    (Regis' dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Okay, I'll see what I can do to convince everyone."
    Regis: "Good. Oh, one more thing: Caesar's representative, Karl, has become fast friends with Papa. Karl's the one who has him so fixated on this alliance. You'll probably have an easier time of things if you can find a way to get him out of the picture."
    (Regis' dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "Tell me a little about the Great Khans."
    Jack: "They're family, you dig? They've always looked out for us, made sure we had something to eat and a place to crash. Papa may look like a big angry bear, but he's a softie at heart. Regis is cool - scary, but cool. The rest are all pretty groovy, even little Jerry."
    (Jack's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "That doesn't sound so bad."
    Jerry the Punk: "Sure, maybe not if you're some hulking reprobate like Regis or baked to the gills like Jack. I've tried five times and still haven't made it."
    (Jerry the Punk's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "What kind of doubts?"
    Regis: "I just don't trust the words of Caesar's ambassador that much. He's promising a lot, and I don't see the advantage for him. It makes me suspicious."
    (Regis' dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "Aren't you convinced already, if we're having this conversation?"
    Regis: "I have my doubts about Caesar, yes, but I won't publicly go against Papa Khan based on nothing more than doubts. I've heard rumors that tribes who aligned with Caesar in the past were torn apart and reduced to slaves - prove it, and I'll back you."
    (Regis' dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "What about Melissa?"
    Regis: "Ah, Melissa. She's a bit of a dreamer. Last time she was in camp, Karl filled her head with stories of serving the Legion as a speculatore. Personally, I've never seen a woman in Legionaire's armor, so I have my doubts."
    (Regis' dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "Now that you're in command, will you lead the Khans against Caesar and fight for the NCR?"
    Regis: "Without Papa Khan's guidance, I don't know what else to do. All right - you can tell the NCR the Great Khans will fight for them when Caesar attacks."
    (Regis' dialogue)