Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

That's right, blokes and sheilas. Gather round. What I 'ave 'ere is your typical giant mutated Komodo Dragon, my namesake if you will, a real beautiful animal. Now what I'm gonna do 'ere is bloody dangerous, so I don't want any of you gallahs to try this without supervision. Basically, I'm going to annoy the living bejeezus out of this 'ere Komodo an' see what he makes of that. 'ere I go!Komodo Man

Komodo Man is a special encounter in Fallout Tactics.

In this encounter, you'll find Komodo Man first promoting the fight and then wrestling a Komodo dragon in front of an audience. If you wait around long enough, the dragon will eventually kill Komodo Man and the crowd will disperse.

Behind the scenes

Komodo Man is a reference to Steve Irwin aka The Crocodile Hunter.

