Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki




Apparel Weapon Other items On death
N.C.R. First Recon Boots
.44 Magnum Bottle caps


Vee was born Emilee Juniper-Mae on June 24th, 2263. Her father was an N.C.R. officer and her mother was a prostitute that worked at Gomorrah. They abandoned her outside of Jacobstown where the super mutant leader, Marcus found her. Feeling like it wasn't his place he handed her over to Doc Henry who found out something extraordinary. Emilee was immune to radiation. Doc Henry told Marcus that it is his duty for finding her to raise her, so he did. He named her after the F.E.V. that mutated him.

However, Marcus felt like it wasn't his place to raise her among super mutants so he gave her when she was six to a group of merchants who brought her to New Vegas; Marcus shed a few tears.

Vee however was abandoned again at the age of fourteen and was forced to work as a prostitute at Gomorrah. However, she never slept with anyone only danced and got quite a few caps to get her out of Gomorrah. One night a man by the name of Mr. Burke came in and through hard and tough persuasion slept with Vee and told her all about Capitol Wasteland. When she turned sixteen she left Gomorrah and the entire Mojave to live in Capital Wasteland to pursue her dream of one day being on the radio.

Life in DC

Arriving in the DC area at the age of seventeen she stumbled upon Megaton meeting new people, even getting into a relationship with the bartender at Moriarty's Saloon Gob. However, she left to go find the man by the name Three Dog who let her go on the radio once in the while, sense he did just have pre-recorded tapes of his broadcasts.

Two years in Capitol Wasteland was fun and fine but one day it changed everything. After going back from a routine trip to Megaton Vee found herself in an underground metro and was faced with a centaur who nearly killed her until a intelligent super mutant named, Duncan, found her and saved her. He later brought her back to his home and told her all about The Master and the master race. she leaves after Duncan suffers a mental breakdown to tell Three Dog she must go talk to her father Marcus about The Master and what it all means. Three Dog agrees and after two days she leaves. before she leaves the DC area she drops off a note for Gob telling him what she has to do and that she is leaving him for his own good.

She leaves going onto a journey that'll shape her life, forever...

