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Fallout Wiki

Stinking Operators is a holotape in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World. It is recorded by a raider from the Pack.


The tape can be found in the Nuka-Town backstage, on a small table with a lit lantern in the northwestern corner of the main hall.



Raider Man: Remember that Operator I gave a nose job? Well, she came around with some pals. Tried to get a jump on me. Now I got three dead Ops in that dumpster -- the one where we stashed those chems. Didn't mean to kill 'em. But when it's three to one, you got to go hard. They're starting to smell. Get a crew, a couple hacksaws and some shovels. Meet me back there tonight. And for fuck sakes, erase this tape.

Behind the scenes[]

The subtitles for this holotape attribute the speaker as "Raider Man," though the voice is that of a woman.

