Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

And .. that's it?[]

When you put the holotape in doesn't it say to meet you-know-who in the maintenance room? And then he tries to get you to liberate 12 or 13 synths at once, but you have to get something to him first. Noobyorkcity (talk) 23:03, December 6, 2015 (UTC)

Doesn't Get You Banished?[]

I tried handing over the tape, but no "Banished From the Institute" quest appeared and I was still able to teleport to their base.

How is this quest obtained[]

I teleported with help of BoS to the institute. I get the quest from the railroad to use the Holotape in Underground Undercover but i don't know how to get it for the Minutemen. Preston and Sturges have their usual dialogues and my Radio Freedom is bugged for a long time now. HomerDOHSimpson (talk) 1:30, March 6, 2016 (UTC)

It may only be available if you choose the Minutemen faction during The Molecular Level. I don't think the Minutemen questline continues until you're Banished from the Institute. With regards to Underground Undercover, are you sure it actually requires you to use the Network scanner holotape in addition to the Encrypted message holotape? Aya42 (talk) 17:20, March 6, 2016 (UTC)
Oops, my bad. HomerDOHSimpson (talk) 13:42, March 8, 2016 (UTC)
Someone recently updated the wiki page with a way to get this quest after building the teleporter with a different faction. - LastWerd (talk) 19:32, 27 May 2022 (UTC)
I found that Tinker Tom asks for the Network scanner if you're carrying it having not handed in the quest From Within. Handing in the quest to Sturges and then returning to Tinker Tom means that he'll give you the Encrypted message holotape without mentioning the Network scanner --Desktopcarl (talk) 14:22, March 7, 2016 (UTC)

Quest order[]

For what it's worth, if you've already completed Liberty Reprimed, Proctor Ingram moves into the Prydwen and stands right next to Lancer Captain Kells. If you've done the turn in for Blind Betrayal already, you can't get to Ingram before Kels starts a conversation with you, giving you Tactical Thinking, which automatically makes you an enemy of the Railroad. As far as I can tell, if you want to keep on the side of the Railroad, you cannot do the quests in this order, and you'll have to jump back to a save that's before you completed either Blind Betrayal or Liberty Reprimed.

--Zbg97 (talk) 21:16, September 8, 2016 (UTC)
