Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Emma's body and holotape were not in the garage. I did not find them. I found Josh's body but no holotape on him. I am playing PS4 on survivor mode. (anonymous)

I also could not find Emma's body in the garage. Could it be a different garage than the one in back of the Super Duper Mart? Also, I could not find Josh's Holotape. Could someone increase the specificity of the article and specify where exactly Josh's holotape is in relation to his body? Thanks Jaspian (talk) 13:15, November 22, 2015 (UTC)

I have had Emma's body fail to spawn (on a previous playthrough she did spawn). I am also playing on PS4 and also on Survivor, both times. The time Emma's body didn't spawn, there was still a laser musket and the main loot container at the garage location. Sounds like 3 independent reports of the same discrepancy - should this be added as a known bug? Cattlesquat (talk) 21:31, January 19, 2016 (UTC)
This bug is not limited to consoles. Occurs on PC also. Looking at the ESM in FO4Edit, it appears that the holotapes are placed by a hidden quest. They are not on the bodies by default. Not sure what causes the quest not to trigger though. As for Emma's body not being there, that probably occurs because her body is in an exterior cell and it disappears after a while. -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 09:34, February 6, 2016 (UTC)
I did a lot more testing on this issue. I'm not sure how to write this up in the article, but here is what happens. (Short version: visit this location as early as possible to avoid the bug.) The first time you pass through this cell (0000DEBF), Emma's corpse is spawned. The corpse will decay over time just like any corpse in the wasteland. Once this happens, it will be impossible to get any of Emma's loot. Since you almost certainly will pass through this cell on your way to Diamond City (even if the Lexington and Super Duper Mart map markers aren't on your Pip-boy), this gives you a very short window early in the game to visit this location before the corpse disappears forever. This also seems to affect Josh, even though he is in an interior cell (not sure why, but this could be due to the quest -- 0021881D; can't verify without the CK). Should be fixable with a mod, but I'm going to wait for the CK before tackling this particular bug.. -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 01:52, March 22, 2016 (UTC)
Just cleared the area, I'm level 20, I first passed by a long time ago, Josh was still there. Josh's holotape wasn't on his corpse. Emma was missing. So I guess interior corpse decay works differently than exterior?
Just had this happen as well. Not sure if there is a way for people to know the cell boundaries but the closest I had even come to Lexington was Mystic Pines. Guess that ruined it for me.- RageKitten (talk) 12:48, November 1, 2020 (UTC)

I wasn't able to find the Fusion Core in the ice machine. Tyler Szabo (talk) 06:06, December 3, 2015 (UTC)

Disappearing protectron bug[]

Hey everyone :) I'm new to editing wikis so could someone please let me know If this is wrong. I followed the protectron and I can verify that it does disappear on ps4 when it reaches the shopping trolley - I followed it on my playthrough and saved the video then reloaded, moved the shopping trolley and tried again. After moving the trolley, the protectron proceeded to walk a bit further - halfway down another isle and back back but it then still disappeared again. It wouldn't let me put the video in the article so the bug in question - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdZuEFAlP_0 attempted fix - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHgd6FNn9o8
