Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Template documentation (for the template shown above, sometimes hidden or invisible)

Template to automatically convert abbreviations into links to game-specific overview pages.

Auxiliary template for Template:Infobox.

Please note that if you do not specify any of the parameters, the template will return an empty string. This template should not be applied directly to articles

Template parameters

<unnamed 1>1

Game abbreviations; see Template:Abb for valid inputs. The abbreviations are "translated" into full game names. Multiple abbrevations should be separated by the delimiter specified with split by. See below for detailed behaviour in combination with the other parameters.

Abb Modeabbmode

This is passed down directly to Template:Abb. Only valid input for that template's mode parameter will have any effect. The mode is only applied to the displayed string, and not to the link target.


This is the second part of the link target (the first being the game name if given). For example, if you want the template to return links which point to the pages "Fallout weapons", "Fallout 2 weapons", "Fallout 3 weapons" and so forth, this would need to be "weapons". See Template:Abblink for detailed behaviour in combination with the other parameters.

Display Modemode

This parameter specifies a display mode for the template output.

Available options: default, fullnames

This is the second part of the link name (the first being the game name if given), i.e. the string that is shown when looking at a page. For example, if you would like the displayed string to be "Fallout weapon", "Fallout 2 weapon", "Fallout 3 weapon" and so forth, this would need to be "weapon". See Template:Abblink for detailed behaviour in combination with the other parameters.


Characters/strings which should be added to the beginning of each "section". These are not part of the link itself and can be used e.g. to produce a list instead of the usual single line. Note that spaces at the beginning or end of these strings need to be HTML encoded (& #032; without the space in between), and that you need to use {{!}} if you want to produce a |.


Characters/strings which should be added to the end (suffix) of each "section". These are not part of the link itself and can be used e.g. to produce a list instead of the usual single line. Note that spaces at the beginning or end of these strings need to be HTML encoded (& #032; without the space in between), and that you need to use {{!}} if you want to produce a |.


This is the character/string with which the "sections" are separated if you specify more than one abbreviation in <unnamed 1>. Note that spaces at the beginning or end of the string need to be HTML encoded (& #032; without the space in between), and that you need to use {{!}} if you want to produce a |.

Split Bysplit by

This is the character/string which is used as a delimiter for multiple abbrevations in <unnamed 1>, i.e. the character/string which separates the individual abbrevations. Note that spaces at the beginning or end of the string need to be HTML encoded (& #032; without the space in between), and that using | is not recommended.


Sets the maximum number of abbreviations that can be split.



{{abblink|link=link target|name=link name|abbreviations}}

By default, the template takes the parameters link, name and <unnamed 1> (which may contain up to 10 game abbreviations separated by ",") and creates a line with links to the respective page for each abbreviation, separated by "/". The last entry has name (or nothing if name has not been given) appended.

Behaviour in detail

  • First letter of the result's displayed part will always be uppercase.
  • Setting the first unnamed parameter to "none" results in only the translated version of "none" + "name" (if given) being shown without link.
  • For readability, the table below assumes that sep has not been specified and the default character / is being used.
Parameters given Result
link name unnamed (games) single game multiple games
Yes Yes Yes [[game link|''game'' name]] [[game link|''game'']]/[[game link|''game'']]/[[game link|''game'' name]]
Yes Yes No [[link|name]] [[link|name]]
Yes No Yes [[game link|''game'' link]] [[game link|''game'']]/[[game link|''game'']]/[[game link|''game'']]
Yes No No [[link|link]] [[link|link]]
No Yes Yes [[game|''game'' name]] ''[[game]]''/''[[game]]''/[[game|''game'' name]]
No Yes No name name/name/name
No No Yes ''[[game]]'' ''[[game]]''/''[[game]]''/''[[game]]''
No No No (nothing/empty) (nothing/empty)



results in: Fallout 3 weapon


results in: Fallout 3


results in: Fallout 3 weapon


results in: Mentioned-only weapon


results in: Fallout: BoS weapon

{{abblink|link=weapons|name=weapon|sep=, |FO1,FO3}}

results in: Fallout, Fallout 3 weapon


  • Auxiliary template: {{Abb}}
Documentation transcluded from Template:Abblink/doc.