Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hi there!

I'm Trithemius, I'm an Australian Fallout fan and I've been spending a lot of time in the Capital Wasteland lately. I'm mostly interested in making the guide useful to people playing the game and on discovering the mathematical formulas at work behind the scenes.

I'm also hoping that Bethesda Softworks will release editor tools so that the community can start turning out the same sort of high quality content that The Elder Scrolls community produces. I've got a few mod ideas so far:

  • manufacture of spare parts kits for apparel and weapons
  • more complex manipulation of merchant caravans (new caravans, new route stopping points)
  • resettlement projects (reoccupying ruined settlements in the Wastelands)
  • the Quad Laser - Protectron's Gaze is cool and all, but its not an Aqua Teen Hunger Force reference!

Thanks for stopping by!


  • Apparently I cannot get "effected" and "affected" straight - despite 28 years of speaking English...
    • It's easy - if it's a verb, "affect"; if it's a noun, "effect". There are exceptions, but they're very rare.