Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
FO3 Scotch

Drinks refers to a class of consumables in that can be drunk, as opposed to food which is eaten. They usually heal a small number of Hit Points or give temporary statistic boosts but have no major drawbacks; alcoholic beverages, however, do run the risk of developing an addiction. Later games like Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4 introduced the need to hydrate in Hardcore mode and Survival difficulty, respectively.



Soft drinks[]

Main article: Soft drink

Misc beverages[]

See also[]


  1. RobCo Sales & Service Center terminal entries; brain extraction terminal, Div03-BE-0112
  2. The Courier: "Here's your 100 caps. Do it."
    Ada Straus: "Okay. And remember, if this doesn't help, try taking a bath in tomato juice."
    (Ada Straus' dialogue)
  3. Veronica Santangelo: "I'd like a large Atomic Shake and a double Brahmin burger. And easy on the agave sauce this time."
    (Veronica's dialogue)
  4. Slocum's Joe in Watoga
  1. Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.162: "Juice made from pressing the pulp of a melon. A refreshing and healthy drink, which promotes the body’s natural healing."