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Blackwater Brew is a consumable item in Fallout 76.


Main article: Beer

A dark ale with numerous variations, stouts are typically made with top-fermenting yeast. The common, dry variant of stout features a rich taste, frequently with chocolate or coffee notes. Like ales, stouts are brewed using warm fermentation, over 15 °C (59 °F). The natural fermentation processes cause the batch to foam at the surface, creating a barm. This distinct feature caused beers obtained this way to be called top-fermenting. This particular beer is an Appalachian stout with distinct notes of espresso, chocolate, roasted malt, and black barley.[1]


A dark, top-fermented stout beer brewed using blight and razorgrain. It increases Strength and Charisma by one while also lowering Intelligence by one.

Similar to other fermentable pre-War beverages, Blackwater Brew is initially crafted as fermentable Blackwater Brew, offering no benefits, inflicting 30 rads, and having a significantly high disease chance of 9% until fully fermented.

It shares its appearance with a standard beer bottle but has a Blackwater Brew label featuring an iceberg floating in black water.


Blackwater Brew can be crafted using the brewing and distilling functionality of Wild Appalachia.




  1. Blackwater Brew label: ""Deep robust and richly rewarding, this black beauty is [ol?] to linger on[?]. Witness distinct notes of espresso chocolae roasted malt and black barley with just enough hop bite to [???] any lingering sweetness."
    "GOVERNMENT WARNING (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy becausse of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages can impair your ability to drive a car or operate machiner and may cause [?????] accidents."