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This is a transcript for dialogue with Christine Royce in Dead Money.


FollowersAcknowledgeMyOrder FollowersAcknowledgeMyOrder Neutral 50 [Christine nods.] 1
FollowersFired It's time for us to part ways. Neutral 50 [Christine raises an eyebrow.] 2
FollowersFiredNo On second thought, stick with me for a little longer. Neutral 50 [Christine narrows her eyes, then shrugs.] 3
FollowersFiredYes Yes, I'm sure. Neutral 50 [Christine nods.] 4
FollowersHired I think we should travel together. Neutral 50 [Christine glances at your companion, shakes her head, then raises her index finger.] 5
I think we should travel together. Neutral 50 [Christine nods.] 6
FollowersLetsGo Let's get going. Neutral 50 [Christine nods.] 7
FollowersOverburdened FollowersOverburdened Neutral 50 [Christine puts her palm flat and lowers it to the ground, shakes her head.] 8
FollowersStealthing FollowersStealthing Neutral 50 [Christine crouches down.] 9
FollowersTactics Let's talk about your tactics. Neutral 50 [Christine raises an eyebrow suspiciously.] 10
FollowersTacticsCombat I want you to change your combat style. Neutral 50 [Christine looks at you and waits.] 11
FollowersTacticsCombatAggressive I want you to attack enemies the moment you see them. Neutral 50 [Christine narrows her eyes, nods.] 12
FollowersTacticsCombatEND Let's talk about something else. Anger 20 [Christine frowns, taps the back of her wrist, then circles her finger.] 13
FollowersTacticsCombatGOODBYE That's all. Let's get going. Neutral 50 [Christine nods.] 14
FollowersTacticsCombatMelee Switch to a melee weapon. Neutral 50 [Christine nods, and her stance changes slightly.] 15
FollowersTacticsCombatPassive I want you not to attack enemies unless I've already engaged them. Neutral 50 [Christine raises an eyebrow, then shrugs.] 16
FollowersTacticsCombatRanged I want you to use ranged weapons. Neutral 50 [Christine nods, closes one eye and slowly pulls an invisible trigger.] 17
FollowersTacticsDistance Let's talk about how close you're following me. Neutral 50 [Christine tilts her head slightly.] 18
FollowersTacticsDistanceDefault Stay close to me. Neutral 50 [Christine nods.] 19
FollowersTacticsDistanceEND Your distance is good. Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 [Christine nods.] 20
FollowersTacticsDistanceGOODBYE All right, you're good. Let's get out of here. Neutral 50 [Christine nods.] 21
FollowersTacticsDistanceLong Keep your distance. Try to flank them. Neutral 50 [Christine nods, makes a half circle with her hand.] 22
FollowersTacticsEnd Enough about tactics. Neutral 50 [Christine nods, waits.] 23
FollowersTrade Let's trade equipment. Neutral 50 [Christine nods, adjusts her gear.] 24
FollowersWait Wait here. Neutral 50 [Christine nods.] 25
GREETING GREETING Anger 10 Be patient, I'm going. {To herself but chiding the player} Maybe {emph} you should know when to let go. {Christine is walking to the Vault Elevator, asks player to be patient. This is a single bark to prevent breaking scripted sequence.} 26
GREETING Anger 50 {Cold, her voice is slightly torn, still healing up.} You made it, good. I'm getting tired of waiting for you - and Elijah. {Beat} Surprised? Yeah... I made it here, just like you did. {<Player made it through the Suites, Hated. Christine's voice is back, although it's ragged, it just healed.>} 27
GREETING Pained 10 {Relieved, voice thick from surgery} You made it, good... <Coughs>ugh.. {Winces} Hurts to talk. I'll keep this quick in case my... voice goes out. 28
GREETING Anger 10 {Frowns, a little defeated} You're back. You sure you still want me here, collars and all? {To herself, rueful} Not much for waiting around with a bomb around my neck. {Christine was not pleased to be asked to wait. Urges the player to find whatever he/she needs of her.} 29
GREETING Neutral 50 I... {coughs} I wish you luck in the Vault. Elijah... he's tough to pin down. {Christine's voice is restored, wishes the player luck in the vault.} 30
GREETING Neutral 50 [Christine is looking at the Fountain, her eyes narrowed. She then scans the courtyard perimeter, gauging the distance.] 31
Neutral 50 [She glances at your wrist, then back at the Fountain.] 32
GREETING Pained 100 [The woman before you looks disoriented, pained - she blinks a few times, then winces, as if the act of blinking causes her pain.] 33
GREETING Neutral 50 [Christine points at the sky, makes a fist, then makes an explosion gesture with her fingers.] 34
GREETING Anger 50 [Christine shakes her head, narrows her eyes, then points at your compass.] 35
GREETING Fear 10 [Christine motions to you, points at the door uneasily, then makes a pulling motion with her hand. She seems hesitant to go near it.] 36
GREETING Neutral 50 {Return Greeting, Neutral} [Christine looks at you warily.] 37
GREETING Anger 50 {Return Greeting, Disliked} [Christine glares at you.] 38
GREETING Neutral 50 {Return Greeting, Liked} [Christine raises an eyebrow.] 39
GettingChristinedownintoGalaEventposition I need you to go down to the manual bypass room to regulate the power. Fear 20 [Christine glances at the elevator, her expression becomes worried, then she looks back at you, then reluctantly shakes her head.] 40
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic000 That's our captor. He likes giving orders. Neutral 50 [She circles her finger around the Fountain and moves her fingers and thumb together rapidly, as if talking.] 41
Anger 50 [She frowns, stops moving her hand, then points at the Pip-Boy at your wrist.] 42
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic001 I dealt with the others, and I've got the key phrase. Surprise 10 {Slight surprise} Surprised that Super Mutant didn't eat you... {under her breath} and don't get me started on Dean. 43
I dealt with the others, and I've got the key phrase. Neutral 50 {Takes a breath, rests tone, beat} So... I just rasp out some words, and the vault opens? {Beat, to herself} That woman, the starlet... she didn't build this place, why would the builder do that? 44
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic003 This place... I'm not sure, it doesn't feel like a casino. Not entirely. Neutral 50 I know. The sealed doors, the security... it's almost a fortress. Think that's why we're being ordered to come here and crack it open? 45
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic005 All right, come with me. Neutral 50 {Player has no companion, Christine comes along.} [Christine nods, and steps slightly behind you, waiting.] 46
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic007 Your voice... is that the Starlet's voice? Disgust 10 {Cold} Guess the Sierra Madre healed me. {Dismissive} It doesn't matter, and to be honest, I miss {emph} my voice. 47
Neutral 50 I've had enough of you and Elijah running the show. {Beat} Now it's my turn. 48
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic010 Does that Auto-Doc there work? Neutral 50 {Glances at medical computer} Yeah, still functional. Lot of garbage data on it, its basic procedures should still work fine. 49
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic011 Anything you can download off of it? Neutral 50 {Slightly impressed} Looks like you got almost everything, not much more {emph} I can extract... {slight smile} "doctor." {Not mocking at the end, she's impressed, means "doctor" as a casual compliment.} 50
Anything you can download off of it? Neutral 50 {Operating a terminal, hunting through folders} I can see... check the root, recent diagnostics... 51
Neutral 50 Lot of Med-X was dispensed for... Vera Keyes. {To herself,} Guess that's her corpse there for certain... and why all those meds are scattered around in here. 52
Neutral 50 ...here's the medical report. {Scanning, somber} Looks like she had some sort of terminal condition... diagnosis isn't conclusive, {to herself} must have been painful. 53
Sad 10 I'm not even sure she knew, if these medical reports are enough. She must have been numb most of the time. 54
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic012 {Act 3}I had some questions I wanted to ask you. Neutral 50 {Nods} All right. {Beat} Just glad I can {emph} answer you now. 55
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic013 Can the Auto-Doc heal your scars? Neutral 50 {Slight frustration} No... they run a lot deeper than that. 56
Can the Auto-Doc heal your scars? Sad 50 {Quiet, unpleasant memory} While I was hunting Elijah in the Big Empty, he trapped me in one of those medical research centers buried there. 57
Sad 50 {Uncomfortable} It... did something to my head... and I got off lucky. It's difficult enough to read now, and somehow the leap between what's in my head and words... 58
Sad 50 ...it just ends up being a mish-mash of symbols, not letters. Can still do math, formulas, equations... {rueful} writing poetry's out. 59
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic014 You said you got off lucky? Sad 50 {Unpleasant memories, cont.} Yeah... I saw records of other "patients," and what had been done to them. Some couldn't hear anything but static. Others, just... gibbering wrecks. 60
Neutral 50 Never going back... and Elijah was on his way here, so I couldn't stop to see if it was something I could fix... 61
Neutral 50 ...if you can even fix what happened to me when they jabbed the electrodes into my skull and turned my head into a flashlight. 62
Neutral 50 {Sighs} Then I got here, and my voice got severed... now I have a new one. {Grim} Another thing Elijah has to answer for. 63
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic015 Elijah didn't put you in the Auto-Doc... Dean did. Surprise 50 {Emph, incredulous} Dean? {Beat, echoing disbelief} Dean {Emph} Domino? 64
Neutral 50 Why would he want to torture me? {More to herself} If he wanted to do that, he could keep his singing career going... or keep staring at me. 65
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic017 The elevator to the vault is here, too. Neutral 50 {Recognition, matter-of-fact} The elevator to the casino vault is here. In the starlet's room? That seems intimate. 66
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic018 I dealt with the other two in our team, now I need you to open something. Anger 50 What? {Frowns} Open something... {beat} my voice. That's why it's hers... someone wanted to use me as a key. 67
Neutral 50 All right, I can do that... hope you're ready. 68
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic019 How long have you been hunting him? Neutral 50 Too long. Thought I might have had a chance to settle it before this event happened, but then the chance slipped away again. 69
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic020 You could have said something sooner. Neutral 50 {Reluctant} Wasn't sure until now I could trust you. Now I know. {< voice is restored. Christine says she didn't know who she could trust. Thinks player is worth keeping around. >} 70
You could have said something sooner. Neutral 50 Look, when I woke up here... however that happened... I had this key on me - I think it belongs to her. 71
Neutral 50 Haven't had a chance to use it yet - might open the dresser, or the safe - didn't have time to experiment with it before you arrived. Here you go. 72
You could have said something sooner. Neutral 50 {Reluctant} Wasn't sure until now I could trust you. Now I know. {< voice is restored. Christine says she didn't know who she could trust. Thinks player is worth keeping around. >} 73
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic021 Sounds personal. Sad 50 He... cut me off from someone I cared about a long time ago. He used his status to break us apart. So I had to find a new purpose, same banner. 74
Neutral 50 Then he became unstable, left a trail of crimes across the wasteland. Once word reached us, I was ordered to kill him. 75
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic022 He wasn't trying to torture you, he needed to alter your voice to use an audio-lock. Neutral 50 To the vault... of course. {Nods} That makes sense. 76
He wasn't trying to torture you, he needed to alter your voice to use an audio-lock. Neutral 50 {DUPE} An audio-lock to where? {Beat, recognizes what happened} To the Sierra Madre vault. It's voice-activated. And he wanted in. 77
Neutral 50 {DUPE} That makes sense. {Thinking} So... those bodies in the Clinic... all right. Dean always felt like the odd one out, and he kept... studying me. 78
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic023 You sound like the woman in the Sierra Madre broadcast. Surprise 50 {Confused} Do I? {Shakes head} It sounds off to my ears... hard to tell. Not to mention it... hurts like hell to swallow. 79
Neutral 50 Might be why I got moved off to this suite... it's hers. {Quiet} That's her over there, got trapped by security like I did. Just took a different way out. {Thinking. In second part, referring to the skeleton in the bedroom with her, dead.} 80
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic024 All right, let me see if I can find another way to do this without sending you down there. Happy 50 [Christine smiles slightly in relief, and nods. She opens her mouth slightly, then closes it, frustrated.] 81
Neutral 50 [She points at you, then makes a fist and puts it against her chest and nods.] 82
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic025 <Lie> We'll take the elevator up, see if there's another way to do this. After you. Happy 50 [Christine smiles slightly in relief, and moves to the elevator.] 83
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic026 Settle it? You're here to kill him. Neutral 50 {Cold} Those are my orders. I've seen what he's done, and I believe in those orders. 84
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic027 I've found a way to do the bypass from here. You should be able to just use the terminal over there. Happy 50 [Christine nods gratefully. She glances in the direction of the terminal, looks at you, smiles, gives a thumbs up.] 85
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic028 I don't have time for this. Get in the damn elevator. Anger 50 [Christine shakes her head, more insistently this time. She points at the elevator, then downwards, then holds herself tightly and shakes her head.] 86
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic029 Are you all right? Pained 50 [She looks at you, blinks again, then opens her mouth - but nothing comes out.] 87
Fear 100 [She touches her throat, then traces the scar beneath the chin, and her eyes widen in alarm.] 88
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic033 Look, I'm here to help. Fear 20 [She looks shaken. As she glances at the Auto-Doc, she recoils, and her mouth opens - but again, nothing comes out.] 89
Anger 20 [She looks back at you, and her hands clench into fists - her eyes narrow, and she takes a step back, studying you.] 90
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic035 This isn't what it looks like. Anger 10 [The woman opens her mouth again, winces, then frowns and drags a finger across her throat in a slow motion. She looks more angry than pained now.] 91
Anger 30 [Frowning, she touches her throat again, gently, then her hand brushes her collar, then her frown deepens.] 92
Neutral 50 [Her eyes narrow as she traces the edge of the collar until she finds the lock. She begins to press it with her fingers.] 93
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic038 Don't do that! Surprise 50 [She looks surprised. Then notices your collar, and raises an eyebrow.] 94
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic041 Let's just say we're in this together. Anger 50 [She frowns, narrows her eyes, then slowly shakes her head.] 95
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic042 Those facial scars weren't done by the Auto-Doc - the throat scar was. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] [She nods... slowly, then puts her hand in front her throat, closes it slowly, then points at you.] 96
That Auto-Doc really carved you up. Anger 50 [FAILED] [She frowns, narrows her eyes, and looks at you.] 97
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic045 What do you mean by that? Anger 50 [She shakes her head again and draws a line in the air between the two of you.] 98
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic048 Look, together we can get out of this. Anger 20 [She shakes her head - once, then crosses her arms.] 99
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic051 I had questions I wanted to ask. Anger 50 [Christine glances straight up, frowns, then turns back to you and taps her wrist.] 100
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic052 {After asking 1 Q}I had other questions. Disgust 50 [She looks exasperated, then waves her hand in a circle in front of her.] 101
{After asking 1 Q}I had other questions. Neutral 50 [She raises an eyebrow, then tilts her head slightly.] 102
{After asking 1 Q}I had other questions. Anger 50 [She frowns, then cups her hand to her ear.] 103
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic053 Looks like someone set the bone saws to run random. Disgust 20 [She shakes her head... then pauses, and shakes her head again, then looks exasperated.] 104
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic054 I don't understand why they shaved you bald. Happy 50 [Christine looks blankly at you. Then touches her head, smiles, then shakes her head.] 105
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic055 Wait, the Auto-Doc didn't shave you bald? Neutral 50 [She waves her hand, then shakes her head - she then nods in the direction of the casino.] 106
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic056 No, wait, I want to hear this. You were bald before? Disgust 50 [She nods with an exasperated look, then makes a circle with her hands, repeats it twice more, then raises her hands and waves them like wings.] 107
Neutral 50 [She puts both hands in front of her, then makes a motion with her hands as if writing something.] 108
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic057 [BOS] You were a Brotherhood of Steel Scribe? Surprise 10 [She nods. She looks impressed.] 109
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic058 How the hell did you get out here? Neutral 50 [She shrugs. Then she points to you and shrugs.] 110
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic060 Were you researching something? Neutral 50 [She shakes her head.] 111
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic061 The Auto-Doc didn't do that? Neutral 50 [She touches one of the scars on her cheeks, shakes head. Then touches the scar on her neck, and nods.] 112
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic062 So the Auto-Doc cut your voice box, not your scalp. Neutral 50 [Christine nods.] 113
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic063 I can't restore your voice, we'd need a real Auto-Doc to do that. Fear 50 [She shivers slightly, and shakes her head.] 114
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic065 You think he's using the Pip-Boy? To establish the projector connection? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] [She nods, and raises her hands, palms facing each other, then rotates in a 180 degree arc and back again.] 115
That's the hologram projector in the Fountain. What of it? Disgust 50 [FAILED] [She rolls her eyes, opens her mouth to speak, then stops, her face tensing up in frustration.] 116
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic066 Wait... that's a Brotherhood of Steel symbol, right? You're a Scribe? Surprise 10 [SUCCEEDED] [She nods, looks impressed.] 117
I... don't understand. Neutral 50 [FAILED] [She shakes her head, then nods in the direction of the casino again.] 118
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic067 How did you get to the main gate? Then get here? Anger 50 {Deliver this angrier, seems like a dupe, isn't} The Gala went off, the Switching Station opened up - thought the screeching in the Auto-Doc was bad, Station worse. 119
Neutral 50 Got outside, saw the light show, and it was enough to make me run to the casino. 120
Neutral 50 Also... it seemed like the lights and speakers were helping to guide me... guess your master wanted a back-up in case you died. 121
Neutral 50 As for being assigned to this floor... maybe it's because of my new voice. Your guess is as good as mine. {Beat, sarcastic} Maybe it recognized me as a guest. 122
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic068 Where were you before? Neutral 50 [She moves her finger in a wider circle, then raises her hand over her eyes.] 123
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic069 Maybe it was a trust issue? He built this place for her, it feels like. Neutral 50 {Skeptical} It's possible. This place is immense... and it still has power, food dispensers, security... was it all for Pre-War guests? {Beat} Or for her? 124
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic070 How did you end up in the Auto-Doc? Anger 50 [She moves her finger in a circle, frowns, then drags her hand down over her eyes. She raises them again, points to you.] 125
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic071 I let you out of the Auto-Doc. I can put you back in there just as fast. Sad 50 [Her eyes widen, and her eyes gauge yours. She then touches her wounds, and her expression crumbles into anger, as if defeated. She slowly nods.] 126
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic072 I have no idea, let's unlock it. The phrase is contained in the lyrics to a song. Neutral 50 {Nods} All right. {Cold, she knows she may be trapping the player down here} If you go down there, are you prepared... what if you don't come back? {Christine is asking, because she knows that Elijah will show up, and when he does, she's going to suicide and kill him.} 127
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic073 Glad we understand each other. Let's go. Anger 50 {Player has no companion. Christine comes along.} [Christine narrows her eyes slightly. She slowly nods, then steps slightly behind you.] 128
Glad we understand each other. Let's go. Neutral 50 {Player has a companion. Christine goes to the fountain for now.} [Christine glances at your follower, shakes her head, then points at you, her, and nods in the direction of the fountain.] 129
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic074 I've got you to come down after me, it'll respond to your voice. Neutral 50 {Evasive} I... just wanted to make sure you're ready. When you go down there, that may be it for us... we won't be needed anymore. 130
Neutral 50 The one who made these collars, he'll follow you down there. And he won't let you leave. He's not one for sharing, never was. 131
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic075 Fine. Would hate to have carved you up anymore than you are. Anger 50 [Christine's defeated expression vanishes into a stone-faced glare.] 132
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic078 It's a decayed speaker. If we stay too long near one, it'll go off. Neutral 50 [She taps the collar and then opens and closes her hand really fast.] 133
Neutral 50 [She taps her collar, then opens and closes her hand really fast.] 134
Neutral 50 [She points at your Pip-Boy, her collar, and then your collar. After a second, then she opens and closes her hand slower.] 135
It's a decayed speaker. If we stay too long near one, it'll go off. Neutral 50 [She points at your collar, then hers, then nods at your Pip-Boy. She makes a triangle motion, then the same slow pulse as before with her fingers.] 136
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic079 I believe he loved her, wanted to protect her. Too much. Neutral 50 {To herself} Love makes people do strange things. {Beat, quiet} Won't argue that. It can drive you crazy sometimes if you can't... connect. 137
Neutral 50 {Reluctant, something's wrong} If they loved each other, and they were together... I suppose that's all that mattered. 138
Neutral 50 But she's in that side room, dead, because the casino wouldn't let her leave. {Beat} And who knows where he is. 139
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic083 Get going. I'll meet you at the Fountain in the center of the Villa. Neutral 50 {Christine goes to the fountain.} [Christine gives a brief nod, then turns and begins to walk.] 140
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic084 Look, I'm not trying to order you. But your life is tied to mine. Anger 50 [She frowns, glances at the collar, looks back at you. She makes a circle with her hands, puts her hand over her eyes and squints.] 141
Neutral 50 [She nods at you, then lowers her hand from her eyes, shakes her head. She draws a slow line between you.] 142
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic086 You're looking for something else. Fine, I can help. Surprise 50 [She studies you again, then her expression softens slightly. She shakes her head slowly, and gives a silent sigh.] 143
Neutral 50 [She nods at you, then raises an eyebrow and nods at the door.] 144
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic089 He said he knew you. Neutral 50 He saw me, before the scars, at a place far from here. It's where he found some of the technology he uses now. 145
Sad 50 {Remembering a bad experience, somber} It's a place called the Big Empty. The name's deceptive - if you know where to look. 146
Neutral 50 {Still reflecting} Almost got trapped there. There was someone else, though, who came along. Knew about Elijah. 147
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic090 I found the phrase for elevator's audio lock. Surprise 50 {Curious} You did? {Impressed} Looks like even the Old World can't keep you out when you've got a mind to get in. 148
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic091 He knew Elijah? How? Neutral 50 No idea. A courier. Wore an Old World flag on his back. He was the one who pulled me out there, told me where Elijah had gone. 149
Neutral 50 {Reflective} Helped me heal up, listened to my story. He... sympathized. 150
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic092 Sympathized? Why? Neutral 50 He said he understood what it meant to track someone who had such a... impact on his past life. 151
Anger 50 He said people were like couriers, sometimes never understanding the messages they brought. {Frowns} That's who he was hunting for... some courier. 152
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic094 There's a chance he'll see reason. Disgust 50 {Disgusted} Try and reason with him, see what happens. He's so lost in his technology, I don't think he even understands why anymore. 153
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic095 You'll have to wait just a little longer. Anger 10 {Slight irritation} Fine. {Warning player} I hear my collar beeping though, I've got the route to the exit all mapped out. 154
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic096 Are you going to be okay here? Neutral 50 [She nods... then gestures at your hand, offers hers.] 155
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic097 <Take her hand.> Happy 50 [She holds it, meeting your eyes intently for a few moments. She gives your hand a gentle squeeze, then releases it and smiles slightly.] 156
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic098 Not in a hand-holding mood right now. Anger 50 [She frowns, then waves you away and focuses on the terminal.] 157
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic099 All right, be ready. Neutral 50 [She narrows her eyes, determined, and gives a last nod.] 158
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic100 I don't understand. Anger 50 [She tries to open her mouth and nothing comes out. Her eyes narrow and her hands ball into fists.] 159
Anger 50 [She touches her collar, then shakes her head in frustration and nods at you to go ahead.] 160
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic103 I'll be back for you, okay? Anger 50 [Christine tilts her head slightly, glances at your collar, then your Pip-Boy. She opens her mouth, frowns, then closes it.] 161
Sad 10 [Her face looks sad, and she taps her chest once, slowly. She nods at you, then the exit.] 162
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic105 {Terrifying Presence}Get in that elevator or I'll make those scars on your face a pleasant memory. Fear 50 [Christine takes a step back from your gaze... her eyes widen in alarm, she takes one step, then two toward the elevator.] 163
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic106 What's wrong? Neutral 50 [Christine studies the elevator frame, raises her hands... then sets them down... then raises them up again.] 164
Anger 50 [She gives a silent sigh of exasperation, and frowns at the elevator, and her hand brushes the side of her face, tracing the scar.] 165
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic107 [Perception] It reminds you of being trapped in the Auto-Doc. Sad 50 [She turns to you, relieved, and nods... then she turns away, and her face crumbles. She makes motions with her fingers, then clenches her fists.] 166
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic108 I have no idea what your problem is. Anger 50 [Her face becomes angry. She points at the elevator, points downward, then wraps her arms around her and shakes her head.] 167
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic112 That's what I'm counting on. Neutral 50 {To herself} "Begin again, but know when to let go." {Shakes head, skeptical} Let's see what happens. {Christine now knows what she needs to say at the Vault Elevator. She will start heading toward it at the end of the sentence, to bark the password i} 168
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic113 {Know about mission}He'll come here, to the Suites - when he does, let him go through. Neutral 50 I... can't let him leave here. Look, you've done so much, and he's not going to show himself until you go down there. 169
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic114 That's why you're waiting. You're going to kill him. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I... 170
{Know about mission}Are... are you all right? Something seems off. Neutral 50 [FAILED] No... no, you have it wrong. Look, it's now or never, all right? Let me open the elevator. {She's lying in this node.} 171
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic115 Do you trust me? If you do, let go of this. Sad 50 I can't let go. Every time I've thought about it... 172
Do you trust me? If you do, let go of this. Sad 50 {Quiet} I've lost him so many times. He needs to die... what happened here, with us? {Doesn't want to think about it} He's... he's done so much worse. 173
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic116 If he kills you, I won't be able to get out. Neutral 50 I know. And he {pause} will kill me, I can't get the collar off. Even if I could, I need to be sure - see his eyes, his face, when he dies. 174
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic117 Let him come through the suites, follow me. If he escapes, you'll still be here, waiting. Neutral 50 {Quiet} You have to promise me. Promise me you'll deal with him... if I see him, I... 175
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic118 If you try and kill him, I can't let you do it. If you die, you'll kill us both. Neutral 50 {Quiet} I can't. It's my mission, has been. {Beat} This has to be done. 176
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic119 Then I need to keep you from doing it. Sad 50 I... I didn't want this to happen. {Sighs} Ending him is more important than saving you. For what it's worth... I'm sorry. 177
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic120 Christine, please, let go of this. Let me deal with him. Anger 50 {Hopeful, slight} All right. All right, I'll... {frowns} but I'll need to leave this floor. He'll pick up my collar, and... 178
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic123 Don't tell me where you're going - I'll find you after this. Neutral 50 {Nods, sighs} I... {takes a breath} never mind. Let me get the vault open... {To herself, slowly, quiet as if memorizing it} "Begin again... but know when to let go." {Slight rueful laugh, to player} Sounds like you. {Say this a little tenderly, the player just talked her down from suicide, and Christine's found new purpose.} 179
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic125 You can dampen the signal somehow? Neutral 50 [She is about to nod - then stops, points at herself, and shakes head.] 180
What? You can make the speakers stop or something? Anger 50 [FAILED] [She frowns, shakes her head.] 181
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic126 You can interfere with the Speaker's detonation frequency somehow? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] [She is about to nod - then stops, points at herself, and shakes head.] 182
You... uh...speakers make a tempo... or...? Anger 50 [FAILED] [She frowns, shakes her head.] 183
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic127 Does that work with any other collar? Anger 50 [She frowns, slowly shakes her head - she opens her mouth, then makes the motion of tuning a dial, then points at herself.] 184
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic128 Got it, let's move on. Neutral 50 [She nods, and motions for you to go ahead.] 185
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic129 It's just your frequency. Neutral 50 [She nods, once, then again, points at the two of you, then the Pip-Boy.] 186
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic131 You can interfere with the detonation signal from the speakers? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] [She is about to nod - then stops, points at herself, and shakes head.] 187
Yeah, speaker static makes our heads blow off, right. Anger 50 [FAILED] [She frowns, shakes her head.] 188
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic132 Great. How romantic. Surprise 50 [She looks puzzled for a second, then glares at you and motions you to move on.] 189
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic134 He leaves audio logs, too. Neutral 50 [Christine holds out her hand, and motions at your Pip-Boy.] 190
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic135 <Show her the Pip-Boy.> Neutral 50 [Christine studies the Pip-Boy intently, turning your arm around as if your wrist's a sensor module she just found.] 191
Neutral 50 [She doesn't seem interested in the screen - she studies the exterior, then the casing. She seems to be making sure it's intact.] 192
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic137 What? What do you want? Anger 50 [She frowns, and snaps her fingers at your Pip-Boy.] 193
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic138 I don't want you messing with this. Anger 50 [Christine snarls, makes a dismissive wave, and goes back to studying the Fountain intently - then looks at the casino, then the Fountain again.] 194
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic139 Do you know what those machines around the Villa are? Neutral 50 [Christine shakes her head, then pauses, and makes a small circle with her thumb and forefinger.] 195
Neutral 50 [She points at you, and makes the motion of putting something in her palm.] 196
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic141 Careful, that's my arm, all right? Anger 50 [Her finger stabs through the red buttons, narrowing in on the local map. She scrolls to the Sierra Madre's main gate, frowns, backs out.] 197
Neutral 50 [She calls up the local map of the Puesta del Sol Switching Station, zooms in. Her intent expression loses some of its edge as she notes the marker.] 198
Neutral 50 [She looks up at you, points at marker on your Pip-Boy, points West and tilts her head.] 199
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic144 You sure seem eager to go. Neutral 50 [She points at the Fountain, then at your Pip-Boy... pauses, then points at her collar, then yours.] 200
Neutral 50 [She encircles her throat with her hand, then slowly releases it. Then she motions again to the West.] 201
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic145 Why do you think he wants you to go the Puesta del Sol Switching Station? Anger 50 [She frowns, then makes a motion as if typing at keys... then she points at you, raises her left wrist and pantomimes talking into it.] 202
Neutral 50 [She points at you, then her, looks right and left, raises two fingers, tries to type, pauses, and slowly shakes her head.] 203
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic146 Neither Dean or Dog have the technical aptitude to man the Switching Station? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] [She slowly nods, looks impressed.] 204
I... can only type with two fingers? Neutral 50 [FAILED] [She sighs silently, then shakes her head and motions to the West.] 205
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic147 I don't know what you're talking about. Neutral 50 [She sighs silently, then shakes her head and motions to the West.] 206
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic148 I don't have any Sierra Madre Chips on me. Neutral 50 [She nods, then waits.] 207
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic149 Think he might be close, then. Any idea where? Anger 50 [She surveys the area, focusing upwards. She glances at the casino, frowns. She then looks West, then East.] 208
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic151 You make a pretty lousy transmitter, you know. Neutral 50 [She glares at you. After a second, she pauses, and smiles slightly, shaking her head. She then makes a circle of the skyline with her finger.] 209
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic152 Here's a Sierra Madre Chip. I'll need that back. Neutral 50 [She examines the chip for a second, raises it to her eye, then turns it to the side, gauging its diameter and width.] 210
Neutral 50 [She runs her finger over the surface slowly, checking the engraving. She then tosses the chip back to you.] 211
Neutral 50 [She then pretends to look around, sees something on the floor, then pretends to bend down and pick it up. She then looks at you and nods.] 212
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic153 You want... a small circle? Anger 50 [She frowns, shakes her head.] 213
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic154 We really don't have time for magic tricks right now. Anger 50 [She frowns, shakes her head.] 214
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic155 You can... scrounge more somehow. Happy 50 [SUCCEEDED] [She smiles, nods.] 215
You... can make more? Anger 50 [FAILED] [She frowns, looks frustrated for a moment, thinking.] 216
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic156 I don't understand. Anger 50 [She frowns, looks frustrated for a moment, thinking.] 217
I don't understand. Neutral 50 [She stands still for a second, then stops, and slowly makes the motion of bending down and scooping something up.] 218
Neutral 50 [Then she holds the imaginary object in her hand, as if heavy, and puts it in front of her, as if on a table.] 219
Neutral 50 [She then hefts what looks like a small box, and pours it on top of the object, looks at it, then reaches down and holds up a small "O."] 220
I don't understand. Neutral 50 [Christine points at your pack, then points at the Fission Battery and the Scrap Metal.] 221
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic158 You can make more of those at a Workbench. With the right materials. Happy 50 [SUCCEEDED] [She smiles, nods.] 222
Neutral 50 [She points at your Pip-Boy, makes a motion of opening it up and removing something from it.] 223
Neutral 50 [She then raises her hand and makes the motion of smashing it and holding up the remains.] 224
I have no idea what you're talking about. Anger 50 [FAILED] [She frowns, then thinks for a moment. She then points at your pack, and taps the back of her wrist.] 225
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic160 <Storage Line. Do not translate.> Anger 20 Thought you'd leave me in that elevator? {Slow anger, remembering how the player trapped her} I haven't forgotten what you did in the Switching Station, not for a second. 226
Anger 10 Trapped down in that room in the dark, listening to that {emph} sound, like saw blades. {Cold, anger} I could barely breathe... couldn't even scream! 227
Fear 10 {Quiet, more to herself} Was like being operated on in that Auto-Doc in the Clinic... all over again. 228
<Storage Line. Do not translate.> Anger 20 Come to throw me in the Auto-Doc? Toss me back in the Clinic where you found me? 229
<Storage Line. Do not translate.> Pained 50 Did you know the Stimpak reservoirs ran out within an hour of being in there? I was in there for two weeks, and it kept... repeating the procedure. 230
Disgust 50 {Disgust} No Med-X, no stims, just... that {emph} sound, feeling the scalpels... cut. {Cold} Now... we're going to see how you like it when someone else is in control. {Med-X, stims are healing items, and Christine didn't have any, very painful. Now is going to make player pay.} 231
<Storage Line. Do not translate.> Anger 20 I can switch the proximity of the detonation frequency. Try and run? I'll have the signal seek you out, blow up your collar from a distance. 232
Anger 20 Come in close, maybe get the upper hand? I'll set off the proximity detonator, and your collar'll blow. 233
<Storage Line. Do not translate.> Neutral 50 [She points at the casino, makes a movement with her hands as if talking, and then repeats the squinting gesture.] 234
<Storage Line. Do not translate.> Neutral 50 [Christine waits, studying you.] 235
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic161 You need a battery... a Fission Battery... and Scrap Metal? And you can counterfeit the chips? Surprise 20 [She nods, impressed. Then she points at you, then her and makes a circle.] 236
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic162 Can you teach me how to do it? Neutral 50 [She nods. She then makes a series of hand motions to represent weight and amounts - enough so you think you could do it on your own.] 237
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic165 What are you planning to do? Neutral 50 When we first met, I thought I recognized the collar technology. Just needed some time to experiment with it. 238
Neutral 50 I noticed the signal lag as soon as you arrived on the floor. Collar detonator signal's down to a dull thud, more like a heartbeat than a screech. 239
Neutral 50 You think you can kill me, then make a run for the exit before my dead man's signal catches you and blows that collar. {Beat, player walked into trap} Not gonna be that easy. 240
Neutral 50 The Suites here gave me enough tools and enough time that our frequencies... I can push and pull that collar of yours however I want. 241
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic166 You've had your voice back for only a little while, and I'm already sick of listening to you. Anger 50 {Cold, determined} Silence suits me fine. When your master shows, I'll deal with him, too. {< Christine talks smack back and starts the fight. "Master" is delivered with disgust.>} 242
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic168 You found a way to modify the collar's radio frequency. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I did. And it means I can control your movements. 243
Is that like a science thing? Neutral 50 [FAILED] {DUPE} You'll find out. 244
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic169 You can modify the detonator signal. I don't see how that helps you. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Oh, it helps... as long as I need to control your movements. 245
But... your collar's still on. So you're not free. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Free? I have more freedom of movement than you do, and that's all I need. 246
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic170 What are you talking about? Neutral 50 You'll find out. 247
What are you talking about? Neutral 50 Try and run, it won't matter, the signal will find you. Get too close to me, then the signal'll lock on. You can't get away. 248
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic171 Can't you communicate some other way? Can you write? Anger 50 [SUCCEEDED] [Christine frowns, then pauses and traces one of the scars on her head with her finger.] 249
Neutral 50 [She then makes a motion as if picking up a pencil, tries to write, then shakes her head.] 250
This nodding, frowning, pointing you do is wearing me out. Anger 50 [FAILED] [Christine nods, frowns, then points at you, then points West. Then she glares at you.] 251
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic173 There'll be a second or two of lag while you switch it. That's long enough for me to kill you. Fear 10 {Slightly uneasy, player is right} We'll see. I don't think you're gonna have the time. 252
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic174 You know I didn't put you in the Auto-Doc, right? Neutral 50 You, Elijah... it doesn't matter. Both of you have run out of places to hide. 253
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic175 We're inside the casino. We don't need to fight anymore, it's useless. Sad 10 [SUCCEEDED] No, I believe you. All along, you were watching out for yourself. I understand. {A little softer here, for a second, Christine is going to pass along some wisdom before the player dies.} 254
Neutral 50 But I wonder what you would have done if there hadn't been these collars. Would you have gotten me out of the Clinic at all? 255
Neutral 50 So as long as we're "in this together," and it's a choice between you and me? I know what you're going to choose. 256
Neutral 50 I'm not gonna wait for that to happen - again. I'm tired of being controlled. 257
Even with the differences in the Villa, I don't want to fight. Neutral 50 [FAILED] I believe you. And that's not the point. That collar... I believe you got caught by Elijah, too. I don't think it changes who you are. 258
Neutral 50 How you behaved in the Villa... all that was you. And as bad as these collars are, maybe it kept you from being {emph} worse. 259
Disgust 10 And that's the worst part about all this. That it takes something like that to keep you from hurting someone else. 260
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic176 I didn't put you in that Auto-Doc. Dean did. Surprise 50 {Disbelieving} Dean? {Emph} He put me in there? No, I don't believe it. He didn't have any reason to torture me. You, on the other hand... 261
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic177 He wasn't trying to torture you, he needed to alter your voice to use an audio-lock. Neutral 50 An audio-lock to where? {Beat, recognizes what happened} To the Sierra Madre vault. It's voice-activated. And he wanted in. 262
Neutral 50 That makes sense. {Thinking} So... those bodies in the Clinic... all right. Dean always felt like the odd one out, and he kept... studying me. {Chewing it over, slight disgust at end.} 263
Neutral 50 He was trying to figure out if I recognized him... and see if my throat healed. I'll deal with you first, then I'll deal with him. 264
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic178 Something to do with the surgery. Neutral 50 [She pauses, then draws a jagged symbol like electricity in the air, then puts on an odd, staring face.] 265
Neutral 50 [She keeps the blank face for a second, then slowly blinks, looks around. She looks at her hands, shakes them, then lets them go limp.] 266
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic179 So... brain damage, or...? Neutral 50 [She shakes her head... then stops, as if thinking.] 267
Why... would someone remove your ability to write, or...
That's a specific form of brain surgery using electrodes. Pre-War. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] [She nods, slowly, and then makes the motion of typing and drawing X's and lines in the air, and then gives a thumbs up.] 268
That's a rather specific form of operation. Sad 20 [FAILED] [She looks distant... then slowly shakes her head.] 269
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic181 You can still do math, that's good to hear. Happy 50 [She nods, smiles.] 270
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic182 You can still do numbers and calculations. Neutral 50 [She nods.] 271
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic183 You were knocked out? Neutral 50 [She nods. She raises an eyebrow, points at you, makes a circle, then points at your feet.] 272
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic184 He's broadcasting from the casino. Anger 50 [Christine looks at you, frowns. Then glances at the casino, her eyes narrowed. She stops breathing for a second, as if holding it in.] 273
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic185 You really want to get to him, don't you. Neutral 50 [She ignores you for a second, still staring at the casino. Then she glances at you, and her face and stance relax slightly.] 274
Anger 50 [She points at her collar, then the casino with an irritated look. She then folds her arms and raises an eyebrow.] 275
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic186 No, before we go any further, I need to know what the problem is. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] [She looks like she's about to shake her head, stops, and then puts her hand over her eyes and squints, as if staring in the distance.] 276
Um, do you want to talk about it, or...? Neutral 50 [FAILED] [She glares at you a moment, then slowly shakes her head.] 277
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic187 Don't ignore me - your whole body language changed there. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {DUPE} [She looks like she's about to shake her head, stops, and then puts her hand over her eyes and squints, as if staring in the distance.] 278
You kind of... changed there for a second. Neutral 50 [FAILED] [She glares at you a moment, then slowly shakes her head.] 279
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic188 Aren't you upset? Neutral 50 {Grim, shakes head} I've... done worse. Much worse... and for more hopeless causes, and I will again. 280
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic189 You're looking for the man inside the casino. Neutral 50 [She nods.] 281
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic191 Why are you looking for him? Anger 50 [She wrinkles her face, frowns, and looks angry. She touches her throat, traces the scar with her finger, then points the finger at the casino.] 282
Anger 50 [She then points at your collars, points at the casino. Then she matches your gaze with a dark expression, then draws a slow line across her throat.] 283
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic192 You want to kill him. Neutral 50 [She gives a nod. Then another nod, even slower.] 284
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic195 I'm fine with killing the son of a bitch. As long as we can torture him first. Anger 10 [She nods grimly. She seems satisfied.] 285
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic196 Could always slap a collar on him and let him run into a wall of speakers. Neutral 50 [Christine's expression relaxes slightly, and she nods.] 286
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic197 I'd like to know why he did all this first and what's so important about the casino. Anger 50 [Christine's expression becomes furious, and she raises her hands, draws jagged lines in the air.] 287
Neutral 50 [She then points at you, then the direction of the casino, and makes the motion of two hands talking to each other.] 288
Neutral 50 [As one hand continues to talk, she moves the other hand to the wrist, and constricts until the other hand slows, stops talking.] 289
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic198 I'm not out to kill anyone, I just want to get out of here. Neutral 50 [Christine looks at you, then shakes her head, points at your collar, then the front gate and shakes her head.] 290
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic199 I don't care. I'd rather reason with someone first than simply kill them. Neutral 50 [She then slowly shakes her head and draws an "X" in the air.] 291
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic200 He came this way for a reason, and I want to know why. Neutral 50 [She then slowly shakes her head and draws an "X" in the air.] 292
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic204 I didn't bring you here. Anger 50 [She looks at you for a moment, studying you. She doesn't move. After a second or two, she frowns.] 293
I didn't bring you here. Anger 50 [She frowns, glances at your feet, then nods. She then raises an eyebrow, points at you, makes a circle, then points at your feet.] 294
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic206 Now... wait, you're acting like you don't trust me or something. Neutral 50 [She continues to look at you for a moment, studying you, then her eyes fall to your collar, then your Pip-Boy.] 295
Neutral 50 [She glances back up at you, then she circles herself and points at the ground between you.] 296
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic207 What? What about my feet? Neutral 50 [She repeats the circling motion again. This time, she lowers her hand and circles her finger inward, until she's pointing at the spot between you.] 297
Neutral 50 [Still pointing at the ground between you two, she raises an eyebrow.] 298
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic209 You want to know how I got here? Happy 50 [SUCCEEDED] [She smiles, nods.] 299
I... don't understand. Neutral 50 [FAILED] [She makes a mock sigh.] 300
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic210 Followed a radio signal here, a woman's voice. Neutral 50 [She waits. After a second, she raises her eyebrow again.] 301
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic211 None of your business. Neutral 50 [She shrugs, then taps the back of her palm in the direction of the Fountain.] 302
None of your business. Neutral 50 [She shrugs, then taps the back of her palm, pointing West and down.] 303
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic212 <Raise an eyebrow back.> Happy 50 [Almost against her will, she smiles. After a moment, the smile fades, and she points at the ground again.] 304
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic213 ...I was curious where it led. Neutral 50 [She looks at you for a second, studying you. Then nods.] 305
Neutral 50 [She points at you, then points at the casino, and she slowly shakes her head - then points in the direction of the main gate.] 306
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic216 Looking to start life as a Prospector, figured this place was a good place to start. Anger 50 [She frowns, puts her hands on her hips and glares at you. After a second, she rolls her eyes.] 307
Disgust 50 [She then makes a mocking, slow intake of breath, and then winces. Then she glances at you, points in the direction of main gate.] 308
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic218 If I could leave, I would. Neutral 50 [She looks at you for a moment, glances at your collar, shrugs. She then lightly grabs her neck with both hands, holds it for a moment.] 309
Neutral 50 [Then her hands fall away. She looks at you, looks at the exit and nods.] 310
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic219 Me? What about you? Neutral 50 [She slowly shakes her head, then points at the ground.] 311
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic220 Are you saying it's one or the other? Anger 50 [She frowns. Glances in the direction of the casino, then the exit, then back in the direction of the casino.] 312
Neutral 50 [She shrugs... without strength or conviction. She isn't looking at you when she does.] 313
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic224 Do you know how to get out of here? Neutral 50 [She points in the direction of the main gate. Then points at your collar, shakes her head, and locks her hands around her neck.] 314
Neutral 50 [Then her hands lash outwards, fingers splayed and she rolls her eyes back. After a second she turns back to you shakes her head.] 315
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic225 So once the collars are gone, we can just leave? Neutral 50 [She nods slowly, as if thinking. Then she raises an eyebrow, looks skeptical, then shrugs.] 316
Anger 20 [She points downwards, makes a circle around her, then back to the same spot... and then her finger drifts, circling, and she makes a mock-frown.] 317
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic226 You're saying it'll be difficult to return here if we leave. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] [She shakes her head, points at herself, then points at you, nods.] 318
I... have no idea what you're saying. Again. Disgust 50 [FAILED] [She looks frustrated, then makes a dismissive wave.] 319
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic227 You were over the moon? Neutral 50 [She shakes her head and rolls her eyes.] 320
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic228 ...to return here if I leave. Neutral 50 [She nods.] 321
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic229 But not you. Neutral 50 [She nods once.] 322
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic230 Why can't you find your way back? Neutral 50 [She slowly shakes her head. She points at the ground, then moves each leg outward, straddling the place where she's pointing.] 323
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic231 You aren't going to leave. Neutral 50 [She nods.] 324
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic232 So you're after the treasure then? Anger 50 [She frowns, shakes her head... pauses... then tilts her head slightly, nods slowly.] 325
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic234 Why would you want to stay here of all places? Anger 50 [She frowns, makes a mock motion of loading a gun, then hefting it to her shoulder and taking aim at something in the distance.] 326
Why would you want to stay here of all places? Neutral 50 [Then she pauses, makes a sweeping circle, then puts her arms in a circle around it, as if covering it.] 327
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic235 You were... looking for something? Neutral 50 [Shakes her head and makes a motion of two fingers walking.] 328
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic236 You want to kill something here, then protect this place. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] [She looks impressed, nods.] 329
You want to... hunt here? Disgust 50 [FAILED] [She looks frustrated, then makes a dismissive wave.] 330
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic237 Why do you want to do that? Surprise 50 [She looks at you, as if surprised. Then glances at your collar, wrinkles her face, and points at it.] 331
Neutral 50 [She makes a wide sweeping circle of the area, looking around... then brings both hands back to her, then to her neck, and holds it.] 332
Neutral 50 [Her hands still on her neck, she looks at you gravely, then shakes her head.] 333
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic238 You're worried someone's going to find this place? Use it to hurt people. Pained 50 [She nods slowly, hands still locked on her throat. She looks pained for a moment, and she breaks from your gaze.] 334
Anger 50 [Her fingers flutter, almost frantically, for a second, and she runs her hands along her scalp, then her throat - then the collar.] 335
Anger 50 [She points at your Pip-Boy, almost with frustration... then gestures all around her, and her shoulders seem to sag.] 336
Neutral 50 [After a moment, she glances back at you, glances around her, then shakes her head slowly.] 337
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic239 You can't protect the world from the world... it's useless. Neutral 50 [She points at your collar, then hers, and shakes her head slowly... then cuts the air with her hand and her face becomes blank.] 338
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic240 I'm not the one trying to communicate with hand motions. Disgust 50 [She gives you a snarl, glances at your collar, makes a dismissive wave.] 339
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic242 Things would be a lot easier if you did one snap for yes, two snaps for no. Neutral 50 [She smiles humorlessly. She then nods once slowly. Then she shakes her head slowly.] 340
Neutral 50 [She then looks at you, her face wrinkled in a humorless smile.] 341
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic243 Okay, okay, I get it. <Nod slowly.> Better than finger snaps. Happy 50 [SUCCEEDED] [Her face wrinkles more, and then she gives a reluctant smile.] 342
What are you shaking and nodding for? Neutral 50 [FAILED] [She looks frustrated, then makes a dismissive wave.] 343
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic244 You were looking for someone? Neutral 50 [She nods and raises a finger.] 344
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic245 A smile... now that's more like it. Happy 50 [Still smiling, she rolls her eyes, and then slowly taps the back of her wrist.] 345
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic246 You really need to relax. This entire place is a Pre-War paradise, you know. Surprise 50 [She looks at you, surprised. Then she opens her mouth as if to laugh... silently.] 346
Anger 50 [Almost as soon as she utters her silent laugh, she stops, looks pained, and her expression becomes dark.] 347
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic247 Look... we'll find a way to heal you, all right? Anger 50 [She doesn't look at you, continues to stare darkly in front of her.] 348
Neutral 50 [After a moment, she glances at you, then taps the back of her wrist. She nods in front of her.] 349
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic248 Wherever you were, it was hot out. Neutral 50 [She shakes her head and rolls her eyes.] 350
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic249 This charades shit is driving me crazy. Anger 50 [She frowns and raises her middle finger.] 351
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic250 A robot? Neutral 50 [She shakes her head and pumps her fist near her chest.] 352
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic251 Man? Neutral 50 [She nods. She makes a motion with her hands around her chin, drawing it down, and then she raises her hands and clenches them at the sky.] 353
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic252 Or a woman? Anger 50 [She shakes her head... then stops mid-way, frowns... then tilts her head, as if thinking. She seems lost in thought for a moment.] 354
Happy 20 [She glances at you, as if caught, then she smiles slightly, but there's an edge to it. Then she shakes her head, slowly, once.] 355
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic254 An... angry, bearded... man. Neutral 50 {SCRIPT: Knows that Elijah is in Pip-Boy} [She points at your Pip-Boy.] 356
An... angry, bearded... man. Neutral 50 [She nods, looks concerned, taps the side of her head, and expands her hands.] 357
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic255 You were looking for a man in a Vault. Neutral 50 [She shakes her head, points at your Pip-Boy again.] 358
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic256 You were looking for a Vault Boy? Neutral 50 [She shakes her head, points at your Pip-Boy again and makes a talking motion with her hand.] 359
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic258 Someone smart. Neutral 50 [She nods, then circles her ear.] 360
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic259 ...and nuts. Anger 50 [She nods, frowns.] 361
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic260 Sounds like it's pretty important to you to find this person. Anger 50 [SUCCEEDED] [She frowns, raises two fingers, and has them walk together. Then she looks down on the two fingers, and her face becomes angry.] 362
Anger 50 [Then she chops her hand down, and draws the two fingers apart. One of the finger she points at herself.] 363
So why would you waste time looking for him? Neutral 50 [FAILED] [She pauses, looks at you for a second, then shrugs and shakes her head.] 364
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic261 I don't understand. Sad 50 [She repeats the chopping motion, slower, then draws the two fingers apart. She looks sadly at one of the fingers.] 365
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic262 He cut you off from someone. Neutral 50 [She nods.] 366
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic263 Family? Husband? Anger 50 [She frowns, shakes her head, and even more so at husband.] 367
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic264 Oh - girlfriend. Neutral 50 [She hesitates, then waves her hand.] 368
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic265 Uh... boyfriend? Neutral 50 [She shakes her head.] 369
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic266 What, your wife? Neutral 50 [She shakes her head, but rolls it side to side.] 370
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic267 Oh - girlfriend. Neutral 50 [She hesitates, then waves her hand.] 371
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic268 Oh- girlfriend. Neutral 50 [She hesitates, then waves her hand.] 372
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic269 You were more than girlfriends - lovers. Surprise 20 [She nods, and looks at you a little surprised.] 373
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic270 Unrequited? Or... Neutral 50 [She shakes her head, draws the two fingers together, then shakes her head more emphatically.] 374
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic271 What, you think I don't understand love? Neutral 50 [She raises an eyebrow, looks at you.] 375
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic273 I understand how important a loved one can be. Neutral 50 [She nods slowly, studying you. She seems to be gauging you again.] 376
Neutral 50 [She makes a slow circle motion after a moment, taps her wrist.] 377
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic275 How did you get here from the Gala Event? And onto this floor? Sad 50 {Deliver this slow, thoughtful, seems like a dupe, isn't} The Gala went off, the Switching Station opened up - {to herself, rueful} thought the screeching in the Auto-Doc was bad, Station worse. 378
Neutral 50 Got outside, saw the light show, and it was enough to make me run to the casino. 379
Neutral 50 Also... it seemed like the lights and speakers were helping to guide me... guess your master wanted a back-up in case you died. 380
Neutral 50 As for being assigned to this floor... maybe it's because of my new voice. Your guess is as good as mine. {Beat, sarcastic} Maybe it recognized me as a guest. 381
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic276 What weapons are you skilled at? Neutral 50 [Christine draws a jagged lightning bolt in the air, pantomimes throwing a grenade, and then pulls an imaginary knife from behind her back.] 382
Anger 50 [Then she moves her feet shoulder width apart, holds hands up in a martial arts stance, then turns both hands into pistols, pantomimes rapid-firing.] 383
Neutral 50 [She then holds one pistol up, takes aim as if sighting along the barrel and does a single shot, ends with a nod.] 384
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic277 Energy Weapons, Explosives, Melee, Unarmed, and Guns. Is that all? Neutral 50 [She nods. Once.] 385
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic278 You seem like you've been well-trained. Neutral 50 [She shrugs slightly, then waits.] 386
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic279 Oh, is that all? Guess that'll do. Anger 50 [She makes a disapproving frown, shakes her head.] 387
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic280 So after your speech about control, now you're going to use the collars like Elijah did? Anger 10 {Frowns, slow} You know what... you're right. I don't need to use the same methods to kill you, and I shouldn't... it would make me as bad as Elijah is. 388
Anger 10 {Cold, low} All right - forget the proximity frequency, we'll decide this ourselves. 389
NVDLC01ChristineSpeaker NVDLC01ChristineSpeaker Anger 50 [Christine stops, glances at the speaker, then glances at your collar, frowning.] 390
NVDLC01ChristineVaultHelpTopic01 NVDLC01ChristineVaultHelpTopic01 Neutral 50 {Breaks into player's frequency while he's being blasted with turrets, urgency} Seeing what I can do to shut those turrets down from up here... come on... come on... {<AUDIO: From player's bomb collar. Christine tells the player that she's trying to bring the Vault's turrets down.>} 391
Anger 10 ...got it, two of 'em down... can't shut down the others - he's cut off access. {frustrated} Dammit! {Beat, cold} Put him down, bury him - whatever it takes! {<Christine succeeds in hampering the Vault's security turrets.><Christine lets the player know that two turrets are now disabled. She urges the pla} 392
NVDLC01ChristineVaultHelpTopic02 NVDLC01ChristineVaultHelpTopic02 Anger 50 ...got it, two of 'em down... can't shut down the others - he's cut off access. {frustrated} Dammit! {Beat, cold} Put him down, bury him - whatever it takes! {<Christine succeeds in hampering the Vault's security turrets.><Christine lets the player know that two turrets are now disabled. She urges the pla} 393
NVDLC01ChristineVaultPasswordBark NVDLC01SuitesChristineVaultPasswordBark Fear 10 {Hesitates, big moment} "Begin again - {slightly quieter} but know when to let go." {Christine hesitates for a moment, preparing herself to speak the password to open the Vault Elevator. A pregnant pause, then she delivers.} 394
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic01 NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic01 Anger 50 [Christine studies Dean, frowns.] 395
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic01 Neutral 50 [Christine shakes her head slowly.] 396
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic02 NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic02 Anger 50 [Christine frowns, tilts her head slightly.] 397
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic03 NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic03 Anger 20 [Christine's eyes narrow.] 398
NVDLC01DeanToChristineTopic03 Anger 50 [Christine eyes narrow to slits.] 399
NVDLC01ETChristineSpeakerBark NVDLC01ETChristineSpeakerBark Neutral 50 [Christine taps her collar, makes a sweeping gesture at the area, then begins to pulse her fingers outward, faster and faster.] {She's indicating speakers may be nearby.} 400
NVDLC01ETChristineVendBark NVDLC01ETChristineVendBark Neutral 50 [Christine nods at the Vending Machine, then makes a sweeping gesture with both arms and draws them to her chest.] {<After entering a room with a vending machine, Christine indicates to the player that it may be a good time to stock up on supplies>} 401
NVDLC01EndingChristine NVDLC01EndingChristine Sad 10 {Christine Dead: Narration} Christine, scarred by her hunt for Elijah and unable to let him go, perished in the Sierra Madre Casino. {This plays if Christine died. Even though narrating, keep this on the somber side.} 402
Neutral 50 {Narration} She never completed her mission, nor did she stop to consider what had driven her to accept the mission in the first place. {This plays if Christine died. Even though narrating, slightly judgmental.} 403
Sad 10 {Narration} Obsession is another form of greed, a lesson that Christine never learned. {This plays if Christine died. Even though narrating, slightly judgmental and sad at the same time, as if shaking head.} 404
NVDLC01EndingChristine Neutral 50 {Christine Alive: Narration} Christine, her mission complete, found new purpose as the Sierra Madre's warden. She watched over it silently - by choice. {This plays if Christine lives. Even though narrating, this ending is slightly stronger, more reverent.} 405
Neutral 50 {Narration} Over time, the Ghost People came to see her as one of the Holograms. They would watch, silently, as she walked among them. 406
Neutral 50 {Narration, a little tender here} At times, Christine thought of the Courier, who had kept Elijah's hand from her throat. 407
Neutral 50 {Narration} The Courier reminded her of the {slight emph} other courier she had met in the Big Empty, and wondered if the two had found each other at last. {Big Empty is a location in Fallout.} 408
Neutral 50 {Narration, quiet} She did not think of them again until she heard the legends of the Divide. {The Divide is another location in Fallout.} 409
Sad 10 {Slow, reverent - this is quietly dramatic, ends on a sad downnote} The Divide, where the two messengers, the two couriers, fought beneath an ancient flag, at the edge of the world. {Slow, draw this to a close. Keep this quietly dramatic. This is forecasting a horrible, tragic event to come in a future adventure.} 410
NVDLC01GalaEventActivate NVDLC01GalaEventActivate Neutral 50 [You hear banging from the speaker, as if someone is hammering on a wall with their fists.] 411
NVDLC01GalaEventActivate Neutral 50 [You hear a tapping from the speaker... a series of sharp taps, then a slow, two taps.] 412
NVDLC01GalaEventQuestNVDLC01ChristineTopic000 Now, now... I'll let you out when the event's over. Maybe. Neutral 50 [The hammering stops for a second... and there's one final bang from the speaker, as if someone is smashing their fist into a wall.] 413
NVDLC01GalaEventQuestNVDLC01ChristineTopic003 Christine? We're almost ready here. Neutral 50 [A single tap comes from the speaker, then silence.] 414
NVDLC01GodToChristineTopic01 NVDLC01GodToChristineTopic01 Neutral 50 [Christine narrows her eyes, gets into a combat stance.] 415
NVDLC01GodToChristineTopic02 NVDLC01GodToChristineTopic02 Neutral 50 [Christine frowns.] 416
NVDLC01WTChristineGalaBark NVDLC01WTChristineGalaBark Neutral 50 [Christine flicks her finger back and forth quickly like a switch, then nods to the north.] {<Indicates to the player that the Switching Station is to the north>} 417
NVDLC01WTChristineRoofBark NVDLC01WTChristineRoofBark Neutral 50 [Christine frowns, looks upward, then back at you. She nods her head upwards, then makes the motion of holding a gun at the ready.] {<Indicates that it might be safer to find higher ground>} 418
NVDLC01WTChristineSmallSpaceBark NVDLC01WTChristineSmallSpaceBark Fear 20 [Christine's eyes dart around at the walls and the ceiling. She glances at the exit, then takes a slow breath. Sweat appears on her brow.] {<When entering a small underground room Christine indicates that she doesn't like small spaces and would prefer to be above ground>} 419
NVDLC01WTChristineTerrifiedSoundBark NVDLC01WTChristineTerrifiedSoundBark Neutral 50 [Christine's eyes dart in the direction of the screeching sound. She looks frightened and trembles slightly, as if fighting an urge to run.] 420
PLAYERINIRONSITES PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 [Christine frowns, points at your collar, then hers.] 421
PLAYERLAYMINE PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 [Christine points at mine, then taps her temple.] 422
PLAYERTHROWGRENADE PLAYER THROW GRENADE Neutral 50 [Christine covers her ears.] 423
PlayerinsultsChristine Just die, tired of listening to you anyway. Anger 50 {Cold, determined} Silence suits me fine. When your master shows, I'll deal with him, too. {< Christine talks smack back and starts the fight. "Master" is delivered with disgust.>} 424
Playersaysgoahead What do you want to say? Neutral 50 {Takes a breath} I've been hunting the one who hijacked your Pip-Boy, Elijah, for... some time. {< voice is restored. Christine tells the player about her mission to kill Elijah. >} 425
Neutral 50 {Deadly serious} He {emph} cannot leave the Sierra Madre alive. What he's done... what he's done here is nothing compared to what he's done in the past. 426
Neutral 50 The only way to bring him out is if you get to the vault... he won't allow you to go down there {emph} alone. That's when we kill him. 427
Just glad you're safe. Hold up here, I'll take care of Elijah. Neutral 50 {Studies player, thinks the player is worth it} Good luck. He's... not an easy opponent. If I can, I'll help. {Beat, thinking} Might be able to figure something out using the Sierra Madre's computer systems. {< voice is restored. Christine wishes the player good luck and walks over to the intercom to disable security. >} 428


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 [Christine nods.] 429
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueClinicBark NVDLC01ChristineDialogueClinicBark Anger 10 [Christine stares at the headless corpses for a second. Then she makes a slow, angry scowl.] 430
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueCloudBark NVDLC01ChristineCloudBark Neutral 50 [Christine sniffs the air, then touches her neck and frowns. She gestures at the air and taps her wrist.] 431
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueCloudTerminal NVDLC01ChristineDialogueCloudTerminal Neutral 50 [Christine looks around, then nods toward a terminal on the far side of the room.] 432
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueGala02FirstDoor NVDLC01ChristineDialogueGala02FirstDoor Neutral 50 [Christine points to an electrical box on the wall, and twists her hand.] 433
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueGala02JumpBark NVDLC01ChristineDialogueGala02JumpBark Neutral 50 [Christine shakes her head as you approach the edge of the catwalk. She turns away from the catwalk and begins looking around.] 434
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueGala02ToxicCloud NVDLC01ChristineDialogueGala02ToxicCloud Neutral 50 [Christine nods at the toxic cloud below, then makes a walking motion with her fingers and slowly shakes her head.] 435
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueGenericIdleAct3 NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Pained 10 {Coughs, getting her voice back} The quick... the quick scribe... jumped over the lazy paladin. {Script Notes: Christine has just gotten her voice back. It's a little sore, new, and she's testing it out. These lines would also be duped for the ra} 436
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Pained 10 {Warming up her new voice, a little tender} Mi-mo-mih. {Script Notes: Christine has just gotten her voice back. It's a little sore, new, and she's testing it out. These lines would also be duped for the ra} 437
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Pained 10 {Warming up her new voice, a little tender} This is Knight Christine Royce, of the Brotherhood... {emphasizes last two words} Christine Royce. {Script Notes: Christine has just gotten her voice back. It's a little sore, new, and she's testing it out. These lines would also be duped for the ra} 438
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Pained 10 {Coughs, warming up her voice} Ugh... feels like a sore throat - after chewing on nails. {Script Notes: Christine has just gotten her voice back. It's a little sore, new, and she's testing it out. These lines would also be duped for the ra} 439
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Pained 10 {Coughs, beats} Sounds like I smoked a mile of cigarettes. {Script Notes: Christine has just gotten her voice back. It's a little sore, new, and she's testing it out. These lines would also be duped for the ra} 440
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Pained 10 {Shakes head, feeling bleh} Feels like the Cloud crawled in my mouth and died. {Script Notes: Christine has just gotten her voice back. It's a little sore, new, and she's testing it out. These lines would also be duped for the ra} 441
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Testing out how words sound} Chris-tine. Chris-tine. Hello. Hello. Hello. {Script Notes: Christine has just gotten her voice back. It's a little sore, new, and she's testing it out. These lines would also be duped for the ra} 442
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Neutral 50 [Christine makes a sweeping motion of the room, does a deep inhalation, then gives a thumbs up.] 443
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Neutral 50 [Christine sniffs the air, then gives a thumbs up.] 444
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Fear 50 {Confined space} [Christine's breathing quickens, and her eyes dart around the walls.] 445
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Fear 50 {Confined space} [Christine seems to be sweating heavily, and her hand is twitching slightly. She looks ready to bolt.] 446
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Fear 20 [Christine nods at the ground, points at her eyes, then points at the ground again, as if in warning.] 447
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Neutral 50 [Christine motions at ground, makes a snapping motion with her hand, then taps her eyes and pantomimes walking slowly, looking in front of her.] 448
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Fear 10 [Christine scans the area. She seems on edge, checking the arcades and arches for movement.] 449
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Neutral 50 [Christine makes a motion of loading a fake gun, then suiting up.] 450
NVDLC01ChristineGenericIdle Anger 10 {Slight frustration} Can't believe I came all this way to have my voice stolen. {Script Notes: Christine has just gotten her voice back. It's a little sore, new, and she's testing it out. These lines would also be duped for the ra} 451
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueGhostBark NVDLC01ChristineGhostBark Anger 20 [Christine's eyes narrow. She raises an index finger, as if listening, then points ahead grimly and pulls back an imaginary trigger.] 452
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueGhostDeadBark NVDLC01ChristineDialogueGhostDeadBark Neutral 50 [Christine nods at you, then the Ghost Person on the ground, makes a neck-chopping motion.] 453
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01ChristineTopic088 NVDLC01ChristineSuiteIntro2 Neutral 50 {Thinking, determined} Should be able to rewire them, failing that, shoot them, {beat, backpedals, slight frustration} although that'll alert the others, they're on a linked patrol pattern. 454
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueNVDLC01SuitesIntercomTopic001 NVDLC01ChristineSuiteIntroBad2 Anger 50 Leaving me in that goddamn elevator in the dark? You'll beg me to do the same to you while the Holograms are tracing lasers across your face. 455
NVDLC01ChristineDialoguePoliceBark NVDLC01ChristineDialoguePoliceBark Neutral 50 [Christine studies the area, then the Police Station. She pretends to unload a weapon and holds up the imaginary cartridge, waving it.] 456
NVDLC01ChristineDialogueVendingBark NVDLC01ChristineVendingBark Anger 50 [Christine looks at the machine and frowns. She points at the narrow slot on the side and raises an eyebrow.] 457
NVDLC01ChristineGalaPositionBarks NVDLC01ChristineGalaPositionBarks Fear 10 [Christine motions to you, points at the door uneasily, then makes a pulling motion with her hand. She seems hesitant to go near it.] {<She is signaling this is where the event takes place.>} 458
NVDLC01ChristineSuiteIntro NVDLC01ChristineSuiteIntro Neutral 50 {More military professional} All doors are locked down, security's activated - and emitter signals are lighting up all over this floor. {Beat, comes to a decision} I'll do what I can from here. {<Christine's is determined, building strength - she's going all military precision here, even with wounded voice.>} 459
NVDLC01ChristineSuitesBarks NVDLC01ChristineSuitesBarks Pained 50 {Pained} If it's who I think it is, this is Christine... recovered. {Starts getting voice back, surveying room, professional} In what looks like an Old World hotel room, high class, two rooms - {beat} exit's sealed. {<Christine's voice is a little ragged in this sequence, it just healed up.>} 460
NVDLC01ChristineSuitesBarks Neutral 50 Floor's got holographic security. {Beat, recalling info, under her breath} Not latest tech, field of view targeting systems, primitive. {Under her breath} Familiar. 461
NVDLC01ChristineSuitesCollarOff NVDLC01ChristineSuitesCollarOff Anger 20 {First bark} Need to reset this damn thing... switching the frequencies... come on, come on... 462
NVDLC01ChristineSuitesCollarOff Anger 10 {Under her breath, slight frustration} Resetting signal... resetting signal. 463
NVDLC01ChristineSuitesCollarOn NVDLC01ChristineSuitesCollarOn Happy 20 {Smug, player walked into a trap} That's it... signal frequency's hot, let's see how you deal with this. 464
NVDLC01ChristineSuitesCollarOn Anger 50 {Anger, player's rushing at her for melee combat} Switching frequency, asshole. 465
NVDLC01ChristineSuitesCollarOn Anger 50 {Anger, player's rushing at her for melee combat} Switching frequency, bitch. 466
NVDLC01SuitesCollarScanning NVDLC01SuitesCollarScanning Anger 50 {Under her breath, pissed} Think you can run? The longer you try and keep your distance, this scanning frequency will flush you out. 467


AcceptYield AcceptYield Anger 50 [Christine checks herself, stops attacking, looks angry, points at collar.] 468
ArmorIneffective ArmorIneffective Anger 30 [Christine quickly taps what she's wearing, makes a hatchet motion.] 469
Assault Assault Neutral 50 [Christine points at your collar, then hers.] 470
Attack Attack Anger 20 [Christine narrows her eyes, and her stance changes.] 471
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Surprise 30 [Christine makes frantic motions with her hands.] 472
Crippled Crippled Pained 30 [Christine taps herself, then waves her hand - she looks in pain.] 473
Death Death Pained 20 [Christine clutches her collar as she falls, clawing at it.] 474
FireExplosive FireExplosive Neutral 50 [Christine waves for you to get back, makes throwing motion.] 475
Flee Flee Pained 20 [Christine shakes her head, waves at you to follow.] 476
Frenzy Frenzy Anger 20 [Christine's face peels back in a snarl.] 477
HealthHalf HealthHalf Neutral 50 [Christine winces, then tries to hide it.] 478
HealthQuarter HealthQuarter Pained 20 [Christine winces, clutches her side.] 479
Hit Hit Neutral 50 [Christine takes the blow, doesn't flinch.] 480
KOed KOed Neutral 50 [Christine's eyes blank, and she falls.] 481
KnockedBack KnockedBack Neutral 50 {TEMP: No line needed.} 482
NoAmmo NoAmmo Disgust 20 [Christine taps her gun in frustration.] 483
OnFire OnFire Neutral 50 [Christine begins to beat at the flames on her body.] 484
Poisoned Poison Pained 10 [Christine looks at you, touches her throat, frowns.] 485
PowerAttack PowerAttack Neutral 50 {TEMP: Not sure needed. Power attack.} 486
Regenerating Regenerating Neutral 50 [Christine blinks, takes a breath, then nods.] 487
Steal Steal Disgust 30 [Christine narrows her eyes, then shakes her head and waves you off.] 488
UsedDoctorBag UsedDoctorBag Neutral 50 [Christine checks herself, gives the thumbs up.] 489
Wake Wake Neutral 50 [Christine shakes her head, gets quickly back on her feet.] 490
Wake Neutral 50 [Christine quickly leaps to her feet, narrows her eyes, and scans the area.] 491
WeaponIneffective WeaponIneffective Anger 30 [Christine taps her weapon angrily, assumes defensive stance.] 492


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 [Christine raises her hand, and starts scanning the area.] 493
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Neutral 50 [Christine motions to you, points.] 494
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Neutral 50 [Christine does one final scan, then shakes her head, and motions forward.] 495
CombatToLost CombatToLost Neutral 50 [Christine narrows her eyes, shakes her head.] 496
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Neutral 50 [Christine scans the area, then relaxes slightly.] 497
LostIdle LostIdle Anger 20 [Christine scans the area intently.] 498
LostToCombat LostToCombat Neutral 50 [Christine's eyes narrow, points.] 499
LostToNormal LostToNormal Neutral 50 [Christine scans the area, then shakes her head.] 500
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Neutral 50 [Christine holds up her hand, pauses, then starts scanning the area.] 501
NormalToCombat StartCombat Anger 10 [Christine's eyes narrow, stance changes.] 502


NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 <AUDIO: Mikey, this line needs to dupe the horrible saw-like whirring sound effects of Christine's Auto-Doc in the Clinic, so the PC can track it.> { } 503
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 [Christine narrows her eyes, gets into a combat stance.] {Since this is a radio conversation there should be some shuffling sounds} 504
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 [Christine studies Dean, frowns.] 505
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 [Christine shakes her head slowly.] 506
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 [Christine frowns, tilts her head slightly.] 507
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 <AUDIO: After freeing Christine, she's at the fountain or at the Clinic alone.>{Normal Christine breathing.} 508
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 [STATIC] {Static Sound} 509
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 Neutral 50 [Christine frowns.] {This will need some sound effect.} 510
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 Anger 20 [Christine's eyes narrow.] 511
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 Anger 50 [Christine eyes narrow to slits.] 512
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 Neutral 50 <AUDIO: If the player hasn't dropped Christine off at the Gala Event and she is alone at the fountain, this will be crackling silence.>{Clicking or Christine breathing, "normally" for her.} 513
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 Neutral 50 <AUDIO: After Gala Event, not Act 3 yet.>{Frantic beating on the elevator door, desperate breathing, sounds of Gala event in streets above, muted.} 514
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 Neutral 50 <AUDIO: If the player has left Christine at the Gala Event in a "good" way, this is the signal that will play.> {Christine is breathing slightly faster than normal, no banging or panic. She taps on metal, as if tapping a message in Morse code for "hurry up" - if} 515
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 Neutral 50 <AUDIO: If the player has left Christine at Gala Event and she hates the player, she'll bang on the doors of the elevator to be let out.>{Hammering on door, desperate, her breathing ragged and panicked.} 516
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 Neutral 50 [STATIC] {Static Sound} 517
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct3 NVDLC01RadioChristineAct3 Neutral 50 <AUDIO: Christine after Executive Suits, killed her. Static.>{Nothing but a flatline signal.} 518
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct3 Neutral 50 <AUDIO: Needs radio filter for this, and ambient sounds outside suites after Christine has been saved and is speaking to herself.>{Mikey, we'll dupe Christine's radio barks while she's in the Exec Suites with her voice back and add a filter.} 519
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct3 Neutral 50 <AUDIO: Christine in Executive Suites.>{Christine breathing, normally, she sounds like she's walking around and doing stuff. Any ambient sounds from the suites should be duped.} 520
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct3 Neutral 50 <AUDIO: Christine after Executive Suites, still lost voice.>{Christine breathing normally, calm. Any ambient sounds from the suites should be duped.} 521
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct3 Neutral 50 [STATIC] {Static Sound} 522
RadioHello RadioHello Neutral 50 <AUDIO: Christine's radio freq opener.>{Mikey, might make a few sec of crackling, static, or radio knob whirring/tuning, dupe it for other companions radio intro openers for simplicity.} 523
RadioHello Neutral 50 <AUDIO: Christine's radio freq opener.>{Mikey, might make a few sec of crackling, static, or radio knob whirring/tuning, dupe it for other companions radio intro openers for simplicity.} 524
RadioHello Neutral 50 <AUDIO: Christine's radio freq opener.>{Mikey, might make a few sec of crackling, static, or radio knob whirring/tuning, dupe it for other companions radio intro openers for simplicity.} 525