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Fallout Wiki

The Croup family was an affluent family in Nahant before the Great War.


The Croup family was a proud and close-knit family, but they were also an ultimately shortsighted group. Once a distinguished, affluent and socialite family of Nahant,[1] a significant financial downturn in 2077 due to a bad stock trade left them in serious financial straits.[2]

Within the estate at Croup Manor, they were completely unprepared for life after the Great War. Although far enough from the blast zones to avoid complete annihilation, they instead took the full force of the radioactive fallout. The night of November 1, 2077, the Croup family was all but extinct, for in the morning Theodore Croup woke to the effects: the entire family had become feral ghouls.

Throughout January and February of 2078, he would gather the shuffling remains of his family together and lock them in the basement, unable to bring himself to end their suffering. Beyond that, he went to look for other survivors. He met both ghoul and human alike who all shared the experience of ending those who turned into monsters and tried to kill the non-feral survivors, and also noticed that the ferals wouldn't attack other ghouls.[3]

Unable to let go, Theodore came to the conclusion that the old world was dead and they all could start over again without their debt, and went about trying to rehabilitate his family to talk, function and act like normal people again.[4] For the next two hundred years he would do his best, but around 2287, his frustration boiled over. After spending all that time trying to teach the creatures how to act human, he had nothing to show for it, except the faint possibility that his cousin James could spot the difference between a salad fork and a regular fork. As for his aunt Belinda, Theodore could not reach her at all, threatening to "bust her head" if she did not start listening to him soon.[5] He and members of his family are found deceased in the manor's basement.

Known members[]


The Croup family is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

