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The game was supposed to have approximately forty map locations or territories stretching from the Pacific Northwest to China, grouped into four distinct regions, each with its own visual style and special gameplay features, as well as weapons, artifacts, and denizens unique to it.

Each territory would feature an unique layout with its own tactical set-ups and challenges, different resources, unique features that can be leveraged to affect other territories (such as opening or closing a dam that blocks the river and can starve areas downriver of water), geographic features such as passes or fordable rivers, and of course, border access.

The player would also be able to encounter potential recruits for his growing revolution by exploring territories.


Each territory would have a different featured map, enemy strength, weapon supplies, local friendliness, major story targets, and border connections to other areas. The player would be able to choose their approach, attacking territories head on, flanking them from adjacent regions, and of course taking supply lines into account.

A supply line was a linked chain of supported camps. If one of the camps in the link was lost, it would break, and the player would have to retake the territory to regain it. Retaking camps was intended to be left to the player's discretion and their particular strategy and approach to each territory.

Supply lines would be tied to towns established in each territory, and their ability to manufacutre war materiel. Each town would produce one specific weapon type. As such, conquering and defending territories against enemy forces was to be an important part of strategic gameplay: As long as supply lines were intact, the player would be able to use the camps as a reliable source of weapons and ammunition.

If these were cut, they'd have to rely on replenishing their stores from defeated enemies and capturing weapon stores. However, even if maintained, weapons and ammo would take time to arrive at the target forward camp: The further, the longer it takes. The player would be able to set up networks of supply chains and make them quite robust, by connecting existing camps together.


Forward camps would be automatically set up on territory borders, allowing an endless supply of ammunition, first aid, better intelligence and safer entrance and exfiltration of target territories. They would be placed automatically, and the player's squad would receive support if they were fighting in range of the camp's area of effect.

Furthermore, the camps would be an interface for the player to manage their squad, interact with new squad members, collect and review intelligence, deploy remote territory governors, plan strategy, and of course, deploy to their next mission. These would be fully realized maps where the player would be able to walk their chosen squad member through and enter various tents to interact with camp features. These would be the Armory, Munitions, First Aid Station, Personnel, Command, and Signals tent.


The enemy composition in territories would vary depending on circumstances. The default rosters and strength would change as the player cuts off supply lines and gathers intel, allowing them to gain tactical opportunities that enhance the effectiveness of their guerrilla war against the Brotherhood.

Pacific Northwest

  • Area: Oregon, Washington, Canada
  • General environment: Densely forested Pacific Northwest, a century after nuclear bombardment and heavy conventional warfare. Addional biological warfare (viruses) and nuclear fallout have mutated both flora and fauna. Byt the time the game starts, nature starts to regenerate and reassert itself. The primeval, exotic vegetation punctuates blackened stretches of devastation and isolated pockets of ruined urban landscapes.
  • Population: Refugees from the major urban populations banded into smaller settlements and medieval like townships. Isolated survivalists that are encountered remind one of Grizzly Adams. The Issaquah Nation presently controls the inland landscape.
  • Gameplay summary: Layouts favor urban and guerilla warfare for two reasons: The plot starts out in shelled-out urban environments and the resulting experience epitomizes the game's squad-based gameplay. The player is encouraged to divide their squad, utilize different viewpoints and attack from multiple directions. Physical feats such as climbing, branch hopping, and jumping feature prominently, as do elevated points and towers to provide vantage points for snipers. Intermitten flat, open areas allow for tension-reducing major shootouts.
  • Critical Locations:

Bering Strait

  • Area: Alaska, Bering Strait, Aleutians, Upper Siberia
  • General environment: Icy, cold, and hostile-but it was like that before the bombs fell. The presence of pre-Apocalyptic military bases brought some heavy conventional warfare just before and just after the bombs. Occasional hidden military compounds break up the icy landscapes.
  • Population: The Brotherhood of Steel's newest headquarters are established here, and is the heart of their revitalized military machine. Placid Inuit tribes have in the post-nuclear world, turned into fierce territorial warriors and are the true masters of the land, running a resistance right under the Brotherhood's noses.
  • Gameplay summary: Snow and ice introduce a dramatic environmental change. The challenge here will be about moving around in open territory. There are choice nooks and crannies in which to set up sniper shots and unexpected ambushes. The open flat fields and the dramatic contrast of white against character colors will change warfare dramatically. The objective will be to hit first, hard, and fast... or to be clever and sneak around. Villages, settlements, and the few areas of tangled cramped spaces will be a relief from the starkness of the opened snowfields. By the end of this phase, however, the characters should be strong enough and well educated enough to be able to handle open-ground combat with effectiveness. Rocks and steppes provide run cover-run tactics. In this environment, open ground combat will prove more difficult to master than the hide-and-peek tactics of the previous phase.
  • Critical Locations:

Northeast Asia

  • Area: Russia, Mongolia
  • General environment: Cold Siberian wastelands give way to mountainous terrain and cold deserts. This is the kind of place that breeds hordes of Cossacks. Open plateaus, rocky steppes.
  • Population: Roving, warring bands of Mongolians who've decided to revive that whole 'horde' mentality. Village settlements are starker, tougher, and more attuned to the laws of survival than trading bottle caps for ammo. The hostility of the environment has kept this area free of interlopers for a very long time. Pressures from the south and new adventurer forces from the north make the whole population very intolerant and suspicious.
  • Gameplay summary: This phase is more about the other aspects of the game, enemy management, information gathering, picking up additional team members, establishing supply lines, pitting the irreconcilables against each other, as well as just fighting your way through these forbidden wastelands. The territories here are larger but there aren't as many of them. Tactical play is focused on environment manipulation and affecting the way your enemy moves about the map. Once you close a hidden canyon, it is easier to set up an effective ambush. Indeed, much easier, because you can anticipate the enemies' movements.
  • Critical Locations:


  • Area: Eastern China
  • General environment: After all the devastation elsewhere, this final phase of territories is lush. It is rich with tranquil river valleys and mildly temperate environments. However, that's just the terrain. Don't worry, there's still plenty of action and hostility here.
  • Population: Petty warlords and their armies have absolute control of peasant villagers. There are also interspersed pockets of the New Imperial Guard.
  • Gameplay summary: This is the endgame and will include territory layouts that require all the skills the player has acquired. There are open ground territories, cramped tactical spaces, fast-paced action, and slow careful hunts. There will be plenty of hazards unique to this environment. There are great looking hiding places that provide little or no cover from the camouflaged enemy. The player will be fighting in leafy bushes, river valleys or rice paddies. The enemy will remain hidden while still targeting you. Once the player gets to the Forbidden City, these hazards will be reduced. In the Forbidden City endgame, the enemies of course will be much harder and the player will have to use every ounce of skill he has picked up throughout the entire game.
  • Critical Locations: