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Fallout Wiki

Greetings fellow humanitarian. I am Janet Baddall, foreperson for the Deathclaw Freedom Alliance. I am here for one purpose, to free poor, captive, deathclaws so that they may be free to roam the wasteland as nature intended! If you love nature as much as I do, you'll help me release some of the wastelands most majestic yet most misunderstood creatures. Immoral Deathclaw poaching CAN be stopped! We just have to work together. Let's go!

Janet Badall is a character in the Midwest in 2197. She is a part of the special encounter called "Deathclaw Liberation" that the Warrior may come across in their travels.


Janet is an animal liberationist.

Interactions with the player character

Interactions overview

General Services Location
Recruit: No
Merchant: No
Replenish: No
Missions involved: No
Locations: Yes
Deathclaw Liberation

Other interactions

Janet enthusiastically assumes the Warrior is, like she, an animal liberationist and releases the caged deathclaws, with a fatal result for herself.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Clothing - -

Notable content


Janet Badall appears only in Fallout Tactics.

Behind the scenes

Her encounter is a reference to the famous primatologist, Jane Goodall.
