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Gwinnett stout or Southie Stout[1] is a consumable alcoholic beverages in Fallout 4.


Main article: Beer

A dark ale with numerous variations, stouts are typically made with top-fermenting yeast. The common, dry variant of stout features a rich taste, frequently with chocolate or coffee notes. Like ales, stouts are brewed using warm fermentation, over 15 °C (59 °F). The natural fermentation processes cause the batch to foam at the surface, creating a barm. This distinct feature caused beers obtained this way to be called top-fermenting.


Crafted by the Gwinnett Brewery, this dark and heavy beer increases one's Strength and Charisma by 1 for three minutes, but also lowers one's Intelligence when broken down. It also carries a 5% risk of alcohol addiction. The label displays a wreathed portrait of Button Gwinnett above the text "Button Gwinnett" on a stylized scroll, which is above the text "Southie Stout."






  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.515: "[18.05] GWINNETT BREWERY
    This venerable brewing operation was started by a local beer maker named Button Gwinnett, namesake of one of the founding fathers. Their Southie Stout was voted “Boston’s Best Beer of 2051 and 2062.” Currently, the brewing factory is dilapidated. There is roof access, but only from the interior. Outside, beware of flammable oil, shoot through the broken windows to remove the bar from the door to the metal hut, allowing access to a brewing systems terminal, and a recipe for Gwinnett Stout."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)