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This is a transcript for dialogue with Hector.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Oh, hello. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 {kid who just got caught in the act} Agh! I wasn't doing anything! 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Hello again. 3
VMS101EHectorTopic008 Why is this water so special? Neutral 50 'Cause it's clean. The crops taste funny if you don't use clean water, but the NCR won't give us any and it's too expensive to buy. 4
vDialogueWestsideWestsideHectorTopic000 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Bye. 5
vDialogueWestsideWestsideHectorTopic001 What do you do here? Neutral 50 I deliver things and stuff for the people here. They give me caps to do it. 6
vDialogueWestsideWestsideHectorTopic002 Do you know anything about Corporal White? Fear 20 {nervous, hiding a secret} Corporal White? I don't know where he - {obviously changing his lie mid-sentence} uh, I mean, never heard of him. Uh, I gotta go... 7
vDialogueWestsideWestsideHectorTopic006 You look like you're gathering water. The Westside isn't supposed to have a water supply. Neutral 50 Uh... it's for the co-ops. Mr. Anderson told me to do it - he said it wasn't stealing if it's for the good of everybody. 8
vDialogueWestsideWestsideHectorTopic008 It's stealing, no matter who it's for. Corporal White found out, didn't he? Neutral 50 He caught me and made me tell on Mr. Anderson. I don't know what happened after that, but when I asked, Mr. Anderson said not to worry. 9
Neutral 50 But... Mr. Anderson had this look on his face. It's the look grownups get when they've done something bad. 10
< Speech 80 >
If something happened to White, tell me. You know it's the right thing to do. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I didn't want to get Mr. Anderson in trouble. He says the Westside needs to be able to take care of itself. 11
Neutral 50 Corporal White caught me taking the water and made me tell on Mr. Anderson. I think something bad happened, but Mr. Anderson told me not to worry. 12
Are you lying, Hector? Fear 10 [FAILED] I said I don't know anything. Leave me alone! 13
vDialogueWestsideWestsideHectorTopic013 {Child At Heart}It's okay if you tell me - I won't get you in trouble. Neutral 50 I didn't want to get Mr. Anderson in trouble. He says the Westside needs to be able to take care of itself. 14
Neutral 50 Corporal White caught me taking the water and made me tell on Mr. Anderson. I think something bad happened, but Mr. Anderson told me not to worry. 15
vDialogueWestsideWestsideHectorTopic014 You sure you don't know anything? Neutral 50 No. I gotta go. 16


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Bye. 17