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Fallout Wiki

Henry was a bartender in Diamond City and a victim of a violent event known as the Broken Mask incident in May 2229.


Henry was adept at facilitating conversation, serving drinks, and "the shared human experiences of drinking, smoking, talking and laughing."[1] On the evening of the Broken Mask incident, Henry was tending bar and enjoying discussion with a group of patrons that had gathered around the establishment, including a visitor from out west named Mr. Carter, 22 year old Eustace Hawthorne, and the Chambers family.

Eustace recalls the group having a pleasant time until suddenly, Mr. Carter's smile faded. In an instant, he pulled out a revolver and, without emotion or hesitation, shot Henry in the head. She recounts that, "Mr. Carter killed Henry as casually as if he were paying him for a drink."[1] Carter continued his rampage, killing several others after Henry until he was neutralized by Diamond City security.[2] Closer inspection of Carter's remains revealed he was a Institute synth.[1][3]


Henry is mentioned only in Fallout 4.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Synthetic Truth
  2. Sole Survivor: "What happened to you?"
    Roslyn Chambers: "In Diamond City, a lifetime ago, my parents and eight others were massacred by someone. At first we thought the maniac was human. But that was the day we learned of the Institute's latest creations. The synths. As long as the Institute walks invisibly amongst us, they strike without warning and control us from the shadows."
    (Roslyn Chambers' dialogue)
  3. Fallout 4 loading screens: "In the year 2229, a mysterious visitor to Diamond City killed several people. It was only after he was shot dead by city security that the stranger was revealed to be a synth. The people of the Commonwealth have feared the Institute ever since."
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