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Hunter's Ridge is a location in the Forest region of Appalachia, currently occupied by Blood Eagles.[1]


Hunter's Ridge was a network of tree-mounted vantage points used by hunters to survey the wasteland for their prey. Some of its denizens converted to the raiders after listening to Rose's ramblings on the radio, though even earlier they were taking an increasingly hostile stance against non-members, especially those found poaching their traps. The spike pit at the bottom of the cliff was set up as an execution spot and deterrent against any would-be interlopers.[2]

After the more extreme elements left for the Top of the World, the hunters thought they caught a break. However, Ethan and Carson, the two who left, soon came back at the head of a contingent of raiders and cleaned the location out. The remaining hunters recognized Carson, and decided to booby trap the area and leave for greener pastures.[3]


The encampment is made up of four treehouses connected by rope bridges, accessible by ramps leading up to the treehouse, a ground-level base camp and a scenic overlook, one portion of which has been modified for victims to "walk-the-plank" into a pit of spikes at the bottom of the cliff resulting in a quick drop and a sudden stop at the bottom. Meat can be procured from the several radstags strung up on the trees at the location. An armor workbench sits under a roofed overhang north of the tents.

Notable loot[]

  • Hunter's warning - Note, nailed to the gazebo with the grenade bouquet trap by a screwdriver.
  • Hunter's journal - Note, sitting on a couch in the southwest treehouse.
  • Unsent letter - Note, found on top of a barrel near the guard tower on a platform near the southern end of the area.
  • Recipe: Radstag stew - Sitting on a table with a radstag head near the cooking station.
  • Potential Vault-Tec bobblehead - On the roof of one of the treehouses to the northeast, sitting right in front of a petrified corpse.
  • Potential magazine - Under a couch in the westernmost treehouse by the living tree trunk.
  • Potential armor plan - On the left side of the armor workbench near the entrance.


Hunter's Ridge appears only in Fallout 76.



  1. Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.302: "29. HUNTER'S RIDGE
    A hilltop camp, set with traps for the unwary, is now home to a cluster of shambling Scorchers.In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Ascend the suspended bridges for a spot of scavenging after clearing the threats (both living and trap-based)."
    (Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Atlas of Appalachia)
  2. Hunter's journal
  3. Hunter's warning