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// Speech File for Mission 04 - Macomb.
//Version 1.6
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.


General Barnaky


// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Barnaky's voice does the briefing and debriefing.


At ease, Initiate. As you know, the Brotherhood has been expanding south. However, our supply lines are thin and thus being targeted by all sorts of bandits and raiders.\n\n
We have received a distress call from one of our squads acting as escort to a supply wagon passing through the town of Macomb. A single unit has been separated from the main group and the road behind him has been blocked off.\n\n
Our warrior is holding the fort for now, but he could fall at any minute. He needs immediate backup.\n\n
Your mission is to journey to Macomb and relieve the survivor of his duty. You are then to escort the supply vehicle through the town.\n\n
Keep in mind that not only bandits will attack our supply trains. The vast majority of the surrounding populace are hungry and desperate. Our supply wagons carry food, weapons, and medical supplies - the three most sought after commodities in the Wasteland.\n\n
Good luck. And Initiate, Buckle up.\n\n
// Mission Debriefing

// Situation A: Supply Wagon was escorted safely through the city. There is
// no other acceptable solution.
// Tone/Mood: Jubilant, proud.

At ease, warrior.\n\n

You carried out your objectives to the letter. I have received word that our supply vehicle has reached our expansion base, which is now thriving. This will be the last time our supply vehicles are hindered.\n\n
As we speak, there are three extermination squads being dispatched to Macomb to remove the assorted riffraff. Those who aren't killed will pay back the Brotherhood's generosity by serving in labor camps.\n\n
Your vigilance and your perseverance has not gone unnoticed.\n\n
Fine job, warrior.\n\n

// Mini-map Information

M04_MiniMap_01 = {
This is the site of the supply vehicle.

M04_MiniMap_02 = {
Barricades have been erected at these positions.

M04_MiniMap_03 = {
Scouts report that the library may still hold pre-war knowledge.

M04_MiniMap_04 = {
The safe zone for the vehicle is here. This is where you have to pilot the vehicle.

// Objective Breakdowns:
M04_OBJ_01 = { Rendezvous with the survivor. }
M04_OBJ_02 = { Take the vehicle to the exit point. }
M04_OBJ_03 = { Return the Librarian's glasses. }

M01_FAILUREA = { A peaceful relaxation washes over your body. Your last wish is that your crap-filled pants will not dishonour your family.}
M04_FAILUREB = {You have allowed the vehicle to be destroyed. Failure is unacceptable in the Brotherhood of Steel. Try again, warrior.}


Pilot Christian


// Name: Pilot Christian.
// Role: Original pilot of the APC.
// Background: Wilson, better known as Pilot Christian, is the warrior who has
// been cut-off from the rest of his unit. He is tired, hungry, and unshaven.
// His job in this mission is to guide the player to the APC and run away.

// Situation A00: Pilot Christian will say this to the player's squad at the
// start of the mission. He will then run off without saying anything more.
M04_Pilot_A00_W = {

It's about God-damned time some fucking backup showed up. *Sigh* Alright, the original escort squad is pushing up mutated daisies. Everyone in this God forsaken town wants what's in these supply vehicles.\n\n
It's not a pretty situation here. Every twenty feet is another shitty roadblock that has to be cleared. These people are vile and little more than animals. So shoot first and watch your back.\n\n
The keys are in it. Good luck and I'll see you back at the base.
// Situation A00: Floating text that Pilot will say as he walks off the map.
M04_Pilot_A01 = { Can't say I envy your task. Oh yeah, watch out for mines.}


Phillip Wilson


// Name: Phillip Wilson.
// Role: Librarian.
// Background: Phillip Wilson is the lone librarian in the town. He suffers
// from short-sighted vision, and has unfortunately lost his glasses.

// Situation A00: Phillip will complain about the state of the town and his
// current predicament if the player decides to pay the library a visit.
M04_Phillip_A00_W = {

Stay back! I can defend myself. Don't you bottom feeding, fuck-head bandits get it? I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING YOU PRICKS WANT!! All I had were my glasses and you mother fuckers made me drop them when you chased me. Leave me alone. I... can't see.

// Situation Z00: Philip will immediately start displaying this floating text after the player talks to him once.
M04_Phillip_Z00 = { Why haven't you raiders attacked me yet?}
M04_Phillip_Z01 = { Are you guys raiders?}
M04_Phillip_Z02 = { You're not going to hurt me?}


// Situation A01: If the player talks to Philip again (without having the glasses) he will get more information.
M04_Phillip_A01_W = {
I'm sorry for yelling, but I've been having a lot of trouble lately. Please allow me to introduce myself.\n\n

My name is Phillip and this is my humble abode. Macomb might not be much, but it's my home. I spend my time collecting books and even educating some of Macomb's less hostile inhabitants.\n\n

Unfortunately, two weeks ago a group of cretins attacked me while I was foraging for books. I escaped without harm, but I lost my glasses during the chase. If you can find them I would be most grateful.

// Situation A03: This is Phillip's good-bye line.
M04_Phillip_A03 = { Sorry, but I must return to my duties. }

// Situation B: Phillip's random ramblings as he goes about his duties. This
// is what he says before he has his glasses returned to him.
M04_Phillip_B00 = { Hmmm ... was that an "A" or a "4"? }
M04_Phillip_B01 = { Blast, these words are too small to read. }
M04_Phillip_B02 = { I can't quite make out these words. }
M04_Phillip_B03 = { Hmmm ... interesting. }
M04_Phillip_B04 = { Where is my copy of "Behind the Dressing Room Door"? }
M04_Phillip_B05 = { Where did I leave that stamp? }

// Situation C00: This is what Phillip will say if the player speaks to him
// while the glasses are in the inventory of one of the squad members. This
// effectively returns his glasses to him.
M04_Phillip_C00_W = {

You're back! Oh, you brought glasses for me. Let's see if the prescription is close. Just about perfect.\n\n

Thank you, my friend! Wow, that's a lot of scars. Let me guess... Did you light your face on fire and try to put it out with an ice pick?\n\n

Hah, heh, heh. Just kidding, friend. I read that in a joke book.\n\n

Anyway, thank you for your kindness. Here take this book, as a token of my appreciation.\n\n


// Situation Y01: This is Phillip's good-bye line after he has given the book
// to the player.
M04_Phillip_Y00 = { The Elephant Man would laugh at that face.}
M04_Phillip_Y01 = { Who shot him in the face?.}
M04_Phillip_Y02 = { Thanks again. Good luck my friend.}


// Situation D: Phillip's random ramblings as he goes about his duties. This
// is what he says after he has glasses returned to him.
M04_Phillip_D00 = { Ah yes. Much better. }
M04_Phillip_D01 = { Ah. These books go here. }
M04_Phillip_D02 = { Hmmm ... somebody's kept that book past the due date. }
M04_Phillip_D03 = { The wonders of the Dewey Decimal System! }
M04_Phillip_D04 = { Hmmm ... I hadn't noticed that mark there before. }
M04_Phillip_D05 = { Oh dear, another torn page. }



// Bandits:
// The bandits are divided into their main roles in the mission. These are
// the various situations that the bandits may be encountered in. Typically
// they have one state: Before seeing the player. After seeing the player, the
// combat AI takes over and combat taunts are used.
// All bandit lines are floating text.

// Bandit Situation A: These are what the bandits can say while they wait in
// ambush for the player. A00 to A11 are somewhat refined bandits. A12-A23 are
// less refined bandits.
M04_Bandit_A00 = { *sigh* Boring. }
M04_Bandit_A01 = { Bet they're carrying lots of food! }
M04_Bandit_A02 = { Where are those Brotherhood bastards? }
M04_Bandit_A03 = { *yawn* }
M04_Bandit_A04 = { *sigh* }
M04_Bandit_A05 = { Bor-ring. }
M04_Bandit_A06 = { See anyone yet? }
M04_Bandit_A07 = { Where-oh-where could they be? }
M04_Bandit_A08 = { I hope they come soon. }
M04_Bandit_A09 = { This is so boring. }
M04_Bandit_A10 = { I hate the waiting part. }
M04_Bandit_A11 = { The quiet before the storm. }

M04_Bandit_A12 = { Fuckin' boring! }
M04_Bandit_A13 = { Where are those bloody fools? }
M04_Bandit_A14 = { Wait until I find those bastards. }
M04_Bandit_A15 = { Damn, Brotherhood scum. }
M04_Bandit_A16 = { Ah, all this stupid waiting... }
M04_Bandit_A17 = { Goddamn cautious bastards. }
M04_Bandit_A18 = { I'm fuckin' starving! }
M04_Bandit_A19 = { I just need to know where they are. }
M04_Bandit_A20 = { I'm gonna bag me some BOS scrap. }
M04_Bandit_A21 = { I can't wait to slag someone with this gun. }
M04_Bandit_A22 = { What was that sound? }
M04_Bandit_A23 = { Who made that noise? }

// Raider Situation B: These are what the bandits might say as they spot the
// player's squad approaching. B00 to B05 are associated with bandits guarding
// the barricades, with B06 to B11 being the ruder version. B12 to B17 are
// associated with bandits just waiting around, with B18 to B23 being the
// ruder version.
M04_Bandit_B00 = { They're here! }
M04_Bandit_B01 = { There they are! }
M04_Bandit_B02 = { Yum, yum. Dinner is served! }
M04_Bandit_B03 = { We got 'em! }
M04_Bandit_B04 = { I see them! }
M04_Bandit_B05 = { Get ready, they're here! }

M04_Bandit_B06 = { Fuckin' hell! There they are! }
M04_Bandit_B07 = { I've got you bastards now. }
M04_Bandit_B08 = { Hey! That one soldier looks familiar! Brahmin Wood maybe? }
M04_Bandit_B09 = { Brotherhood dogs!! }
M04_Bandit_B10 = { You're slag now, scum! }
M04_Bandit_B11 = { Flank them! Now! }

M04_Bandit_B12 = { Man the gates!! }
M04_Bandit_B13 = { They're coming! }
M04_Bandit_B14 = { Oh yeah! }
M04_Bandit_B15 = { Target the tires! }
M04_Bandit_B16 = { They moving in! }
M04_Bandit_B17 = { Cover me! }

M04_Bandit_B18 = { Shut the fuckin' gates! }
M04_Bandit_B19 = { They're gonna force their way through! }
M04_Bandit_B20 = { Kill them! Man the gates! }
M04_Bandit_B21 = { Kill them! }
M04_Bandit_B22 = { Slag them now! }
M04_Bandit_B23 = { Cover the freakin' gates! }


Hungry raider


// Situation C00: The mystery bandit with the key. This is a special situation
// with one of the bandits. He has a key and he is hungry. If he sees the
// player, he will say a one liner to indicate that he might consider giving
// food to the player.
// Initially he is not hostile, but he soon becomes hostile as soon as he
// says his last line.
M04_Bandit_C00 = { If ya give me food, I'll tell ya where the gate key is. }

// Situation C01: If the player tries to give him food, he will reveal the
// location and move to situation C03.
M04_Bandit_C01 = { It's in a chest on the roof of this building. }

// Situation C02: If the player ignores him for more than ten seconds, he
// will blurt out the location anyway and demand food. He shifts into
// situation C04.
M04_Bandit_C02 = { It's in a chest on the roof. Now hand it over! }

// Situation C03: After a while, he will become hostile to the player. He
// will demand more food.
M04_Bandit_C03 = { C'mon, I know ya have more. I'm gonna take from ya. }

// Situation C04: After a while, he will become hostile to the player. He
// will now have to kill the player to hide his little indiscretion.
M04_Bandit_C04 = { This is bullshit! I can't take this any longer! Yahh!}



// Junkies:
// There are a few violent junkies in the city. They will assault the player's
// squad but will tend to run away if hurt. All of their lines are in floating
// text.

// Situation A: Wandering around, nothing to do. There are six distinct types
// of junkies, each with about three random lines.
M04_Junkie01_A00 = { I need it bad. }
M04_Junkie01_A01 = { I'll do anything. }
M04_Junkie01_A02 = { I need a fix. }
M04_Junkie01_A03 = { Someone give me a fix. }

M04_Junkie02_A00 = { I'm underwater! }
M04_Junkie02_A01 = { Wow... wild colors. }
M04_Junkie02_A02 = { I feel so light. }
M04_Junkie02_A03 = { I must be floating. }

M04_Junkie03_A00 = { *shiver* Need it. }
M04_Junkie03_A01 = { *shiver* }
M04_Junkie03_A02 = { I really need it bad. }
M04_Junkie03_A03 = { I got the shakes bad. }

M04_Junkie04_A00 = { Please, I'll do anything. }
M04_Junkie04_A01 = { I need some. }
M04_Junkie04_A02 = { Please? Anyone? }
M04_Junkie04_A03 = { I'll get the shakes soon. }

M04_Junkie05_A00 = { Give me something! }
M04_Junkie05_A01 = { I really need it. }
M04_Junkie05_A02 = { Gawd, please, I'll do anything. }
M04_Junkie05_A03 = { I need a fix now! }

M04_Junkie06_A00 = { Please, someone kill me. }
M04_Junkie06_A01 = { Give me something to kill the shakes. }
M04_Junkie06_A02 = { I can't take it anymore. }
M04_Junkie06_A03 = { Everything's fucked up. }

// Situation B: If they spot the player, they'll call out a line before they
// attack. Not sure if the game engine handles this easily. At present each
// junkie would require a separate trigger which could be expensive.
M04_Junkie01_B00 = { Give me all your drugs, now! }
M04_Junkie01_B01 = { Oooh... die scum, die! }
M04_Junkie01_B02 = { I need it bad, give it to me NOW! }
M04_Junkie01_B03 = { Please? I'll kill you for it. }
M04_Junkie01_B04 = { Where are the drugs? }
M04_Junkie01_B05 = { Your medical supplies, give them to me! }

// Situation C: Attack taunts for junkies.
M04_Junkie01_C00 = { I can sell whatever they got.}
M04_Junkie01_C01 = { I'm not too high to steal.}
M04_Junkie01_C02 = { I need it bad, give it to me NOW! }
M04_Junkie01_C03 = { Please? I'll kill you for it. }
M04_Junkie01_C04 = { You don't understand, I need those drugs.}
M04_Junkie01_C05 = { I got the shakes! }



// Hippies:
// There are a few hippies, four distinct types of hippies in the city. They
// are against the capitalistic, pig-dog, oppressors of the working class,
// scum-sucking, filth-bag, Brotherhood yuppies.

// Situation A: The hippies are calm and relaxed before they spot the player.
M04_Hippy01_A00 = { Ah. }
M04_Hippy01_A01 = { Nice. }
M04_Hippy01_A02 = { Oh yeah. }
M04_Hippy01_A03 = { Yeah, baby! }

M04_Hippy02_A00 = { Free sex, man! }
M04_Hippy02_A01 = { Peace, man! }
M04_Hippy02_A02 = { Wild shoes, man! }
M04_Hippy02_A03 = { Dynamite! }

M04_Hippy03_A00 = { Hey wild, man! }
M04_Hippy03_A01 = { Hip! }
M04_Hippy03_A02 = { Totally swinging! }
M04_Hippy03_A03 = { Aw-right! }

M04_Hippy04_A00 = { Shake it, baby! }
M04_Hippy04_A01 = { Wild thing! }
M04_Hippy04_A02 = { Ooooh, nice. }
M04_Hippy04_A03 = { Peace. }

// Situation B: If they spot the player, the hippies will jeer and taunt them.
// I don't think they'd actually attack, so this may simply involve switching
// the speech nodes around. Great idea. Don't have them attack but if the player attacks them then it will affect the ending.
M04_Hippy01_B00 = { Go home, narcs! }
M04_Hippy01_B01 = { Leave us alone Brotherhood squares, man. }
M04_Hippy01_B02 = { Stop ruining our fun, man. }
M04_Hippy01_B03 = { Chill out, dudes. }

M04_Hippy02_B00 = { Attica! }
M04_Hippy02_B01 = { Attica! Attica! }
M04_Hippy02_B02 = { Down with Portable Fission Backpacks! }
M04_Hippy02_B03 = { Say NO to nuclear powered, Power Armor! }

M04_Hippy03_B00 = { Totally uncool, man! }
M04_Hippy03_B01 = { You Bro dudes need to chill. }
M04_Hippy03_B02 = { Stop trying to keep us down! }
M04_Hippy03_B03 = { Squares! }

M04_Hippy04_B00 = { God I miss Woodstock... well except Woodstock 99. Riots are uncool. }
M04_Hippy04_B01 = { Stop "BIG-BROTHER"-hood watching over us! }
M04_Hippy04_B02 = { No more Brotherhood supremacy! }
M04_Hippy04_B03 = { Down with Nuclear Backpacks!! }

Starving and destitute people


// Starving and Destitute People:


// Situation A: This is what the destitute citizens will say before they spot
// the vehicle. There are four brands of destitutes.
M04_Destitute01_A00 = { Anyone spare some food? }
M04_Destitute01_A01 = { I'm so hungry. }
M04_Destitute01_A02 = { I haven't eaten in days. }
M04_Destitute01_A03 = { Please, I'm starving. }

M04_Destitute02_A00 = { My children are starving. }
M04_Destitute02_A01 = { Please, my children haven't eaten in days. }
M04_Destitute02_A02 = { My whole family is starving. }
M04_Destitute02_A03 = { We're in dire need of food. }

M04_Destitute03_A00 = { Water! I need water! }
M04_Destitute03_A01 = { I'm dying of thirst. }
M04_Destitute03_A02 = { I'm so thirsty. }
M04_Destitute03_A03 = { My baby's dead! *sob* My baby's dead! }

M04_Destitute04_A00 = { Please, we need medicine. }
M04_Destitute04_A01 = { *cough* *cough* }
M04_Destitute04_A02 = { We need medical attention. }
M04_Destitute04_A03 = { Please, can anyone help me? *cough* }

// Situation B: This is what the destitute citizens will say when they spot
// the vehicle.
M04_Destitute01_B00 = { Food! Must have it! }
M04_Destitute01_B01 = { I'm sorry, but I must have some food. }
M04_Destitute01_B02 = { Need food! Sorry, but I must have some. }
M04_Destitute01_B03 = { Hand the food over, NOW! }

M04_Destitute02_B00 = { Food for my children! }
M04_Destitute02_B01 = { I'll kill to feed my children! }
M04_Destitute02_B02 = { Forgive me, but I must feed my children. }
M04_Destitute02_B03 = { I'll just take enough for my children. }

M04_Destitute03_B00 = { Water! I'll take it. }
M04_Destitute03_B01 = { Sorry, I'm dying of thirst. }
M04_Destitute03_B02 = { Get the water!! }
M04_Destitute03_B03 = { We need water!! }

M04_Destitute04_B00 = { Medicine! Get it! }
M04_Destitute04_B01 = { Grab it quickly! Get the supplies! }
M04_Destitute04_B02 = { Where is it? I need medicine. }
M04_Destitute04_B03 = { *cough* *cough* *HACK* Get them! }

// Situation C: This is what the destitute citizens MAY say when they run away
// because they are being injured too badly to continue. Not sure if this will
// be placed as almost all require separate triggers.
M04_Destitute01_C00 = { No, please... I'll starve to death. }
M04_Destitute01_C01 = { You can't leave us. }
M04_Destitute01_C02 = { Can't you spare even a loaf of bread? }
M04_Destitute01_C03 = { Have pity on us. }

M04_Destitute02_C00 = { Bastards! My children will starve now. }
M04_Destitute02_C01 = { Please, I need it to feed my children. }
M04_Destitute02_C02 = { You can't even spare some for my children? }
M04_Destitute02_C03 = { No, please! My children are starving. }

M04_Destitute03_C00 = { Gawd, I'm going to die of thirst now. }
M04_Destitute03_C01 = { How can you be so cruel? }
M04_Destitute03_C02 = { We're all so thirsty and you can't give water to us? }
M04_Destitute03_C03 = { Please, I'm sorry I attacked you. }

M04_Destitute04_C00 = { *cough* We shall all perish now. }
M04_Destitute04_C01 = { That was our last hope. We'll die now. }
M04_Destitute04_C02 = { How cruel can the Brotherhood be? }
M04_Destitute04_C03 = { How can you deny us our basic rights? }
// Situation D: The destitutes attack!
// Civilian combat taunts. We need some of the civilians to attack. The floating combat taunts will inform the player that life hard outside the Brotherhood and as a result hard decisions must be made.

M04_Destitute01_D00 = { I'd rather die fighting than starve to death.}
M04_Destitute01_D01 = { They must have food! }
M04_Destitute01_D02 = { This is my baby's last chance. }

M04_Destitute02_D00 = { I don't want to hurt you, but I need to eat! }
M04_Destitute02_D01 = { *Sob* }
M04_Destitute02_D02 = { I'm really not a bad person, but my baby... }

M04_Destitute03_D00 = { What are you going to do? Kill me? So what? }
M04_Destitute03_D01 = { I'll be with my family in heaven soon. }
M04_Destitute03_D02 = { I can't let my daughter die, I can't! }

M04_Destitute04_D00 = { Just give us some fucking food! }
M04_Destitute04_D01 = { I never thought it would come down to this. }
M04_Destitute04_A02 = { Give me some food, motherfucker! }

// Situation E: If they get food [not sure if these will be used]
// Civilians floating text when they run away after given food.
//Dan I think these need at least three options…

M04_Destitute01_A00 = { God bless you!}
M04_Destitute01_A01 = { I hope it's not too late! }
M04_Destitute01_A02 = {Save our souls!}

M04_Destitute02_A00 = { God this tastes so good! }
M04_Destitute02_A01 = { I'm coming baby! Just hold on! }
M04_Destitute02_A02 = {Hmm... Tastes like chicken}

M04_Destitute03_A00 = { I'll have to make this stuff last. }
M04_Destitute03_A01 = { Thank god. Thank god! }
M04_Destitute03_A02= { Got any mayo?)

M04_Destitute04_A00 = { Food at last! }
M04_Destitute04_A01 = { I can't eat. I'm too hungry. }
M04_Destitute04_A02 = { It smells so good!}

