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Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Mission 09 - St. Louis.
//Version 1.4
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.

// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Dekker's voice does the briefing and debriefing.

General Dekker[]


Come in, warrior. Please be seated.\n\n

My name is General Dekker and I'll be briefing you for this specific mission.\n\n

At 0900 yesterday, while on patrol, Fang Squad encountered a large contingent of heavily armed Super-Mutants in the region known as St. Louis. They fought bravely against this overwhelming force and managed to radio in a distress call right before they were annihilated.\n\n

Eight battle-hardened squads led by General Barnaky rushed to the scene and are now in pitched combat with the Super-Mutants. While we were able to push them back initially, our losses have been staggering. As a result, we need to pull our forces out of there immediately. This battle is lost.\n\n

General Barnaky has requested to have your squad rendezvous with his mobile command center and execute the evacuation of our wounded Brothers. I have read your file and I fully agree with General Barnaky's faith in you and your squad.\n\n

From your lessons, you should recall that Super-Mutants are genetically engineered soldiers that are strong, tough to kill, and can easily carry weapons that most people would mount on assault vehicles. They are to be handled with extreme caution. You are going into heavy combat unlike any you have experienced before. Remember to follow General Barnaky's direction. He'll get you out safe.\n\n

Take an APC and facilitate the evacuation of any wounded squad members. You are to get in and get out. No heroics. I want this to be a by-the-book search and rescue operation.\n\n

Trust in your weapons, warrior, and they will see you home safely. \n\n



// Mission Debriefing

// Situation A01: Mission was accomplished successfully.
// Tone/Mood: Grim.
Welcome back, warrior.\n\n

The Elders have assigned me to be your commanding officer until we have further news of General Barnaky's whereabouts. Your former superior was a fine general, one of the best that I had the honour to serve with. Losing him has been a heavy blow to us all.\n\n

The Super-Mutant army destroyed a total of six full squads of our Brothers. This is a large setback for the Brotherhood, since those squads contained some of our finest veteran soldiers. We shall not forget our Brothers who fell in the line of duty, nor shall we let these feelings get in the way of our duty.\n\n

Rest assured that Intelligence searches for the General, even as we speak. Until we have a lead on where the enemy is keeping him, you will be receiving all mission briefings from me.\n\n

Go rest, warrior. You deserve it. After you are done recovering and grieving for our comrades, report back for your next mission.\n\n

You are dismissed.
// Mini-map Information

M09_MiniMap_01 = {
This is your insertion point. You will begin your mission under the shelter of this ruined building. Pilot the APC into the battle.

M09_MiniMap_02 = {
Talon Squad is pinned down at this location. This is the final destination for your squad and the APC.

M09_MiniMap_03 = {
Evacuate Talon Squad to this position. Move out of engagement range once both squads have reached the rendezvous point.

M09_MiniMap_04 = {
Fang Squad was positioned here. We lost contact with them after they took a direct hit from an enemy rocket. Keep an eye out for survivors here.

M09_MiniMap_05 = {
This is the Super Mutant operations center. They have deep trenches that run around the perimeter of the base. You are not authorized to assault the enemy base.

M09_MiniMap_06 = {
This is the front line for the Super-Mutant army. The defenses are formidable.

M09_MiniMap_07 = {
Brimstone squad, headed up by General Barnaky, was last heard from in this area. Investigate the area for the General and any survivors. You won't be able to get the APC in, so proceed on foot.

M09_MiniMap_08 = {
The enemy has dug trenches around here, surrounding their operations center.

M09_MiniMap_09 = {
Demon Squad reported sightings of up to two separate squads of Super-Mutants in this area. Expect an ambush.

M09_MiniMap_10 = {
According to EchoBoy surveillance reports, this rockslide looks engineered. You should keep your eyes open.

M09_MiniMap_11 = {
Talon Squad is being pinned by enemy fire believed to be originating at this point.

// Objective Breakdowns:
M09_OBJ_01 = { Locate the fallen warriors. }
M09_OBJ_02 = { Evacuate the warriors to the extraction point. }

M09_FAILUREA = { As your soul leaves its mortal shell, you realize that crapping one's pants upon death is not a tribal urban legend.}
M09_FAILUREB = {You have allowed the fallen warriors to perish. Maybe General Barnaky's faith in you was misplaced. Try again, warrior.}
M09_FAILUREC = {You have allowed the mutants to overwhelm our armored transport. Evacuation is now impossible. You have failed.}

M09_SUCCESSA = {Fang squad didn't make it. Salvage any equipment. Recovering the bodies for burial will have to wait. Proceed to your next objective.}
M09_SUCCESSB = {The Super-Mutants have captured General Barnaky, but we cannot afford to lose your squad attempting a foolish rescue. Leave the cowardly Burke to rot in the sun and proceed to your next objective.}
M09_SUCCESSC = {Paladin Solo and her troops are now ready to move out. Select each one and get them into the vehicle. Once within the armored confines of the APC, the troops will remain there until you complete the mission.}
M09_SUCCESSD = {Paladin Solo and her troops are now inside the APC. Drive them back to the evac point.}


General Barnaky[]


// Name: General Barnaky.
// Role: General of the Brotherhood, Commander to the player.
// Background: General Barnaky is the solid presence that has guided the player
// through his/her earlier missions. He is an experienced warrior and a shrewd
// strategist. He has a talent for spotting talent among the raw recruits, and
// the ability to nurture them into proud warriors.
// Unfortunately, the player arrives just in time to see General Barnaky's
// unit fall to enemy attack. The General is taken alive. This is displayed
// in a cut-scene played at the start of the mission.

name_CORE_m09_Barnaky = { General Barnaky }
// Situation A00: General Barnaky is being overrun. He continues fighting
// until the very end. These lines are part of a cut-scene. They can be played
// in sequence, hence the A01 to A05.
M09_Barnaky_A00_W = {
Pull back! Pull back! Reinforcements will be here soon! Where is my cover fire?! I want two snipers back to the rear ASAP! Cover the gunners. Now!




// Name: Toccamatta.
// Role: Super-Mutant High Inquisitor.
// Background: Toccamatta is one of the gifted, clever, Super Mutants. As such,
// he has been promoted to the rank of High Inquisitor. He specializes in
// torture and has had a ninety-nine percent success rate at getting prisoners
// to spill the beans.
// His role here is to let the player know that the General is going to be
// still alive. As with General Barnaky, Toccamatta appears only in the
// cut-scene at the start of the mission.

name_CORE_m09_Toccamatta = { Toccamatta }

// Situation A00: The cut-scene taking General Barnaky as prisoner. He only has
// one line and it will be voiced-over.
M09_Toccamatta_A00_W = {
Ho ho! This one's a General by his markings! Keep this one
alive and bring him to my inner sanctum.\n\n

I'll wager there's a lot of information in that shriveled, old gray head. Some hot pokers stabbing his manhood will loosen up his tongue I'll wager.\n\n

It always does.

Paladin Solo[]


// Name: Paladin Solo.
// Role: Commander of Talon Squad.
// Background: Paladin Emerald Solo is an experienced commander of Talon Squad.
// It was her quick thinking that managed to keep her squad alive long enough
// for the player to get to them. She doesn't play a greater role in this
// particular mission - she is there to be rescued.
// On less stressful circumstances, Paladin Solo can be considered a hero. She
// claims that she isn't a hero, just another warrior doing her job. When she
// has time off, she likes to unwind with a pleasant game of lawn bowling.

name_CORE_m09_Solo = { Paladin Solo }

// Situation A00: Paladin Solo will not engage the player in conversation
// until they are close by. Once that happens, she will initiate the dialogue
// first. After the dialogue, Solo and her troops will enter the APC.

M09_Solo_A00_W = {
It's about fuckin' time some backup got here.\n\n

Paladin Solo, Commander of Talon Squad. It's not pretty here, Brother. They're dropping bombs like it's the Great War!\n\n

My troops are toast. I'm taking what's left of my unit and pulling out. Don't pull any punches with these muties! I watched one charge face first into some rough crossfire and laugh off the pain!\n\n

Pull that APC up and tend to my soldiers. I can walk, but my squad needs medical attention. I'm not leaving until you get them on their feet. Hope you've still got a medic.\n\n

// Situation B: Paladin Solo has special text that is recited in sequence once
// the player is close enough to see her. This may be given voice-over as it
// does tell an interesting story. Having a good voice actor for these lines
// can convey the proper pathos for the scene.
M09_Solo_B00 = { I repeat, this is Paladin Solo from Talon Squad. }
M09_Solo_B01 = { Request immediate backup and evacuation! }
M09_Solo_B02 = { Fucking Muties are all over location Alpha-71 Bravo! }
M09_Solo_B03 = { Tusk squad and Talon squad are all that's left. }
M09_Solo_B04 = { The General and Demon squad never made it. }
M09_Solo_B05 = { Wait! "Get a field bandage on him stat!" }
M09_Solo_B06 = { Send backup. NOW! Damn it! }
M09_Solo_B07 = { We're being put through the grinder here! }

// Floating text for after the player has spoken to Solo, but before the player
// has healed the wounded troops.We should have some stimpacks on the way to this encounter so the player can do this. Maybe a dead medic packing a bunch? What is the trigger for the men to go inside the APC? Do you have to perform one successful heal maybe. They can be scripted to get up and then go into the APC.
M09_Solo_C00 = { They aren't just going to bandage themselves. }
M09_Solo_C01 = { Need a medic over here! }
M09_Solo_C02 = { Fix 'em up and get them out! }
M09_Solo_C03 = { Thank the Elders you're here! }
M09_Solo_C04 = { I won't abandon my Brothers in the field! }
M09_Solo_C05 = { I shot one ten times and he just kept coming! }

// Situation D, when the wounded are ready to move out.
M09_Solo_D00 = { We're pulling out. }
M09_Solo_D01 = { Get your ass into that APC! }
M09_Solo_D02 = { Now get us the hell out of here! }
M09_Solo_D03 = { Hope you got a good driver. }
M09_Solo_D04 = { Marines, we are leaving! }
M09_Solo_D05 = { Move! Move! Move! Move! }




// Name: Paladin Burke.
// Role: Wounded guy under bridge.
// Background: He has been left by the SMs and wired up with explosives. He is a
// cowardly, snivelling type who would put your squad in jeopardy to save himself.
// He tells you some plot stuff about Barnaky and the Muties. Talks weakly in a
// coarse tone, occasionally coughing up gouts of blood.

name_CORE_m09_Burke = { Paladin Burke }

// Floating text, trying to get the player's attention.
M09_Burke01_A00 = { Hey! Over here ... }
M09_Burke01_A01 = { <groan> }
M09_Burke01_A02 = { Help ... me ...}
M09_Burke01_A03 = { Paladins! At last ...}
M09_Burke01_A04 = { Need stims ... bad ...}
M09_Burke01_A05 = { Psst! }

// Situation B: When he's clicked on

M09_Burke01_B00_W = {
Brothers! I thought I'd been left. <cough>\n\n

They ... they got the General. Bastards took him alive. <cough> They killed everyone else and wired me up with some C4. It's a trap <cough> you gotta help me.
I know I shoulda warned you earlier, but, I don't wanna die.\n\n

Get this fucking rig off me! <cough> Do it grunts! You guys are expendable, I'm senior. <sob>

// Situation C: The bomb is ticking. Floating TextCan we float some "tick tick tick" text? // SURE, JUST REPLACE ONE OF THESE.
M09_Burke01_C00 = { Get this shit off me! }
M09_Burke01_C01 = { Oh fuck, it's gonna blow! }
M09_Burke01_C02 = { Tick tick tick tick }
M09_Burke01_C03 = { You can't let me die this way! }
M09_Burke01_C04 = { You guys are expendable. I'm not. }
M09_Burke01_C05 = { I don't care what you gotta do, disarm this fucking thing. }

// Situation D: Bomb is disarmed
M09_Burke01_D00_W = {
*cough cough* They got Barnaky.\n\n

He saw me hiding and he was screaming for me to kill him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.\n\n

I had a clear shot, but I know if I'd fired, those damn muties may have seen me.\n\n
Some mutants found me anyway after that. Those bastards were laughing as they tied this rig to me.\n\n

God help me, I should have taken that shot! *sob*

// Situation E: Burke's Holodisk
//I replaced situation D with this. We can do without the holodisk. Just trying to keep it simple.


Talon Squad survivors[]


// Talon Squad Survivors:
// These brave men are the survivors of Talon Squad. There are about three of
// them left. They probably will be labeled Talon Squad, if not, they can be
// Gorman, Hicks, and Vasquez. They have floating-text only.

name_CORE_m09_Talon = { Talon Squad }

// Situation A for Talon Squad Survivors: This is what they say at random
// intervals before Solo does his opening speech to the player.
M09_TalonSquad01_A00 = { ..so cold.... }
M09_TalonSquad01_A01 = { It won't stop bleeding. }
M09_TalonSquad01_A02 = { I think all my ribs are broken. }
M09_TalonSquad01_A03 = { I feel faint. }

M09_TalonSquad02_A00 = { ...tougher than Deathclaws!}
M09_TalonSquad02_A01 = { Need a tank against these freaks. }
M09_TalonSquad02_A02 = { ..took a whole squad to take down just one! }
M09_TalonSquad02_A03 = { A rocket might slow them down. }

M09_TalonSquad03_A00 = { I didn't sign up for this!}
M09_TalonSquad03_A01 = { Did you see the size of their guns?}
M09_TalonSquad03_A02 = { My leg is fucked...it needs to come off!}
M09_TalonSquad03_A03 = { I can't believe how strong they are!}

// Situation B for Talon Squad Survivors: This is what they say if clicked on
// by the player for conversation.
M09_TalonSquad01_B00 = { Boy, I'm sure glad you guys showed up. }
M09_TalonSquad02_B00 = { Paladin Solo is in command, sir. }
M09_TalonSquad03_B00 = { I...don't know...if I can....make...it.}

// Situation C for Talon Squad Survivors: This is what they say randomly after
// Solo has given the signal for evacuation.If this random for all those guys? it looks like a different set up than in situation A
M09_TalonSquad01_C00 = { Get me the fuck out of here! }
M09_TalonSquad02_C00 = { What a relief! }
M09_TalonSquad03_C00 = { MARINES, WE -ARE- LEAVING! }
M09_TalonSquad04_C00 = { We owe you Brother...we owe you a lot!}

Super mutants[]


// Super Mutants:
// These are divided into various situations in which the Super Mutants may be
// encountered. All of these are floating-text only.

// Situation A: Mutants inside the Fortress before they sight the player.
M09_SuperMutant_A00 = { Hur. }
M09_SuperMutant_A01 = { Hur hur. }
M09_SuperMutant_A02 = { We bash dem gud. }
M09_SuperMutant_A03 = { Dem humies run now. }
M09_SuperMutant_A04 = { Me smashed them. }
M09_SuperMutant_A05 = { Gud hit! }
M09_SuperMutant_A06 = { Nudda one down. }
M09_SuperMutant_A07 = { Gud. }
M09_SuperMutant_A08 = { Dey scared now. }
M09_SuperMutant_A09 = { Dey run fast. }
M09_SuperMutant_A10 = { Nudda one in trench. }
M09_SuperMutant_A11 = { Move dere now! }

// Smarter Mutants:
M09_SuperMutant_A12 = { Reloading now, sir. }
M09_SuperMutant_A13 = { Be on the alert for any snipers. }
M09_SuperMutant_A14 = { They might try to double back on us. }

// Situation B: Mutants inside the Fortress after they sight the player.
M09_SuperMutant_B00 = { Enemy! }
M09_SuperMutant_B01 = { Get dem! }
M09_SuperMutant_B02 = { We bash dem gud. }
M09_SuperMutant_B03 = { Run humie, run! }
M09_SuperMutant_B04 = { Dey die now! }
M09_SuperMutant_B05 = { Me bash gud. }
M09_SuperMutant_B06 = { You go down now. }
M09_SuperMutant_B07 = { Hur. }
M09_SuperMutant_B08 = { You scared now. }
M09_SuperMutant_B09 = { You run fast. }
M09_SuperMutant_B10 = { Bad humies! }
M09_SuperMutant_B11 = { Me see humie. }

// Smarter Mutants:
M09_SuperMutant_B12 = { Heads up! Enemy sighted! }
M09_SuperMutant_B13 = { Incoming enemy, sir! }
M09_SuperMutant_B14 = { More BOS soldier over there! }

// Situation C: Mutants in ambush before they sight the player with both
// mortar mutants intact. They are confident.
// This can also be the random speech for the mutants while they have high
// morale.
M09_SuperMutant_C00 = { Hur. }
M09_SuperMutant_C01 = { Hur hur. }
M09_SuperMutant_C02 = { We wait here. }
M09_SuperMutant_C03 = { Dem humies be comin soon. }
M09_SuperMutant_C04 = { Ssssh! Quiet. Dey may hear us. }
M09_SuperMutant_C05 = { Me like humies more dan wobots! }
M09_SuperMutant_C06 = { Me like ambushing stoopid humies. }
M09_SuperMutant_C07 = { Quiet. Dey can hear us. }
M09_SuperMutant_C08 = { Mmmpft! Me keep quiet now. }
M09_SuperMutant_C09 = { Me no see dem. }
M09_SuperMutant_C10 = { Get ready. Dey be along soon. }
M09_SuperMutant_C11 = { Humies be coming soon. }

// Smarter Mutants:
M09_SuperMutant_C12 = { Be ready for them. }
M09_SuperMutant_C13 = { There'll be more coming soon. }
M09_SuperMutant_C14 = { Check your weapons. }

// Situation D: Mutants in ambush before they sight the player with one
// mortar mutant killed. They are less confident.
// This can also be the random speech for the mutants while they have medium
// level morale.
M09_SuperMutant_D00 = { Oooh. }
M09_SuperMutant_D01 = { Hur? }
M09_SuperMutant_D02 = { Humies got one of us gud. }
M09_SuperMutant_D03 = { Dem humies be pretty sneaky. Like us. }
M09_SuperMutant_D04 = { Ssssh! Dont make sound. }
M09_SuperMutant_D05 = { Me want to get humies. }
M09_SuperMutant_D06 = { Gargantua said we must win! }
M09_SuperMutant_D07 = { Quiet. Dey can hear us. }
M09_SuperMutant_D08 = { You noisy. Dats why dey kill us. }
M09_SuperMutant_D09 = { No see no wobots now. }
M09_SuperMutant_D10 = { Get ready. Dey be along soon. }
M09_SuperMutant_D11 = { We need to bash dese ones gud. }

// Smarter Mutants:
M09_SuperMutant_D12 = { Better stay alert. }
M09_SuperMutant_D13 = { Keep your eyes peeled. }
M09_SuperMutant_D14 = { Double check all movement. }

// Situation E: Mutants in ambush before they sight the player with all
// mortar mutants killed. They are much less confident.
// This can also be the random speech for the mutants while they have low
// morale.
M09_SuperMutant_E00 = { Gargantua is humie, right? }
M09_SuperMutant_E01 = { Dey got all our bomb boys. }
M09_SuperMutant_E02 = { Humies got us bad. }
M09_SuperMutant_E03 = { Dem humies be pretty sneaky. Better than us. }
M09_SuperMutant_E04 = { Ssssh! Dont make sound. }
M09_SuperMutant_E05 = { If dey hear us, we get bashed gud. }
M09_SuperMutant_E06 = { Me want to ambush stoopid humies. }
M09_SuperMutant_E07 = { Quiet. Dont let dem hear us. }
M09_SuperMutant_E08 = { You noisy. Dats why dey kill bomb boys. }
M09_SuperMutant_E09 = { Me no see dem. Me very worried. }
M09_SuperMutant_E10 = { Get ready. Dis group be tough to bash. }
M09_SuperMutant_E11 = { We need to bash dese ones gud. Or boss be mad. }

// Smarter Mutants:
M09_SuperMutant_E12 = { Alright, watch for enemy snipers. }
M09_SuperMutant_E13 = { These ones are sharp boys. Be careful. }
M09_SuperMutant_E14 = { Radio for help if you see anything. }

// Situation F: Mortar mutants (or special elite mutants with big rockets.)
// This is the random text when confident. These guys supposedly know where
// the player is at all times. They are always ready.
M09_SuperMutant_F00 = { Dere they are! }
M09_SuperMutant_F01 = { Reload now. }
M09_SuperMutant_F02 = { Get ready for launch. }
M09_SuperMutant_F03 = { Stay on target... }
M09_SuperMutant_F04 = { Hur. }
M09_SuperMutant_F05 = { Me see the humies! }
M09_SuperMutant_F06 = { Me want to bash dem. }
M09_SuperMutant_F07 = { Get ready to fire! }
M09_SuperMutant_F08 = { We blow dem up gud. }
M09_SuperMutant_F09 = { Me like dis. }
M09_SuperMutant_F10 = { Big BOOM. Fun. }
M09_SuperMutant_F11 = { Dis be fun. }

// Smarter Mutants:
M09_SuperMutant_F12 = { Enemy sighted! }
M09_SuperMutant_F13 = { Quick! Reload now! }
M09_SuperMutant_F14 = { Target acquired. }

// Situation G: Mortar mutants (or special elite mutants with big rockets.)
// This is the random text when morale is average. These guys supposedly know
// where the player is at all times. They are always ready.
M09_SuperMutant_G00 = { Dere they are! }
M09_SuperMutant_G01 = { Grrr. Dem bad humies! }
M09_SuperMutant_G02 = { Me angry now. }
M09_SuperMutant_G03 = { Dey killed us bomb boys. }
M09_SuperMutant_G04 = { Hur. }
M09_SuperMutant_G05 = { Grrrrr! }
M09_SuperMutant_G06 = { Me want to bash dem. }
M09_SuperMutant_G07 = { Get ready to fire! }
M09_SuperMutant_G08 = { We blow dem up gud. }
M09_SuperMutant_G09 = { Me like bashing humies. }
M09_SuperMutant_G10 = { Big BOOM. }
M09_SuperMutant_G11 = { Dem bad, bad humies. }

// Smarter Mutants:
M09_SuperMutant_G12 = { We have a visual on the enemy. }
M09_SuperMutant_G13 = { Move! Reload now! }
M09_SuperMutant_G14 = { Fire when ready! }

// Situation H: Mortar mutants (or special elite mutants with big rockets.)
// This is the random text when morale is low. These guys supposedly know
// where the player is at all times. They are always ready.
M09_SuperMutant_H00 = { Be careful. Dey bad humies. }
M09_SuperMutant_H01 = { Bad humies! }
M09_SuperMutant_H02 = { Me scared now. }
M09_SuperMutant_H03 = { Dey killed too many bomb boys. }
M09_SuperMutant_H04 = { RRrrr. }
M09_SuperMutant_H05 = { Me not happy. }
M09_SuperMutant_H06 = { Me want to bash dem. But dey too gud. }
M09_SuperMutant_H07 = { Must kill humies. }
M09_SuperMutant_H08 = { Dey blow us up gud. }
M09_SuperMutant_H09 = { Be very careful. Dey bashed us gud before. }
M09_SuperMutant_H10 = { Careful. Bad humies near. }
M09_SuperMutant_H11 = { Me scared of humies. }

// Smarter Mutants:
M09_SuperMutant_H12 = { I've sighted a bogie! }
M09_SuperMutant_H13 = { Move it! We have a job to do! }
M09_SuperMutant_H14 = { Don't miss. We have to take them out. }
