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Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Mission 16 - Great Bend.
//Version 1.4
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.


General Dekker[]


// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Dekker's voice does the briefing and debriefing.


At ease, Brother.\n\n

The time to take the battle to the robots is now.\n\n

Intelligence has located the origin of the robot that attacked Junction City and the tracks originated from a pre-war center of industry known as the Great Bend.\n\n

As our operatives moved closer, they discovered many tracks from different robots all originating from this mass of burnt out factories. Lights were seen at a distance, so it's assumed that some of the old power generators are now back on-line. The Elders believe this location is being transformed into a robot manufacturing facility.\n\n

You will take a squad to Great Bend immediately. If this is the area where the robots are originating, we must strike quickly and shut them down. If our assumptions are incorrect, you will search and destroy any robots you come across.\n\n

As always, keep an eye open to any information or technology that you come across.\n\n

Assemble your strike team and leave immediately.\n\n

// Mission Debriefing

// Situation A01: Mission was accomplished successfully.
// Tone/Mood: Normal Ed, I hope this is consistant with the rest of the game with these types of robots. DL
Welcome Warrior.\n\n

At ease. You have done well clearing the robot infestation from the Great Bend. We don't know how long until the robots attempt to re-establish a manufacturing plant there, but Smear and Falcon Squad will share standing watch in this region until we can heavily trap the area.\n\n

Data collected from your report indicate a damaged robot in the area might have been the controlling force for the other robots. We believe the robots can act independently, but are more efficient when a governing robot coordinates their actions. This analysis is far from complete, but might be instrumental in defeating this foe when more data is acquired and analyzed.\n\n

You are dismissed.
// Mini-map Information

M16_MiniMap_01 = {
This is your insertion point and your extraction point after successful
completion of your mission.

// Objective Breakdowns:
M16_OBJ_01 = { Find and destroy all robots. }

M16_FAILUREA = {As your eyes begin to cloud over, you spot Mike, one of Great Bend's inhabitants. You realize that this is the first time you see him wearing a smile.}

M16_SUCCESS = { You have reduced all the robots to scrap metal. You may proceed to the exit grid. }


Jake Hammond[]


// Name: Jake Hammond.
// Role: Survivor.
// Background: Jake Hammond is a survivor of the initial robot assault on The
// Great Bend.
// Jake's role in the mission is to be the first human encountered by the
// player. He explains how the survivors came to be here.

name_CORE_m16_Jake = { Jake }

// Situation A00: Jake will speak if spoken to. He will explain what happened
// to the city. He will be whispering his dialogue to the player.
M16_Jake_A00_W = {

Shh! Keep yo ass down and lower your voice for god's sake! My name's Jake and you boys got 'ere just'n time.\n\n

'Bout two week ago, a whole bunch of dose Mr. Handy wannabees shown up and killed anything livin' dey could find. Most of da bubbas around 'ere are now livin' underground, waiting for dem to leave, but believe me, dey ain't goin' nowhere!\n\n

You better listen too, ol' Jake, and stay out of their way!\n\n


// Situation A01: Jake will speak if spoken to the second time. This is before all the robots are destroyed.
M16_Jake_A01_W = {

Ya know bubba, I've been livin' in and 'round garbage all my life and one ting you learn about garbage is ants. Dem ants are just like dose robots - they march 'round and do deir stuff and work together better dan any darn human could.\n\n

But if you kill an ant queen... the rest of dem ants run 'round like dey don't know what to do anymore. That's when ya can grab all da ants and make a tasty soup!\n\n


// Situation A02: Jake will speak if spoken to for the third time before all the robots are //destroyed.
M16_Jake_A02_W = {

Now dose robots worked real good together, but lately dey runnin around like someone stole deir queen. Now, I ain't the smartest bubba in dis dump, but I figure you boys be packin' dose big guns 'cause you looking ta make some robot soup.\n\n

Now I ain't gonna interfere, nope, not ol Jake. But I just want my garbage back, so I'll wish you a "good luck!"\n\n


// Situation B: Before Jake speaks with the player, he has some random lines
// to attract their attention and if the player clicks on him. DL
M16_Jake_B00 = { Look at dem! Dey look lost! }
M16_Jake_B01 = { Gettin' real tired o' havin' ta hide!}
M16_Jake_B02 = { Shhhh! Dey can 'ear real good!}
M16_Jake_B03 = { Lot o'my bubbas be dead, now. *sniff*}
M16_Jake_B04 = { Damn bunch o' Mr. Handys dat went crazy!}
M16_Jake_B05 = { 'Ope the rats are out 'n about. }
// Situation E: After the mission is successful, Jake changes his random lines
// to suit the occasion.
M16_Jake_E00 = { *smiles* You Bruddahood boys make some good cooks!}
M16_Jake_E01 = { Ya boys want some rat onna stick?}
M16_Jake_E02 = { Tanks for givin' me my garbage back! }
M16_Jake_E03 = { Ya see Gloria back dere? Pretty dang hot, huh?}


Mike Sutton[]


// Name: Mike Sutton.
// Role: Survivor.
// Background: Mike Sutton is another survivor of the robot assault. He is
// tired, hungry, and gaunt. He doesn't speak much, but at least he still can
// speak.
// Mike's role in the mission is to give a clue that the robots no longer seem
// to work properly.

name_CORE_m16_Mike = { Mike }

// Situation A00: Mike will speak if spoken to. He will explain what happened
// to the robots after some time. He will be whispering his dialogue to the
// player.
M16_Mike_A00_W = {

Look, this place is bad enough with these robots! The last thing we need is you Brotherhood bullies moving in. Why don't you take your Big Brother tyranny somewhere else?\n\n

I don't know why you would even care about Great Bend. We don't have anything of value here... just garbage and fucked-up robots.\n\n

Why can't outsiders just stay on the outside?\n\n


// Situation A01: Mike's line if he is spoken to again.
M16_Mike_A01_W = {

Hey! Just leave me alone! I got no love for you guys after what you did to my sister!\n\n

All she did was fall in love with some young raider. They were just hanging out. She even convinced him to stop raiding so they could settle down and live like normal people. Then you guys pop up out of nowhere and arrest them both for being raiders and take them to some forced labor camp!\n\n

She lasted two months in that hellhole! Emma was the kindest girl the wasteland's ever known and I can't even bear to think what was going on in that gulag that made her take her own life!\n\n

So go take your self righteous crap somewhere else!\n\n

// Situation B: Floating text that will appear by itself or when clicked on.
M16_Mike_B00 = { This whole world should just burn!}
M16_Mike_B01 = { There's nothing but hate left inside.}
M16_Mike_B02 = { I haven't smiled since I last seen my sister.}
M16_Mike_B03 = { Everything looks gray... everything.}
M16_Mike_B04 = { Sometimes I wish those robots would find me!}
// Situation E: After the mission is successful, Mike changes his random lines
// to suit the occasion.
M16_Mike_E00 = { You won? So what?}
M16_Mike_E01 = { Give me my sister back if you want to impress me.}
M16_Mike_E02 = { You'll have to kill me. I won't cooperate. }
M16_Mike_E03 = { Piss off, tyrant.}

Noelene Campbell[]


// Name: Noelene Campbell.
// Role: Survivor.
// Background: Noelene Campbell is the last survivor of her family. She was
// once happy home-maker and scorpion-killer, now she is one of the destitute
// masses.
// Noelene's role in the mission is to provide the player with a clue to the
// trapped robot in one of the buildings.

name_CORE_m16_Noelene = { Noelene }

// Situation A00: Noelene will speak if spoken to. She will explain that she
// saw one of the robots trapped under some debris. She speaks in
// half-whispers.
M16_Noelene_A00_W = {

Hey, I always have time to chat with someone who doesn't want to end my life!\n\n

Things have been pretty dangerous around here with all the robots, but I watched a strange sight a week ago. One of the robots wandered through one of the derelict buildings and a wall collapsed on it. It was pinned down and trapped. It's still there, in one of those buildings, humming away, making all sorts of weird sounds.\n\n

I think it upset the other robots, too. They all started acting upset, running around and even bumping in to each other. Almost act like real people, huh?
// Situation B: Floating text that appears by itself or when clicked on.
M16_Noelene_B00 = { Those robots kill anyone that get in their way. Kind of like you guys! Ha, ha. Sorry, I've been hanging out with Mike a lot lately.}
M16_Noelene_B01 = { I ain't going down there! }
M16_Noelene_B02 = { Mike used to be really happy...}
M16_Noelene_B03 = { You're not going to pick a fight, are you?}
// Situation E: After the mission is successful, Noelene changes her random
// lines to suit the occasion.
M16_Noelene_E00 = { Wow!}
M16_Noelene_E01 = { Have you done this before?}
M16_Noelene_E02 = { Don't you guys get scared?}
M16_Noelene_E03 = { You take this stuff seriously, don't you? }

Gloria Timmons[]


// Name: Gloria Timmons.
// Role: Survivor, Prostitute.
// Background: Gloria Timmons is a 60 year old prostitute

name_CORE_m16_Gloria = { Gloria }

// Situation A00: If the player speaks with Gloria, she will describe how
// things are with her now that the robots are here. The conversation
// results in the player's refusal to her advances and her getting insulted
// by it.
// Gloria speaks with a hoarse voice that is meant to be husky and seductive.
M16_Gloria_A00_W = {

Look Joe, I've been hookin' here for fifty years now. My ass has seen more rubber than a dead rat in the middle of Route 66.\n\n

I thought I've seen just about everything, but then these robots come in and they kill all my customers. Now the only time I lay on my back is to go to sleep.


// Situation A01: If the player speaks to her again before the robots are destroyed.
M16_Gloria_A01_W = {

The worst thing about these robots are they couldn't recognize a sweet piece of ass like myself.\n\n

It's like they ain't got no dick. Believe me sweetheart, after fifty years of shaking my ass, I got it down to a science.


// Situation A02: If the player speaks to her again for the 3rd time before the robots are destroyed.
M16_Gloria_A02_W = {

Do you know Lance Squad? I did them all and charged them my corporate rate. I can do the same with you folks, girls and guys. And believe me, after fifty years of practice, it ain't going to be too god-damned Beau-Coup.

// DMF - The "Beau-Coup" reference makes no sense in the above sentense. Beau coup means "a lot" and "good amount."
// Situation B: Gloria's random lines both self appearing and when clicked on.
M16_Gloria_B00 = { I'll tie my breasts in a knot for some script. }
M16_Gloria_B01 = { I can suck start a tank! }
M16_Gloria_B02 = { My mom was a hooker too. }
M16_Gloria_B03 = { Wish those robots got horny.}
M16_Gloria_B04 = { Turned my first trick 50 years ago.}
M16_Gloria_B05 = { I can still ride you into the ground!}
M16_Gloria_B06 = { I ain't got no teeth. Interested? }

// Situation C: Gloria's random lines both self appearing and when clicked on.
M16_Gloria_C00 = { Where did all the robots go? }
M16_Gloria_C01 = { Bet you're horny after all that fighting! }
M16_Gloria_C02 = { You ready to fuck know? }
M16_Gloria_C03 = { Wish those robots got horny.}
M16_Gloria_C04 = { I know about 1000 positions. }
M16_Gloria_C05 = { Oh yea? So what's that? Is that a chaingun in your pocket? }



// Robots:
// The robots do not normally have any speech. They are incredibly silent for
// the most part unless combat AI takes over. There is one special situation
// in this mission outlined below. The pinned Pacifier Robot also makes some
// weird sounds that indicate that it is malfunctioning.

// Situation A: The Pacifier robot is malfunctioning.Can we add sparks Ed? YEP!
M16_Robot_A00 = { 00011111001010111 }
M16_Robot_A01 = { We are not the droids you're looking for. }
M16_Robot_A02 = { How about a nice game of chess? }
M16_Robot_A03 = { Directional protocol corrupted. }
M16_Robot_A04 = { Repair aborted. Transmitter damaged. }
M16_Robot_A05 = { Command transmitter damaged.}
M16_Robot_A06 = { Do you wish to restart now? }
M16_Robot_A07 = { Fatal Exception in Master/Slave protocol. }
M16_Robot_A08 = { Warning! Warning! Transmitter damaged! }
M16_Robot_A09 = { Wrrrrr...click..wrrrrrr! }
M16_Robot_A10 = { beedeebeedeebeeep! }

// Situation B: These are what the other robots will float.
M16_Patrol_B00 = { Incoming signal corrupted. }
M16_Patrol_B01 = { CPU efficiency down 36%. }
M16_Patrol_B02 = { Master/Slave link terminated.}
M16_Patrol_B03 = { Attempt to connect to Command... failed.}
M16_Patrol_B04 = { Initializing backup protocol.}



// Ripley:
// From a previous mission, Ripley turns up dead.
// With several skill boosting magazines that she was saving for the player. DL

name_CORE_m16_Ripley = { Ripley }
