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Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Mission 23 - Scott City.
// Version 2.0
// Ed, please put a room filled with brainless humans. The general needs his own //room. Maybe have the general body in the room when the surgery is taking place. //DL


General Dekker[]


// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Dekker's voice does the briefing and debriefing.

At ease, warrior.\n\n

The robots have captured a man known as Bartholomew Kerr. As you may know, Kerr is a merchant that has been using the Brotherhood's network of bunkers as stopping points to peddle his wares. His knack for appropriating hard to find items has helped the Brotherhood in the past, all for a price of course. Unfortunately, this has given him an extensive knowledge of the locations and populations of several Brotherhood bunkers. This knowledge makes Kerr a threat that cannot be ignored.\n\n

Go to Scott City. That is where Intelligence has located a robot facility where we believe he is being kept. Rescue him, if possible. Our interrogators will find out if any information was leaked to the enemy. If you can't rescue him, he must be neutralized.\n\n

Understand that if the robots succeed in extracting our positional information, we will soon fall to a concentrated assault. We cannot hope to match them in a stand up fight. If we have to go on the defensive, we are lost.\n\n

You have your orders.\n\n


// Mission Debriefing

// Situation A01: General Barnaky's body was not found.
// Tone/Mood: Grim.

You better sit down for this, Brother.\n\n

After you left Scott City, Repo Squad was sent in to insure the facility was rendered useless to the Calculator's forces. I'm sorry to say they have made a grisly discovery.\n\n

General Barnaky's body was found in one of the robot's operating rooms. He was presumed dead for about twelve hours.\n\n

That's not all.\n\n

The top of the General's head was cut off and his brain was removed.\n\n

We don't know why, but the Calculator is now lobotomizing pure blood humans. Repo Squad found approximately three hundred brainless corpses in a shallow grave outside the compound. Our scribes believe that's how they extract information. This is disturbing news if they have access to General Barnaky's knowledge.
// Situation A02: General Barnaky's body was found.
// Tone/Mood: Grim.

At Ease, Brother.\n\n

General Barnaky's death is a great blow to the morale of the Brotherhood. He served our righteous cause ever since he was old enough to carry a weapon. His diligence and determination has helped form the Brotherhood into what it is today. He might have been a little untrusting of non-humans, but his heart was always looking out after his fellow man and we will mourn his passing.\n\n

We must understand why the Calculator is ordering his inhuman machines to gather the brains of humans. Our scribes believe that's how they extract information. This is disturbing news, if they have access to General Barnaky's knowledge.


// Situation B01: Kerr was neutralized
// Tone/Mood: Grim.

Now, on to other business.\n\n

Kerr the Merchant has peddled his last bauble. It is unfortunate that one of the Wasteland's few honest merchants had to perish, but the war comes first.\n\n

We have no room for weakness in these missions and you have not disappointed us. Our job is not always pleasant, but it is a job that needs doing. Considering his physical condition, it was a mercy killing anyway.\n\n

I only hope Kerr truly withheld information from the robot aggressors.\n\n

Now (sigh) I have the unpleasant task to inform Maria Barnaky on the fate of her Husband.\n\n

That is all, Brother.\n\n



// Situation 04: Kerr not neutralized.
// Tone/Mood: Grim.
You have failed to rescue or neutralize Kerr the Merchant. I do not understand how you could leave the premises without accomplishing this.\n\n

Repo Squad was sent in after to insure the facility was rendered useless and instead found Merchant Kerr. He was found dead. It seems what killed him besides his numerous wounds was a feeding tube that was applied to his anus instead of his mouth.\n\n

He died a horrible death of internal hemorrhaging. However, we do not know if he informed the robot of our secrets before he died.\n\n

This incident will be entered on your permanent record.\n\n

Now, if you excuse me, I have the unpleasant task to inform Maria Barnaky on the fate of her Husband.\n\n

// Mini-map Information Ed, are you going to do this?

M23_MiniMap_01 = {
This is your insertion point.

M23_MiniMap_02 = {
This appears to be some kind of internment camp.

M23_MiniMap_03 = {
A large ramp leads underground here.

M23_MiniMap_04 = {
This huge industrial complex is the most likely location of your target.

M23_MiniMap_05 = {
There are several towers, of robot construction, which we believe interfere with BOS tactical minimaps. Locating and destroying the towers will neutralize the effect.
// Objective Breakdowns:
M23_OBJ_01 = { Locate and neutralize the Merchant }

// FAILURE NOTICES: Note: SuccessB was done on purpose. If the player falls for it //he will still be able to proceed in the game. Check debriefs. DL
M23_FAILUREA = {You have perished. Your bones will rattle inside your armor as the insects search for carrion. The Brotherhood must prevail without you.}

M23_SUCCESSA = { You have released Kerr from his ruined mortal coil. You may proceed to the extraction point. Congratulations, murderer! }
M23_SUCCESSB = { You have found the lobotomized body of General Barnaky. You may proceed to the extraction point. }

Bartholomew Kerr[]


// Name: Nicholas Kerr.
// Role: Merchant.
// Background: Nicholas Kerr is a thin, rugged, man in his thirties. Time
// spent in the wastelands has aged him to look ten years older. He wears
// loose fitting bandages as part of his attire, giving him the appearance of
// a leper. Kerr often travels between the Brotherhood bunkers in various
// regions of the wasteland. He is trusted by the Brotherhood and he hold some
// allegiance to them. He has a knack for acquiring difficult to obtain items.
// Kerr's role is this mission is to be killed by the player. He has been
// tortured and left to die.

name_CORE_m23_Kerr = { Merchant Kerr }

// Situation A00: When the player speaks to Kerr, he will be dying already.
// Kerr wishes for the player to kill him. He will explain that he didn't
// reveal anything to the robots.
M23_Kerr_A00_W = {


I'm surprised you made it here without being shackled, warrior.\n\n

That hard look in your eyes speaks volumes of your intentions.\n\n

*Cough cough*\n\n

Let me guess. You're looking at my battered, broken body that is bursting with tubes and machinery and you realize I am beyond rescue. No, beyond rescue and now a threat.\n\n

Well you're right. I can't hold out forever.\n\n


Just tell them that I kept my mouth shut, that I'm a man of honour, please.\n\n

I just want the pain to stop.\n\n

So do it, kill me.

// Situation A02: If the player speaks to him a second time.
M23_Kerr_A02_W = {

What are *moan* you waiting for? Can't you see what they did to my body? Kill me. *gurgle* Stop ... the ... pain.\n\n

I'm begging you!


// Situation A03: If the player speaks to him a third time.
M23_Kerr_A03_W = {

You sadistic son of a bitch! You're *groan* gonna sit there and *gasp* watch me suffer?\n\n

I see.\n\n

You don't have the balls to *sputter* to do it.\n\n

I hope the (swallows) I hope the robots catch you too.\n\n

Oh God, mercy! I'm all out of faith!\n\n


// Situation B: Before the player speaks to Kerr, he will be groaning in pain.
M23_Kerr_B00 = { Uhh ... }
M23_Kerr_B01 = { Oooh ... }
M23_Kerr_B02 = { tube in ass.. }
M23_Kerr_B03 = { Oh, the pain ... }
M23_Kerr_B04 = { Please ... kill me. }
M23_Kerr_B05 = { Kill me ... }

// Situation C: After the player speaks to Kerr, he will ask them to kill
// him. He will float this text if clicked on and float it by himself.
M23_Kerr_C00 = { Kill me . . . please. }
M23_Kerr_C01 = { Let me die. }
M23_Kerr_C02 = { My body, ruined. }
M23_Kerr_C03 = { They put tubes in my asshole. }
M23_Kerr_C04 = { They stuck the food tube in the wrong end. Uuugggh, pressure! }
M23_Kerr_C05 = { I want to die, please. }



// Name: Sebastian
// Role: Super-Mutant Prisoner.
// Background: Sebastian is an intelligent Super-Mutant. VERY STRONG since he will //fight the robots bare handed (unless the player can arm him?) DL

name_CORE_m23_Sebastian = { Sebastian }

// Situation A00: This is what Sebastian says if he sees the player. He will initiate the //dialogue when the player is within range.

M23_Sebastian_A00_W = {

Warrior! WARRIOR!!\n\n

Free me! Allow me the honor to die fighting! No! I don't mean I'm going to fight you damn it!!\n\n

Let me out so I can give those gear spinning wretches some real reasons to hate mutants!


// Situation A01: This is what Sebastian says if the player speaks to him after freeing him and after Sebastian initiated the first VO dialogue.
M23_Sebastian_A01_W = {

My thanks. After months in confinement, I will have my revenge.\n\n

Gammorin was right!!!\n\n

The robot menace must be put down!\n\n

You! You must be here for that very purpose!\n\n

Gammorin had a Brotherhood saying, "There is strength in numbers!"\n\n

I will not doubt him again and I will seek out my lord when I am done here!\n\n

Tell me when you are ready to teach the robots about pain and I will help you.

// Situation B: This is what Sebastian says if the player speaks to him the second time //(A01). This floats when he starts his path toward the robot enemies.
M23_Sebastian_B00 = { About time! Follow me to battle! }

// Situation C: This is what Sebastian floats when he is waiting for the player to give him the OK to go after the mutants and has already gave his 2 VO lines. (dig?) DL
M23_Sebastian_C00 = { I'll kill them all! }
M23_Sebastian_C01 = { Hurry up! Revenge awaits! }
M23_Sebastian_C02 = { I will teach them to fear mutants! }
M23_Sebastian_C03 = { I'M GOING TO KILL THEM ALL!!! }




// Name: Elaine.
// Role: A ghoul captive.
// Background: Elaine was captured recently as part of a group of humans.
// She looks almost human, but has all the abilities of a ghoul.

name_CORE_m23_Elaine = { Elaine }

// Situation A00: This is what Elaine says if the player speaks to her.
M23_Elaine_A00_W = {

Thank you stranger.\n\n

I've been in this cell for quite some time now and I don't know if I got anywhere to go now that I'm free.\n\n

Don't know if you noticed, but they're cutting up the humans here so you better watch out.\n\n

It's almost funny that this must be the only place in the whole world where humans are worse off than ghouls.\n\n

You ain't the first Brotherhood guy in here either.\n\n

General Darmaky or something.


// Situation A01: If Elaine is spoken to again, she will talk a little longer,
// then she'll start running to freedom. After she says this, she will not
// have anymore 'clickable' dialogue.
M23_Elaine_A01_W = {


Dat's it!\n\n

That mean ol bastard actually spat on me when they hauled his ass in here and he certainly ain't got no kind word for no ghouls.\n\n

(sighs) But I still shudder when I remember how he was screaming when they dragged him out and did stuff to him.\n\n

Sounded like someone was sawing a loud pig in half.\n\n

(shudder) *whoosh*\n\n

Don't wish that on nobody.


// Situation B: Before the player frees Elaine, she will be implore someone to
// help her.
M23_Elaine_B00 = { Please! Somebody help me. }
M23_Elaine_B01 = { Let me go. }
M23_Elaine_B02 = { Set me free. }
M23_Elaine_B03 = { Someone help me. }
M23_Elaine_B04 = { Can anyone hear me? }
M23_Elaine_B05 = { Hey! Anyone? }

// Situation C: Elaine will automatically float this line after the player speaks to her once. //This is to guide the player into speaking to her again.
M23_Elaine_C00 = { Oh! I remember his name now! }

// Situation D: After she said everything she'll float this random text.
M23_Elaine_D00 = { I'm too old to start over. }
M23_Elaine_D01 = { This place ain't no worse than Quincy. }
M23_Elaine_D02 = { I'll go later. }




// Name: Derry.
// Role: A human captive.
// Background: Derry is a stand-up comedian; he is a bad one. He has been
// thrown out of more New Reno clubs than he can stand to remember. Derry was
// captured by the robots and they were planning to extract his brain next.
// However, at the last minute, they decided that they didn't want this brain
// after all.
// The player is free to leave this prisoner in his cell.

name_CORE_m23_Derry = { Derry }

// Situation A00: Can we have him near the cage door so the player can talk to him //without opening it? DL SHOULD BE ABLE TO - ED
M23_Derry_A00_W = {
Bout time you Brotherhood scumbags showed up! Are you going to free me or am I going to have to have a little talk with your commanders?\n\n

Hey look! I got an i..i..i.. oh this is a terrific idea! You open up this fucking cage and do your fucking job! I've been in here for sixteen goddamn hours already!\n\n

Do you know who I am? Do you have any fuckin idea who I am? You stupid ghoul licking son of a bitch, GET ME OUT HERE!!!

// Situation B: Before Derry sees the player, he will be calling for help.
// These are his random lines before he makes his opening speech.
M23_Derry_B00 = { C'mere stupid. Get me out of here. }
M23_Derry_B01 = { Hurry, stupid! }
M23_Derry_B02 = { Can't you get here any faster? }
M23_Derry_B03 = { Pssst! Get me out! }
M23_Derry_B04 = { Hey, stupid. Get closer. }
M23_Derry_B05 = { C'mere stupid. Get me out of here. }

// Situation C: After Derry sees the player and speaks to him once, he'll
// be begging for the player to come back. These are his random lines after
// his opening speech.
M23_Derry_C00 = { I was just kidding!!}
M23_Derry_C01 = { Aw, c'mon. Can't ya take a joke? }
M23_Derry_C02 = { Let me out, damn you! }
M23_Derry_C03 = { Yoohoo! Hero? Get me out of here. }
M23_Derry_C04 = { I was just joking! }
M23_Derry_C05 = { Look, I didn't mean to call you stupid... you moron!}

// Situation D: After the player opens Derry's cell door, he is considered
// rescued. He will change his random lines again.
M23_Derry_D00 = { Took you long enough, asshole! }
M23_Derry_D01 = { Thanks, prick! }
M23_Derry_D02 = { They teach you how to open doors in basic training? }
M23_Derry_D03 = { Brotherhood of Suckers! }
M23_Derry_D04 = { Good thing I didn't time you! }
M23_Derry_D05 = { Yay! Let me guess, you want a medal, right? }

// Situation E: After the player locks Derry cell door after unlocking it. The player would //do this cause he will realize that Derry is a dick. DL
//Use situation C again for this. DL

Human fodder captives[]


// Human Fodder Captives.:

// Situation A: Captured humans. Random babbling. If the player
// tries to talk to them, they just babble the same nonsense. I hope these people are in a //cage/confined area of some sort? DL
M23_Fodder01_A00 = { Help!}
M23_Fodder01_A01 = { Oh god! }
M23_Fodder01_A02 = { *fart* }

M23_Fodder02_A00 = { Come here often? }
M23_Fodder02_A01 = { Fuckin robots! }
M23_Fodder02_A02 = { Shut up! }

M23_Fodder03_A00 = { *snore* }
M23_Fodder03_A01 = { What are you looking at? }
M23_Fodder03_A02 = { You wanna be my prison bitch? }

M23_Fodder04_A00 = { *sob*}
M23_Fodder04_A01 = { Don't let them take me! }
M23_Fodder04_A02 = { You! Help! }

M23_Fodder05_A00 = { What are they doing to us humans? }
M23_Fodder05_A01 = { I'm so hungry! }
M23_Fodder05_A02 = { Our shit-bucket's full again! }

M23_Fodder06_A00 = { Stop crying! I can't take it! }
M23_Fodder06_A01 = { Why? Why? Why? }
M23_Fodder06_A02 = { Sarah, where are you? }

// Situation B: Freed humans.
//dan - these need three options
M23_Fodder01_B00 = { Thank you! }
M23_Fodder01_B01 = { Where should we go now? }
M23_Fodder01_B02 = { Which way is my village? }

M23_Fodder02_B00 = { Come here often? }
M23_Fodder02_B01 = { Fuckin robots! }
M23_Fodder02_B02 = {I hate technology! It wrecked the world.}

M23_Fodder03_B00 = { Avenge us warrior! }
M23_Fodder03_B01 = { Did you see my child anywhere? }
M23_Fodder03_B02 = {Where is my baby?}

M23_Fodder04_B00 = { *sob*}
M23_Fodder04_B01 = { Don't leave us! }
M23_Fodder04_B02 = {What should we do now?}

M23_Fodder05_B00 = { Please stay with us! }
M23_Fodder05_B01 = { You can't leave now! }
M23_Fodder05_B02 = {Don't abandon us!}

M23_Fodder06_B00 = { Which way is Quincy? }
M23_Fodder06_B01 = { Hey! You're pretty hot! }
M23_Fodder06_B02 = {Hey how about you, me and a ghoul hooker? My treat!!}
