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This is a transcript for dialogue with Northy.


1MS04_0910_NorthyIsScared{Loudly panicking inside a building} Oh god, oh god.Northy: That's him! That's the Shroud!A1a
2Northy: Oh god, oh god.{Shouting outside to his flunkies, panicking} That's him! That's the Shroud!Northy: Keep the Shroud away from me!A1a
3Northy: Oh god, oh god.That's her! That's the Shroud!Northy: Keep the Shroud away from me!A2a
4Northy: That's him! That's the Shroud!{Shouting, panicked} Keep the Shroud away from me!Northy: Oh god, oh god. He killed Delancy. He even got Kendra.A1a
5Northy: Keep the Shroud away from me!{Loudly freaking out, knows he's going to be killed by Batman} Oh god, oh god. He killed Delancy. He even got Kendra.Northy: You're just human, Shroud, they're gonna kill you.A1a
6Northy: Keep the Shroud away from me!Oh god, oh god. She killed Delancy. She even got Kendra.Northy: You're just human, Shroud, they're gonna kill you.A2a
7Northy: Oh god, oh god. He killed Delancy. He even got Kendra.{Shouting, freaked out, almost crying from terror} You're just human, Shroud, they're gonna kill you.A1a
8-{Scared!} You're not real. You can't be the Shroud. He's made up!
9{Terrified} Oh god, oh god, oh god.