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Fallout Wiki

Pax syringe is a type of ammunition in Fallout 4.


The pax syringe is a small dart used only in the Syringer, fired via compressed air to deliver powerful poisons into enemy targets. Unlike most ammunition in the game, it is located under the "AID" section of the Pip-Boy menu, as a consumable, and has a small amount of weight.


Steel (1)
Pax syringe (1)


  • The syringe has a chance to make the target non-hostile for 30 seconds. While it says "chance," this appears to always work.
  • The state of non-hostility is terminated by acts of aggression against the target. For example, if the target is damaged by the Sole Survivor or a companion, the target resumes its hostile state.
  • In addition to the benefits of having one less enemy, albeit temporarily, non-hostile means the enemy will not be trying to search for the player character if hidden, and they can be pickpocketed (useful for stealing the fusion core out of an enemy in power armor, forcing them to exit).
  • It does not work on robots and generation 1-2 synths.

Weapons using this ammunition[]

