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You have inherent protection against energy attacks.Fallout 2 in-game description

Phoenix Armor Implants is a special perk in Fallout 2.


Main article: Phoenix implants

The basic variant of the Phoenix armor implant grafts thermal-dissipating membranes and cells (which can be obtained by stripping a suit of combat armor) to the patient's skeleton, providing 5% resistance against thermal damage (fire, laser, and plasma). The operation can be performed by any well-trained surgeon, and typically creates minimal scarring. However, the procedure requires amputating nerve endings, causing burning and itching during recovery, which lasts until the body gets used to the fibers.[1][2]

Schematics for the implant were preserved within Vault 8, built into a mountain near Poseidon's Gecko City power plant. They remained filed away in Vault City's older archives,[3] as the procedure was not only invasive, but also required a substantial recovery period for full healing (weeks for the burning and itching to subside, among other complications), while the grafts frequently caused skeletal deformities in the long run. As such, the operation was reserved only for emergencies and banned under normal circumstances.[4] The Shi also possessed the knowledge and skills necessary to install the Phoenix implants, with far fewer reservations.[5]


Main article: Gain combat implants

This is a special perk that requires surgery. It is received after undergoing the implantation procedure with doctors in Vault City, Redding, or San Francisco after downloading the schematics for combat implants at the Vault 8 medical computer on level 1.

The procedures takes 3 days and requires parting a suit of normal combat armor (disassembled by the physician for implant components); neither combat armor Mk II nor Brotherhood armor can be used for this purpose.


Cost at each location
Location Physician Normal Barter
Redding Painless Doc Johnson $8000 n/a
Vault City Doc Andrew $10000 $8000
San Francisco Doctor Fung $8500 n/a

At Vault City, the player can negotiate the price down to $8000 with Charisma 6 or Barter 75%. Note that performing the operation at Doc Andrew's without fixing the Auto-Doc first will kill the Chosen One.



  1. Painless Doc Johnson: "{277}{}{I read something about that, too. It's not too hard to do if you've got the training. And the equipment.}"
    The Chosen One: "{278}{}{Do you have what you need to perform the operations?}"
    Painless Doc Johnson: "{279}{}{Mostly. I have the skill and the training, but I don't have the implant material.}"
    The Chosen One: "{280}{}{So, what does that mean?}"
    Painless Doc Johnson: "{281}{}{That means that we'll just have to improvise. I think I can get what I need from a set of standard combat armor. I can take the concussive protection plates and also the thermal cells from the armor.}"
    The Chosen One: "{282}{}{That's great. So you can do it?}"
    Painless Doc Johnson: "{283}{}{Well, yes - but if I pack too much armor in, the patient sure isn't going to win any beauty prizes.}"
    The Chosen One: "{284}{}{I don't care about that; I just want the protection. What can you do, exactly?}"
    Painless Doc Johnson: "{285}{}{There are actually four different operations that can be performed. There's Dermal Impact Armor that protects against impact, and there's Phoenix Armor Implants that protects against heat. Then each one has an Assault Enhancement as well. You have to get the basic armor before you can get the Assault Enhancement.}"
    The Chosen One: "{288}{}{Tell me more about the implants. I think I may want you to operate on me.}"
    Painless Doc Johnson: "{290}{}{Which operation were you interested in?}"
    The Chosen One: "{292}{}{The Phoenix Armor Implant.}"
    Painless Doc Johnson: "{310}{}{According to the reports, Phoenix Armor Implants give you 5% resistance to thermal damage (fire, laser, and plasma) - over and above any other armor you're wearing. The operation takes a few days, one suit of Combat Armor (for the thermal-dissipative membranes), and it will cost you $8,000. Not to worry, though; this operation *should* create only minimal scarring - at least that's what I read.}"
    The Chosen One: "{311}{}{That sounds great, Doc. I sure won't have to worry about extra sunscreen after this.}"
    Painless Doc Johnson: "{325}{}{That turned out rather well, I think. The Phoenix Armor implanted much more neatly than I would have thought it would. That burning and itching feeling will probably go away in a few weeks...once your innards get used to the fibers.}"
    (Painless Doc Johnson's dialogue)
  2. The Chosen One: "{211}{}{I found some combat implant schematics in the Vault City medical database. Could you perform the operation?}"
    Doc Andrew: "{213}{}{Combat implants? What do you mean?}"
    The Chosen One: "{214}{}{Well, according to the schematics I saw, you can graft dermal plates and thermal dissipators to a person's skeleton using the following procedure...}"
    Doc Andrew: "{215}{}{Huh. Well, I suppose with help from the ol' Doctor I could do that operation. Course, I'd need some impact plates and dissipators first...might be able to pry some out of a suit of combat armor, if you can find one.}"
    The Chosen One: "{216}{}{Can you give me the information on some of the implants?}"
    Doc Andrew: "{220}{}{Heh! You're serious then, I see. Well, now, this is a risky venture. The Citizens find out I'm using the ol' Doctor for this, an' they'll take it right back.}"
    The Chosen One: "{221}{}{I see. How much for the implants?}"
    Doc Andrew: "{224}{}{Depends what you want. You want low impact, high impact, low thermal, or high thermal? Each one's got its price tag.}"
    The Chosen One: "{228}{}{Low thermal.}"
    Doc Andrew: "{266}{}{The Phoenix Impants take the bite outta fire, lasers and plasma burns...about 5%. I'll need to strip some combat armor for the thermal membranes, and it'll take two days for the operation. 10K oughta cover it.}"
    The Chosen One: "{267}{}{Sounds good. Here's the armor and the cash.}"
    Doc Andrew: "{311}{}{Mercy...that was trial and error surgery if I ever saw it. I ended up having to amputate some of your nerve endings...that's the burning and itching sensation you're feeling right now. It'll probably fade in a few weeks.}"
    (Doc Andrew's dialogue)
  3. Vault 8 medical computer: "{144}{}{You spend almost an hour studying the archives. As you delve deeper into the database, you come across a series of older archives that contain schematics for some sort of 'combat implants.'}"
    The Chosen One: "{145}{}{Study the implant information.}"
    Vault 8 medical computer: "{146}{}{The schematics detail an operation for grafting impact plates and thermal-dissipating membranes to a human skeleton, granting the subject resistance to physical trauma and heat. It looks like a complicated procedure.}"
  4. The Chosen One: "{394}{}{Do you know anything about dermal implants?}
    Dr. Troy: "{341}{}{Yes, I'm familiar with them. It's an invasive procedure, where impact plates and thermal dissipator membranes are grafted to the skeleton to help protect against physical trauma and heat. Why do you ask?}"
    The Chosen One: "{343}{}{I ran across them in the Vault City medical database. Could you perform the operation on me?}"
    Dr. Troy: "{348}{}{No, I'm sorry... as I said, the implants are an invasive procedure and the recovery period is long and arduous. Patients undergoing the operation in the past have also frequently developed skeletal deformities.}"
    The Chosen One: "{349}{}{I'm willing to risk it. Can you do it anyway?}"
    Dr. Troy: "{350}{}{I would consider performing the operation only in the event of an emergency, not for the sake of convenience. The risk is too great, and the implants are not a substantial improvement over standard combat armor.}"
    (Dr. Troy's dialogue)
  5. The Chosen One: "{206}{}{What can you tell me about armor implants?}"
    Doctor Fung: "{207}{}{I helped write the article on armor implants. All it takes is my expertise and your materials. What sort of implants do you desire?}"
    The Chosen One: "{208}{}{What sort are there?}"
    Doctor Fung: "{215}{}{We have dermal implants, which protect against concussive damage. If you like that work, we can add a single enhancement to it. We also have Phoenix implants, which protect against heat-based attacks, and which also have an upgrade available. If you’re interested in the upgrades, you will of course have to wait until the initial set has been installed. And before you ask, yes, you CAN have all four operations.}"
    The Chosen One: "{219}{}{I'd like the Phoenix implants.}"
    Doctor Fung: "{229}{}{If you do not mind parting with $8500, a few days, and a set of combat armor, we can begin the operation now.}"
    The Chosen One: "{230}{}{Strap me down, doc. I’m ready to go.}"
    (Doctor Fung's dialogue)