Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Weekly poll
The Weekly Saturday Poll is a poll (not a pole!) every Saturday asking the community what they think about the fallout series ranging from skills, guns, music and other paraphernalia. Have a suggestion for the next poll? Tell me on my talk page!

Welcome once again to the Saturday Polls. Still going 4 Seasons strong and it doesn't show any sign of stopping soon enough!

OMF you are soo go'n to video game hell ~;p— SaintPain

Last Week's Results[]

Question #1 From Santa Jaws we were asked if we Used the Hotkeys or not.

  • 40 people said they they sometimes do. Makes me wonder how the hell you sometimes use something, you either do or you don't in my view...
  • In 2nd place with 50 votes came the No people. No, man! No, man!
  • And in first place with 142 votes are the Yes people. It'd be funny if you could map the Pipboy itself to a hotkey so that when you have the Pipboy open you can then press the hotkey to bring up the Pipboy... Hotkeyception

Question #2 Santa Jaws also axed us What is your favourite constructable weapon from Fallout 3?.

  • In third place is the Shishkebab with 44 votes. Why the hell is it called a Shishkebab when you can't even cook kebabs with it? Moreover, where does your character get an oven glove from?
  • In second place, 48 people chose the Dartgun. It could very well be the only weapon you need in Post-Post-Apocalyptia. Even cripples Enclave soldiers with heavy power armour. Nothing is a match for the dart of DEATH.
  • And in first place is the Railway Rifle with 99 of your hard earned votes. It seemed awesome, but impractical for me. The spikes are limited, it only holds like 4 spikes, does medium damage and you can't repair it with anything other than another Railway Rifle. But... it looks cool right?

Question #3 And lastly I asked you all "What was your favourite Fallout location?"

  • In third place came Junktown with 19 votes, the place made out of... junk. Hence the name. Did I mention it's also made out of junk? Whatever, here's a box of noodles.
  • 39 people chose Shady Sands. The birthplace of En-see-ar. And also of Tandi sex-dolls.
  • And in 1st place with 67 votes, some people just preferred the Wasteland. Homeless people.

Question Time[]

My random video of the week[]

There are always some girls like this, if not loads.

That's all this week. If you have any suggestions, leave them on my talk-page.
