Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Sneak Past Launch Pad Turrets, Security Bots, and NCR Guards, and Gain Access to Computer Control Room was going to be a quest in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios. It was located on Bloomfield Space Center's Launch Pad.[1]


The player may attempt to sneak past the Launch Pad turrets, security bots, and NCR guards and gain access to the underground power generator and security computer. Since the turrets, security bots, and NCR guys follow a specific patrol pattern, it is possible for a savvy player to sneak through the blind spots without a very good Sneak skill.

Character type completion breakdown[]

  1. Combat Boy, Diplomacy Boy, Science Boy – Since the turrets, security bots, and NCR guys follow a specific patrol pattern, it is possible for a savvy player to sneak through the blind spots without a very good Sneak skill.
  2. Stealth Boy – This should be the highlight of Stealth Boy's visit to Bloomfield. If the Sneak is high, he'll fly by.

