Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Carl Wallace was a truck driver who was delivering a shipment of Nuka-Cola to Old Olney at the time of the Great War in 2077.


All that is known about Carl is that he was driving a shipment of Nuka-Cola Quantums to Old Olney and crashed near his destination.

Interactions with the player character

Although dead for over almost 200 years, Carl has a small "interaction" with the player. His skeleton can be found in Old Olney outside the Firehouse. Alongside Carl there is a note describing a crash he had while delivering the Nuka-Cola and a brief description of the whereabouts of his truck. Carl's truck contains 24 Nuka-Colas and 5 Nuka-Cola Quantums that can help with The Nuka-Cola Challenge.


Carl Wallace's remains appear only in Fallout 3.
