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Fallout Wiki

In order to remain within the village, I must work, something I cannot do if you continue to disturb me. What do you need?

Symm is a Cipher in Mesa Verde during the year 2253.


Symm is a Cipher who has spent much time travelling the wasteland in search of new and interesting schematics, visiting places from the Old World and storing his findings on his Pip-Boy.[1][2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Enter Legitimate Mission Control Launch Codes: If the Prisoner has not by this point realized the clamps need to be released for Hermes-XIII to successfully launch, and not potentially explode where it stands,[3] this is his final chance. He will need to track down Symm and acquire the necessary schematics to construct a docking clamp chip.[2]

Effects of player's actions[]

After the Prisoner realizes he needs a docking clamp chip, Symm will make an appearance. If the Ciphers are still safe from or no longer under threat from the Vipers, he will be up near the condensers at the Mesa Top. If the Ciphers have been wiped out, he will be in the main part of the village, angry and seeking revenge.[4]


Symm was to appear only in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.


  1. Trig dialogue file
  2. 2.0 2.1 Symm dialogue file:
    {c16711680}Wait! Do you know anything about a docking clamp?/{c16711680}Wait! Me need docking thingie!
    {c255}I have explored many places of the Old World and stored many things in my Pip. Perhaps what you need is in there. I see that you, too, have a Pip. I shall transfer what I know to you.
  3. Mesa Verde design document/1 - Overview
  4. Mesa Verde design document/1 - Symm