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Valiant 12 was a manned mission to the Moon that successfully landed the Virgo III lunar lander on the Moon's surface.


After the success of the Valiant 11 mission earlier that same year, the Valiant 12 mission was launched by the United States Space Administration, landing the Virgo III on the Moon's surface on November 14th 1969. The crew of the Virgo III left a flag on the Moon that was specially designed to survive on the lunar surface. This flag was later returned to Earth by the last manned US mission to the Moon in 2052.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

  • The date of the Valiant 12 mission landing on the Moon, November 14th 1969, is the launch date of the Apollo 12 mission to the moon.


  1. Museum of Technology placard: "This unusual flag was recovered from the surface of the moon by the very last manned flight to its surface in 2052. The flag is from the old 'Valiant 12' Virgo III Lunar Lander that touched down November 14, 1969. It's remarkable condition can be attributed due to its construction; the flag is actually made of special materials to withstand the harsh environment of space."