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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vulpes Inculta.

Topics (VLegionaryVulpesInculta.txt) (Nipton)[]

GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {surprised} Well, isn't this a surprise. I was just finishing up here. To think that we might have missed each other! 1
Neutral 50 It's fitting you got to see how I punished this town, for such is your fate. You will die for your crimes against the Legion! 2
GREETING Neutral 50 {surprised to meet player here} How interesting! You're the Profligate courier who's been of some assistance to the Legion. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 {pleased to see the player} Well, well, well! If it isn't our favorite courier - trekker of the wastes, killer of Mr. House! 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Well, well, well! What's our favorite courier doing so far from the Strip? Don't you have a special delivery to give to Mr. House? 5
GREETING Neutral 50 {pleasantly surprised} Oh. I don't know if you recognize me from the Strip, when I handed you the Mark of {KAI-zar} Caesar? I wasn't wearing a dog's head at the time. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 {pleasant} Don't worry, I won't have you lashed to a cross like the rest of these degenerates. It's useful that you happened by. 7
Neutral 50 I want you to witness the fate of the town of Nipton, to memorize every detail. And then, when you move on? 8
Neutral 50 I want you to teach everyone you meet the lesson that {KAI-zar's} Caesar's Legion taught here, especially any NCR troops you run across. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Was there more for us to discuss? 10
GREETING Neutral 50 I was just finishing up making an example of this town, delivering a sermon, if you will. 11
Neutral 50 When you move on, head west to the Mojave Outpost and tell the Profligate troops what you found here. 12
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic000 I'll do as you ask. Neutral 50 Then I bid you {WAH-lay} "Vale" - until we meet again. 13
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic006 Your crimes are unforgivable. Neutral 50 {carefree} As are all crimes. If you feel strongly about it, attack us, and soon you won't feel a thing. 14
Your crimes are unforgivable. Neutral 50 So you've said. 15
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic007 What "lessons" did you teach here? Neutral 50 Where to begin? That you are weak, and we are strong? This much was known already. 16
Disgust 25 But the depths of your moral sickness, your {a beat} dissolution? Nipton serves as the perfect object lesson. 17
What "lessons" did you teach here? Neutral 50 Where to begin? That they are weak, and we are strong? This much was known already. 18
Disgust 25 But the depths of their moral sickness, their {a beat} dissolution? Nipton serves as the perfect object lesson. 19
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic008 Tell me about Caesar's Legion. Neutral 50 The Legion is civilization reborn. Our culture is based on virtues such as martial excellence, loyalty, and justice. 20
Neutral 50 But you'll learn all there is to know in due time. {Le-GAH-tus La-nee-OOS} Legatus Lanius, Monster of the East, will soon arrive to command {KAI-zar's} Caesar's troops in battle. 21
Neutral 50 The Dam will fall, and the rest of the Profligate west will soon follow. 22
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic009 How can I serve the Legion? Neutral 50 You bear the Mark of {KAI-zar} Caesar. That makes you special. 23
Neutral 50 Do whatever {KAI-zar} Caesar tells you to do. And whenever the opportunity presents, strike at the Profligates. Pile body upon body. 24
How can I serve the Legion? Neutral 50 Tell everyone you meet of what you saw here. The Legion can handle the rest. 25
Neutral 50 That said, if you were to strike at the Profligates, butcher them, trouble their operations... this will not go unnoticed. 26
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic010 Your "civilization" sounds like a pack of snarling dogs. Neutral 50 {scoffing guffaw} Indeed, our hounds demonstrate greater loyalty to each other every day than the wretched inhabitants of this town. 27
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic012 I'm going to wear your head like you wear that dog's. Neutral 50 {calling to arms, frightened} Legionaries?! We have a problem! 28
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic013 What exactly happened here? Neutral 50 Nipton was a wicked place, debased and corrupt. It served all comers, so long as they paid. 29
Neutral 50 Profligate troops, Powder Gangers, men of the Legion such as myself - the people here didn't care. It was a town of whores. 30
Neutral 50 For a pittance, the town agreed to lead those it had sheltered into a trap. Only when I sprang it did they realize they were caught inside it, too. 31
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic014 You captured everyone? Neutral 50 Yes, and herded them to the center of town. I told them their sins, the foremost being disloyalty. 32
Neutral 50 I told them that when Legionaries are disloyal, some are punished, the others made to watch. And I announced the lottery. 33
Neutral 50 Each clutched his ticket, hoping it would set him free. Each did nothing, even when {mocking the term} "loved ones" were dragged away to be killed. 34
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic015 Sounds like they got what was coming to them. Neutral 50 Yes, they did. As will all the rest of you, in due time. 35
Neutral 50 Now go, and teach what you've learned here. There will be more lessons in the days ahead. 36
Sounds like they got what was coming to them. Neutral 50 Yes, they did. As will all the rest of them, in due time. 37
Neutral 50 Now go, and teach them what you learned here. There will be more lessons in the days ahead. 38
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic016 I admire the purity of the Legion's justice. Neutral 50 You're unusually bright for a Profligate. Well done. 39
Neutral 50 Now go, and teach what you've learned here. There will be more lessons in the days ahead. 40
I admire the purity of the Legion's justice. Neutral 50 It has a stark beauty, doesn't it? I'm glad you can appreciate it. 41
Neutral 50 Now go, and teach them what you learned here. There will be more lessons in the days ahead. 42
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic017 You slaughtered innocent civilians? Neutral 50 {scoffing Ha!} Innocent? Hardly. 43
Neutral 50 Cowardly, though. They outnumbered us, yet not once did they try to resist. 44
Neutral 50 They stood and watched as their fellows were butchered, crucified, and burned, one by one. 45
Neutral 50 They stood and hoped their turn would not come. Each cared only for himself. 46
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic018 I've heard enough. Neutral 50 I think your eyes will see more than I could ever tell you. Take your time. Enjoy the sights. 47
I've heard enough. Neutral 50 {curious} Why, then, do you keep asking? 48
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic020 Who is this Legatus you mention? Neutral 50 {admiring} Legatus Lanius, Monster of the East! Quite a man, if man he be. 49
Neutral 50 {KAI-zar} Caesar prides himself on selecting the right tool to overcome each new obstacle. In Lanius, he found his hammer. 50
Neutral 50 He's never been defeated in battle. 14 tribes have laid down arms at his boots. Another five, rendered extinct. 51
Neutral 50 His latest campaign in the wilds of the Utah has concluded, and he is en route. When he arrives, your doom arrives with him. 52
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic021 Tell me about Caesar. Neutral 50 What can be said? He's a man of towering intellect, the founder of the Legion, conquerer of 86 tribes. 53
Neutral 50 {KAI-zar} Caesar is the salvation of mankind, his Legion the rebirth of civilization in a benighted age. 54
Neutral 50 Don't worry, you'll know him well when you serve him. Or you'll be dead. 55
VNiptonVLegionaryVulpesIncultaTopic022 Who are you? Neutral 50 I am {WUHL-pace In-CUL-tah} Vulpes Inculta, of {KAI-zar's} Caesar's Legion. I serve my master as the greatest of his {froo-men-TAR-ee} Frumentarii. 56
Neutral 50 We Frumentarii are soldiers of a different stripe, capable in battle, but skilled as infiltrators and agents as well. 57

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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vulpes Inculta at the Strip.

Topics (VVulpesIncultaStrip.txt)[]

GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {Strip, High Rep} The eyes of the mighty{KAI-zar} Caesar are upon you. He appreciates your service, and bestows upon you the exceptional gift of his Mark. 1
Neutral 50 My Lord requires your presence at his camp, at Fortification Hill. His Mark will guarantee your safe-conduct through our lands. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 {Strip} The eyes of the mighty {KAI-zar} Caesar are upon you. He admires your accomplishments, and bestows upon you the exceptional gift of his Mark. 3
Neutral 50 Any crimes you may have perpetrated against the Legion are hereby forgiven. {KAI-zar} Caesar will not extend this mercy a second time. 4
Neutral 50 My Lord requires your presence at his camp, at Fortification Hill. His Mark will guarantee your safe-conduct through our lands. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 {enticing} Incidentally, it will interest you to know that the man you seek has fled the Strip, and is likely making haste for {KAI-zar's} Caesar's camp as we speak. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 {Strip} {KAI-zar} Caesar awaits. 7
VFreeformTheFortVVulpesIncultaStripTopic000 Why does Caesar want to see me? Neutral 50 Go to him, and you will understand. 8
VFreeformTheFortVVulpesIncultaStripTopic001 If this is a trap, I'm going to take a lot of you with me. Neutral 50 {offended} The mighty {KAI-zar} Caesar has bestowed upon you his Mark and guaranteed safe-conduct. If he wanted you dead, you would be dead already. 9
VFreeformTheFortVVulpesIncultaStripTopic002 Tell Caesar I accept his invitation. Neutral 50 Seek Caesar by way of Cottonwood Cove, south of Nelson. The Cursor Lucullus will be waiting. 10
VFreeformTheFortVVulpesIncultaStripTopic003 Who are you? Neutral 50 I am {WUHL-pace In-CUL-tah} Vulpes Inculta, of {KAI-zar's} Caesar's Legion. I serve my master as the greatest of his {froo-men-TAR-ee} Frumentarii. 11
VFreeformTheFortVVulpesIncultaStripTopic004 What are the Frumentarii? Neutral 50 We are soldiers of a different stripe, capable in battle, but skilled as infiltrators and agents as well. 12
VFreeformTheFortVVulpesIncultaStripTopic005 You again? How'd you find me here? Neutral 50 I am the greatest of his {KAI-zar's} Caesar's {froo-men-TAR-ee} Frumentarii. It was not a challenge to find you. Nor is this my first visit to the Strip. 13
VFreeformTheFortVVulpesIncultaStripTopic006 How do you know about Benny? Neutral 50 Little escapes the notice of {KAI-zar} Caesar's Legion. We know a great deal about the Vegas Strip, and the comings and goings of those who frequent it. 14

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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vulpes Inculta at The Fort.

Topics (FortVulpesInculta.txt)[]

GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Caesar awaits you. We can talk afterwards. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 I suspect you'll be a valuable asset to the Legion - assuming you're really on our side, of course. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 {Caesar dead} This is a moment I'd hoped would not come for many years. {KAI-zar's} Caesar's death puts the Legate {Lah-nee-OOS} Lanius in command now. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 {Caeser cured} I'm pleased that you were able to cure {KAI-zar's} Caesar's malady. Though the Legate is a fine leader, we yet need the wisdom of {KAI-zar} Caesar to guide the Legion. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Was there more for us to discuss? 5
VFreeformTheFortFortVulpeIncultaTopic009 Was there something you needed me to do? Neutral 50 {Hated} No, I do not require the "services" of a degenerate such as yourself. 6
Was there something you needed me to do? Neutral 50 There is a gambler, Martina Groesbeck, who has a knack for learning other people's secrets and passing that information along for a price. 7
Neutral 50 The Omertas, who run Gomorrah, have become suspicious of Martina's frequent visits to their casino. Soon they'll pay her a visit of their own. 8
Was there something you needed me to do? Neutral 50 As I said before, Martina Groesback is a useful, if unwitting, source of information. The Omertas want her dead, while I need her alive. 9
VFreeformTheFortFortVulpeIncultaTopic013 What's in it for me? Neutral 50 Besides the gratitude of the Legion? Don't worry, you'll be paid in coin or caps. 10
VFreeformTheFortFortVulpeIncultaTopic016 Why can't you take care of this yourself? Neutral 50 I prefer to handle these matters through intermediaries such as yourself. 11
VFreeformTheFortFortVulpesIncultaTopic000 What can you tell me about the Legate? Neutral 50 {Caesar alive} To call {Lah-nee-OOS} Lanius ferocious would be an understatement. In battle, he seizes the enemy in his jaws and will not let go. 12
Neutral 50 He thinks nothing of suffering losses, so long as the enemy suffers more. Though unsubtle, he is not dim. He detects traps, and sets his own. 13
Neutral 50 Be glad you will not have to face his judgment... if you are true to {KAI-zar} Caesar. 14
What can you tell me about the Legate? Neutral 50 {Caesar dead} {Lah-nee-OOS} Lanius served {KAI-zar} Caesar well, as his greatest battlefield commander. 15
Neutral 50 With {Lah-nee-OOS} Lanius at the head of the Legion, however, I doubt he'll have much use for my services. He prefers... direct methods. 16
VFreeformTheFortFortVulpesIncultaTopic001 Martina's safe, and the Omerta thugs sent after her are dead. Neutral 50 For now, anyway. She'll need to lay low while the Omertas are scrambling to find out what happened. 17
Neutral 50 They'll eventually send more men after her, but I'm sure I'll come up with a better solution to the problem by then. 18
VFreeformTheFortFortVulpesIncultaTopic002 I was able to convince the Omerta thugs that crossing the Legion was unwise. Happy 50 Excellent. Had you simply killed them, the Omertas would've sent another group after Martina eventually. 19
Happy 20 You've saved me the trouble of coming up with a more permanent solution, and Martina is free to go about her business as usual. Well done. 20
VFreeformTheFortFortVulpesIncultaTopic003 Tell me about the Burned Man. Neutral 50 Ah, yes {you know his name} - we are forbidden from speaking his true name. He was a shaman of some kind before he met {KAI-zar} Caesar, a holy man from out of the Utah. 21
Neutral 50 The Burned Man proved dangerous, unpredictable, and impossible to kill. He helped {KAI-zar} Caesar form the Legion but almost led it to destruction. 22
VFreeformTheFortFortVulpesIncultaTopic004 Martina's dead. Disgust 100 I see. Was it ill fortune, or is {KAI-zar's} Caesar's faith in you misplaced? Either way - it's done. 23
VFreeformTheFortFortVulpesIncultaTopic005 Martina said she sold her information to Captain Curtis in the NCR. Neutral 50 {Monorail not destroyed} I know the Captain well. If you wish to be of service, go talk to him. 24
Neutral 50 Bear in mind that you are now responsible for guarding the secret of his true allegiance. If the NCR finds out, we'll know how that happened. 25
Martina said she sold her information to Captain Curtis in the NCR. Neutral 50 {Monorail destroyed} I know the Captain well. The destruction of the NCR monorail was his doing. 26
Neutral 50 Of course, if the NCR were to hear of that, it would be obvious who told them. 27
VFreeformTheFortFortVulpesIncultaTopic007 I'll check up on her for you. Neutral 50 Good. Martina frequents the Vault 21 Gift Shop, on the Strip. Hurry along, and she still may be in one piece by the time you get there. 28
VFreeformTheFortFortVulpesIncultaTopic008 I'll consider it. Disgust 10 If you have to. I really don't see what there is to consider. {Slight frustration.} 29
VFreeformTheFortFortVulpesIncultaTopic015 Goodbye. Neutral 50 {WAH-lay} Vale. 30


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 {WAH-lay} Vale. 31